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Frösén, Johanna; Luoma, Jukka; Jaakkola, Matti; Tikkanen, Henrikki and Aspara, Jaakko (2016). What counts versus what can be counted:the complex interplay of market orientation and marketing performance measurement. Journal of Marketing, 80 (3), pp. 60-78.
Frösén, Johanna; Jaakkola, Matti; Churakova, Iya and Tikkanen, Henrikki (2016). Effective forms of market orientation across the business cycle:a longitudinal analysis of business-to-business firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 52 , pp. 91-99.
Huhtala, Juho-Petteri; Sihvonen, Antti; Frösén, Johanna; Jaakkola, Matti and Tikkanen, Henrikki (2014). Market orientation, innovation capability and business performance:insights from the global financial crisis. Baltic Journal of Management, 9 (2), pp. 134-152.
Jaakkola, Matti; Möller, Kristian; Parvinen, Petri; Evanschitzky, Heiner and Mühlbacher, Hans (2010). Strategic marketing and business performance:a study in three European 'engineering countries'. Industrial Marketing Management, 39 (8), pp. 1300-1310.