Items where Division is "College of Engineering & Physical Sciences > Systems analytics research institute (SARI)" and Year is 2020
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Akbar, Aamir, Lewis, Peter and Wanner, Elizabeth (2020). A Self-Aware and Scalable Solution for Efficient Mobile-Cloud Hybrid Robotics. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7 ,
Alamino, R.C. (2020). An Agent-Based Lattice Model for the Emergence of Anti-Microbial Resistance. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 486 ,
Barnes, Chloe M., Ekárt, Anikó and Lewis, Peter R. (2020). Beyond goal-rationality:Traditional action can reduce volatility in socially situated agents. Future Generation Computer Systems, 113 , pp. 579-596.
Barros Arantes, Renato, Vogiatzis, George and Faria, Diego R. (2020). CSC-GAN:Cycle and Semantic Consistency for Dataset Augmentation. IN: Advances in Visual Computing - 15th International Symposium, ISVC 2020, Proceedings. Bebis, George; Yin, Zhaozheng; Kim, Edward; Bender, Jan; Subr, Kartic; Kwon, Bum Chul; Zhao, Jian; Kalkofen, Denis and Baciu, George (eds) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12509 . USA: Springer.
Bird, Jordan J., Barnes, Chloe M., Premebida, Cristiano, Ekárt, Anikó and Faria, Diego R. (2020). Country-level pandemic risk and preparedness classification based on COVID-19 data: A machine learning approach. PLoS ONE, 15 (10),
Bird, Jordan J., Ekárt, Anikó and Faria, Diego R. (2020). British Sign Language Recognition via Late Fusion of Computer Vision and Leap Motion with Transfer Learning to American Sign Language. Sensors, 20 (18),
Bird, Jordan J., Wanner, Elizabeth, Ekárt, Anikó and Faria, Diego R. (2020). Optimisation of phonetic aware speech recognition through multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications, 153 ,
Bird, Jordan, Ekárt, Anikó and Faria, Diego (2020). On the effects of pseudorandom and quantum-random number generators in soft computing. Soft computing, 24 , 9243–9256.
Cao, Mengyun and Zhuge, Hai (2020). Grouping sentences as better language unit for extractive text summarization. Future Generation Computer Systems, 109 , pp. 331-359.
Chattopadhyay, Amit, Krishna Kumar, T and Rice, Iain (2020). A social engineering model for poverty alleviation. Nature Communications, 11 ,
Chen, Jingqiang and Zhuge, Hai (2020). A news image captioning approach based on multimodal pointer-generator network. Concurrency Computation ,
Coppola, Claudio, Cosar, Serhan, Faria, Diego R. and Bellotto, Nicola (2020). Social Activity Recognition on Continuous RGB-D Video Sequences. International Journal of Social Robotics, 12 , 201–215.
Esterle, Lukas and Lewis, Peter R. (2020). Distributed autonomy and trade-offs in online multiobject k-coverage. Computational Intelligence, 36 (2), pp. 720-742.
Faria, Diego R., Bird, Jordan J., Daquana, Cintia, Kobylarz, Jhonatan and Ayrosa, Pedro P.S. (2020). Towards ai-based interactive game intervention to monitor concentration levels in children with attention deficit. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 10 (9), pp. 641-648.
Fuente, Begoña De La, Bertzky, Bastian, Delli, Giacomo, Mandrici, Andrea, Conti, Michele, Florczyk, Aneta J., Freire, Sergio, Schiavina, Marcello, Bastin, Lucy and Dubois, Grégoire (2020). Built-up areas within and around protected areas: Global patterns and 40-year trends. Global Ecology and Conservation, 24 ,
Garg, Deepeka, Chli, Maria and Vogiatzis, George (2020). Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traffic optimization through Multiple Road Intersections using Live Camera Feed. IN: 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2020. 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2020 . GRC: IEEE.
Herzallah, Randa (2020). A Fully Probabilistic Design for Stochastic Systems with Input Delay. International Journal of Control, 94 (11), pp. 2934-2944.
