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Glanfield, Keith; Oppenheimer, Nick; Lamb, Julian and Higson, Helen E. (2014). Welcome to my “real world”:integrating practice, theory and research to reduce under-graduate student a-motivation and increase employability. IN: 2nd International Colloquium on Design, Branding and Marketing. Nottingham Trent University, 2014-12-09 - 2014-12-10.
Higson, Helen E. (2009). The journey towards cultural competence: first interventions. IN: HE Academy Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance Subject Centre. 2009-04-28 - 2009-04-29. (Unpublished)
Higson, Helen E. (2009). Journey towards cultural competence:developing university teachers. IN: Managerial and entrepreneurial developments in the Mediterranean area. Vrontis, Demetris; Weber, Yaakov; Kaufmann, Rudi and Tarba, Shlomo (eds) Cyprus: EuroMed Press.
Ho, William; Higson, Helen E.; Dey, Prasanta K.; Xu, Xiaowei and Bahsoon, Rami (2009). Measuring performance of virtual learning environment system in higher education. Quality Assurance in Education, 17 (1), pp. 6-29.
Andrews, Jane; Booth, Malcolm; Halstead, Alison and Higson, Helen E. (2008). Relevant and rigorous? The work-study balance conundrum in foundation degrees: an exploratory study. IN: British Academy of Management conference 2008. 2008-09-10 - 2008-09-11. (Unpublished)
Higson, Helen E. and Andrews, Jane E. (2008). Employability competencies. IN: HE Academy BMAF - 1st Employability Special Interest Group Workshop on Employability Competencies. 2008-06-01. (Unpublished)
Foster, Catherine S. and Higson, Helen E. (2008). Supporting students: understanding the role and influence of parents for undergraduate students. IN: European Access Network. 2008-06-01. (Unpublished)
Andrews, Jane; Higson, Helen E. and Booth, Malcolm (2008). Learning through doing:the development of employability competencies through work-based learning within foundation degrees. IN: HE Academy Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance Subject Centre. 2008-04-01 - 2008-04-01. (Unpublished)
Foster, Catherine S. and Higson, Helen E. (2008). Supporting students from non-traditional backgrounds: recognizing the family. IN: FACE. 2008-01-01 - 2008-01-01. (Unpublished)
Andrews, Jane and Higson, Helen E. (2006). Professionalism and quality in European business courses : initial results. IN: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. Nottingham, 2006-03-30. (Unpublished)
Foster, Catherine S. and Higson, Helen E. (2006). Involving the family. IN: Towards a global understanding of lifelong learning. Hudson, Tony; Abramson, Mike and Acland, Tony (eds) Cork: FACE.
Higson, Helen E. (1999). Closing the loop. IN: Student feedback system conference. 1999-06-01 - 1999-06-01. (Unpublished)
Williams, Christine; Tomkins, Angela; McEwen, Lindsey; Higson, Helen E.; Mason O'Connor, Kris and Wang, Xian Integrating employers in effective support for student work-based learning (WBL): an evidence base to inform innovative policy and practice. IN: HE Academy. 2008-07-01 - 2008-07-01. (Unpublished)
Andrews, Jane and Higson, Helen E. Learning for life? The pedagogical value of learning support services in higher education. IN: Society for Research into Higher Education. 2008-01-01 - 2008-01-01. (Unpublished)
Foster, Catherine S. and Higson, Helen E. Parental influence: the role of parents for students living at home. IN: The Forum for the Advancement of Continuing Education (FACE). East London: FACE. (Unpublished)
Higson, Helen E. and Parkes, Etta Preparing Aston Business School students for placement. Working Paper. Higher Education Academy, York (UK).
Higson, Helen E. The undergraduate learning experience, the National Student Survey, and how business schools can improve services and students' perceptions. IN: The Association of Business Schools - Senior Managers' Network. 2007-06-01. (Unpublished)