Items where Division is "College of Business and Social Sciences > Aston Business School > Economics, Finance & Entrepreneurship" and Year is 2016

Azevedo, Alcino, Pereira, Paulo J. and Rodrigues, Artur (2016). Non-competition covenants in acquisition deals. Economics Letters, 143 , pp. 61-65.
Bailey, David, Lenihan, Helena and de Ruyter, Alex (2016). A cautionary tale of two ‘tigers’: Industrial policy ‘lessons’ from Ireland and Hungary? Local Economy, 3 (8), pp. 873-891.
Bernini, Michele, Du, Jun and Love, James H. (2016). Explaining intermittent exporting:exit and conditional re-entry in export markets. Journal of International Business Studies, 47 (9), pp. 1058-1076.
Blut, Markus, Evanschitzky, Heiner, Backhaus, Christof, Rudd, John and Marck, Michael (2016). Securing business-to-business relationships:the impact of switching costs. Industrial Marketing Management, 52 , pp. 82-90.
Budhwar, Pawan S., Varma, Arup and Patel, Charmi (2016). Convergence-divergence of HRM in the Asia-Pacific:context-specific analysis and future research agenda. Human Resource Management Review, 26 (4), pp. 311-326.
Chelley-Steeley, Patricia L., Lambertides, Neophytos and Steeley, James M. (2016). Explaining turn of the year order flow imbalance. International Review of Financial Analysis, 43 , pp. 76-95.
Crotty, Jo, Driffield, Nigel and Jones, Chris (2016). Regulation as country-specific (dis-)advantage:smoking bans and the location of foreign direct investment in the tobacco industry. British Journal of Management, 27 (3), pp. 464-478.
Decker, Stephanie (2016). Book review: Organizations in Time, edited by R Daniel Wadhwani and Marcelo Bucheli, Oxford University Press, 2014. Business History Review, 90 (2), pp. 333-337.
Decker, Stephanie D. (2016). Paradigms lost:integrating history and organization studies. Management and Organizational History, 11 (4), pp. 364-379.
Driffield, Nigel, Mickiewicz, Tomasz and Temouri, Yama (2016). Ownership control of foreign affiliates:a property rights theory perspective. Journal of World Business, 51 (6), pp. 965-976.
Du, Jun and Mickiewicz, Tomasz (2016). Subsidies, rent seeking and performance:being young, small or private in China. Journal of Business Venturing, 31 (1), pp. 22-38.
Estrin, Saul, Mickiewicz, Tomasz and Stephan, Ute (2016). Human capital in social and commercial entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 31 (4), 449–467.
Folmer, Emma, Rebmann, Anna S and Stephan, Ute (2016). The welfare state and social entrepreneurship:insights from a multi-level study of European regions. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 36 (15),
Gorgievski, Marjan J. and Stephan, Ute (2016). Advancing the psychology of entrepreneurship:a review of the psychological literature and an introduction. Applied Psychology, 65 (3), pp. 437-468.
Grosman, Anna, Wright, Mike and Okhmatovskiy, Ilya (2016). State control and corporate governance in transition economies:25 years on from 1989. Corporate Governance, 24 (3), pp. 200-221.
Huang-Meier, Winifred, Lambertides, Neophytos and Steeley, James M. (2016). Motives for corporate cash holdings:the CEO optimism effect. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 47 (3), pp. 699-732.
Huggins, Robert, Izushi, Hiro and Prokop, Daniel (2016). Networks, space and organisational performance:a study of the determinants of industrial research income generation by universities. Regional studies, 50 (12), pp. 2055-2068.
Hviid, Morten and Olczak, Matthew (2016). Raising rivals’ fixed costs. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 23 (1), pp. 19-36.
Jensen, Martin and Kozlovskaya, Maria (2016). A representation theorem for guilt aversion. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 125 , pp. 148-161.
Jones, Chris and Temouri, Yama (2016). The determinants of tax haven FDI. Journal of World Business, 51 (2), pp. 237-250.