Herzallah, Randa and Lowe, David (2020). PMAC:Probabilistic Multimodality Adaptive Control. International Journal of Control, 93 (7), pp. 1637-1650.
Kienzle, Jörg, Mussbacher, Gunter, Combemale, Benoit, Bastin, Lucy, Bencomo, Nelly, Bruel, Jean-Michel, Becker, Christoph, Betz, Stefanie, Chitchyan, Ruzanna, Cheng, Betty, Klingert, Sonja, Paige, Richard F., Penzenstadler, Birgit, Seyff, Norbert, Syriani, Eugene and Venters, Colin (2020). Toward model-driven sustainability evaluation. Communications of the ACM, 63 (3), pp. 80-91.
Kuehn, Reimer and van Mourik, Jort (2020). Heterogeneity in outcomes of repeated instances of percolation experiments. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 102 (3),
Laurie, Jason and Baggaley, Andrew W. (2020). Coarse-grained pressure dynamics in superfluid turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 5 (1),
Li, Bo and Saad, David (2020). Examining Two-stage Group Testing. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Li, Bo and Saad, David (2020). Large deviation analysis of function sensitivity in random deep neural networks. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 53 (10),
Li, Bo, Saad, David and Lokhov, Andrey Y. (2020). Reducing urban traffic congestion due to localized routing decisions. Physical Review Research, 2 (3),
Li, Wei and Zhuge, Hai (2020). Probabilistic inference on uncertain semantic link network and its application in event identification. Future Generation Computer Systems, 104 , pp. 32-42.
Manso, Luis J., Jorvekar, Ronit R., Faria, Diego, Bustos, Pablo and Bachiller, Pilar (2020). Graph Neural Networks for Human-aware Social Navigation. IN: Advances in Physical Agents II - Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop of Physical Agents WAF 2020. Bergasa, Luis M.; Ocaña, Manuel; Barea, Rafael; López-Guillén, Elena and Revenga, Pedro (eds) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing . ESP: Springer.
Mozeika, Alexander, Li, Bo and Saad, David (2020). Space of Functions Computed by Deep-Layered Machines. Physical Review Letters, 125 (16),
Reynolds, Owen, García-Domínguez, Antonio and Bencomo, Nelly (2020). Automated provenance graphs for models@run.time. IN: Proceedings - 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS-C 2020 - Companion Proceedings. Proceedings - 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS-C 2020 - Companion Proceedings . ACM.
Salawu, Semiu, He, Yulan and Lumsden, Jo (2020). BullStop: A Mobile App for Cyberbullying Prevention. IN: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. ESP: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Salawu, Semiu, He, Yulan and Lumsden, Joanna (2020). Approaches to automated detection of cyberbullying:A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 11 (1), pp. 3-24.
Vus, Kateryna, Tarabara, Uliana, Balklava, Zita, Nerukh, Dmitry, Stich, Michael, Laguta, Anna, Vodolazkaya, Natalya, Mchedlov-Petrossyan, Nikolay O., Farafonov, Vladimir, Kriklya, Nika, Gorbenko, Galyna, Trusova, Valeriya, Zhytniakivska, Olga, Kurutos, Atanas, Gadjev, Nikolai and Deligeorgiev, Todor (2020). Association of novel monomethine cyanine dyes with bacteriophage MS2:A fluorescence study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 302 ,
Wu, Di, Jiang, Zhongkai, Xie, Xiaofeng, Wei, Xuetao, Yu, Weiren and Li, Renfa (2020). LSTM Learning with Bayesian and Gaussian Processing for Anomaly Detection in Industrial IoT. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16 (8), pp. 5244-5253.
Zhang, Chengyuan, Zhu, Lei, Zhang, Shichao and Yu, Weiren (2020). PAC-GAN:An Effective Pose Augmentation Scheme for Unsupervised Cross-View Person Re-identification. Neurocomputing, 387 , pp. 22-39.
Zhou, Yuyang and Herzallah, Randa (2020). Probabilistic message passing control and FPD based decentralised control for stochastic complex systems. AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 4 (2), pp. 216-233.