Karanasos, Menelaos, Yfanti, Stavroula and Karoglou, Michail (2016). Multivariate FIAPARCH modelling of financial markets with dynamic correlations in times of crisis. International Review of Financial Analysis, 45 , pp. 332-349.
Maziotis, Alexandros, Saal, David, Thanassoulis, Emmanuel and Molinos-Senante, María (2016). Price-cap regulation in the English and Welsh water industry:a proposal for measuring productivity performance. Utilities Policy, 41 , pp. 22-30.
Mickiewicz, Tomasz, Sauka, Arnis and Stephan, Ute (2016). On the compatibility of benevolence and self-interest:philanthropy and entrepreneurial orientation. International Small Business Journal, 34 (3), pp. 303-328.
Pichler, Shaun, Varma, Arup, Michel, Jesse S., Levy, Paul E., Budhwar, Pawan S. and Sharma, Arti (2016). Leader-member exchange, group- and individual-level procedural justice and reactions to performance appraisals. Human Resource Management, 55 (5), pp. 871-883.
Roper, Stephen and Tapinos, Efstathios (2016). Taking risks in the face of uncertainty:an exploratory analysis of green innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 112 , pp. 357-363.
Santos-Vijande, María Leticia, Rudd, John and López-Sánchez, José Ángel (2016). Frontline employees' collaboration in industrial service innovation:routes of co-creation's effects on new service performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44 (3), pp. 350-375.
Shutes, Karl, McGrath, Karen, Lis, Piotr and Riegler, Robert (2016). Twitter and the US stock market: The in influence of micro-bloggers on share prices. Economics and Business Review, 16 (3), pp. 57-77.
Spence, Crawford, Carter, Chris, Belal, Ataur, Husillos, Javier, Dambrin, Claire and Archel, Pablo (2016). Tracking habitus across a transnational professional field. Work, Employment and Society, 30 (1), pp. 3-20.
Stephan, Ute and Pathak, Saurav (2016). Beyond cultural values? Cultural leadership ideals and entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 31 (5), pp. 505-523.
Stephan, Ute, Patterson, Malcolm, Kelly, Ciara and Mair, Johanna (2016). Organizations driving positive social change:a review and an integrative framework of change processes. Journal of Management, 42 (5), pp. 1250-1281.
Temouri, Yama, Driffield, Nigel and Kumar Bhaumik, Sumon (2016). A strategic perspective of cross-listing by emerging market firms:evidence from Indonesia, Mexico, Poland and South Africa. Journal of International Management, 22 (3), pp. 265-279.
Thite, Mohan, Wilkinson, Adrian, Budhwar, Pawan and Mathews, John A. (2016). Internationalization of emerging Indian multinationals:linkage, leverage and learning (LLL) perspective. International Business Review, 25 (1, Par), 435–443.
Wach, Dominika, Stephan, Ute and Gorgievski, Marjan J. (2016). More than money:developing an integrative multi-factorial measure of entrepreneurial success. International Small Business Journal, 34 (8), pp. 1098-1121.
Folmer, Emma, Stephan, Ute and Huysentruyt, Marieke (2016). SEFORIS Country Report - Social Enterprises in the United Kingdom. Birmingham/Brussels: Seforїs.
Huysentruyt, Marieke, Mair, Johanna, Le Coq, Chloe, Rimac, Tomislav and Stephan, Ute (2016). Cross-country report:a first cross-country analysis and profiling of social enterprises prepared by the SEFORÏS research consortium. Seforїs.
Drews, Cord-Christian (2016). The long-term impact of business support? - Exploring the role of evaluation timing using micro data. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Hassan, Rasha Saad (2016). Determinants of firm growth with repect to exporting and innovation activities:evidence from Egyptian SMEs. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Olarewaju, Tolulope (2016). Linking labour force participation, education, labour wages and household consumption in developing countries:push and pull effects in self-employment - evidence from Nigeria. PHD thesis, Aston University.