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Castro-Olvera, G., Baria, E., Stoliarov, D., Morselli, S., Orlandini, B., Vanoni, M., Sayinc, H., Koviarov, A., Galiakhmetova, D., Dickie, J., Cicchi, R., Serni, S., Gacci, M., Ribal, M. J., Pavone, F. S., Loza-Alvarez, P., Rafailov, E. and Gumenyuk, R. (2025). A review of label-free photonics-based techniques for cancer detection in the digestive and urinary systems. Journal of Physics: Photonics, 7 (1),
Stoliarov, Dmitrii, Manuylovich, Egor, Koviarov, A., Galiakhmetova, D. and Rafailov, E. (2023). Gain-managed nonlinear amplification of ultra-long mode-locked fiber laser. Optics Express, 31 (26), pp. 43427-43437.
Huang, Zhiwei, Sergyev, Sergey, Wang, Qing, Kbashi, Hani, Stoliarov, Dmitrii, Huang, Qianqian, Dai, Yuze, Yan, Zhijun and Mou, Chengbo (2023). Dissipative soliton breathing dynamics driven by desynchronization of orthogonal polarization states. Advanced Photonics Nexus, 2 (06),
Stoliarov, D., Kudelin, I., Koviarov, A. and Rafailov, E. (2023). Transient dynamics in mode-locked all-PM Er-doped fiber laser with NALM. Optics Communications, 547 ,
Galiakhmetova, Diana I., Koviarov, Aleksandr S., Dremin, Viktor V., Gorodetsky, Andrei A., Maimaris, Marios, Stoliarov, Dmitrii, Baloban, Mikhail, Verkhusha, Vladislav V., Sokolovski, Sergei G. and Rafailov, Edik U. (2023). Comparison of nonlinear properties of monomer and dimer of bacterial phytochrome from Deinococcus radiodurans. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12627 ,
Galiakhmetova, Diana, Dremin, Viktor, Koviarov, Aleksandr, Stoliarov, Dmitrii, Ngum, Neville, Murugesan, Raghavan Chinnambedu, Parri, Rheinallt, Sokolovski, Sergei and Rafailov, Edik (2023). Ultra-short laser pulses propagation through mouse head tissues: experimental and computational study. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 29 (4),
Khokhlova, A. V., Dolgova, D. R., Poludnyakova, L. V., Gilmutdinova, A. K., Zolotovskii, I. O., Saenko, Yu. V., Sokolovskii, S. G., Rafailov, E. U., Stoliarov, D. A., Pogodina, E. S., Ribenek, V. A., Antoneeva, I. I. and Fotiadi, A. A. (2023). Effects of Laser Irradiation at 1265 nm in Melanoma Cells. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2494 (1),
Cuevas, Alberto Rodriguez, Kbashi, Hani J., Stoliarov, Dmitrii and Sergeyev, Sergey (2023). Polarization dynamics, stability and tunability of a dual-comb polarization-multiplexing ring-cavity fiber laser. Results in Physics, 46 ,
Galiakhmetova, Diana, Dremin, Viktor, Koviarov, Aleksandr, Stoliarov, Dmitrii, Ngum, Neville, Parri, Rhein, Sokolovski, Sergei and Rafailov, Edik (2022). Evaluation of penetration depth of near-infrared irradiation generated by tunable ultra-short pulsed laser in ex vivo samples of mouse head. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12147 ,
Khokhlova, A, Zolotovskii, I, Sokolovski, S, Saenko, Yu, Rafailov, E, Stoliarov, D, Pogodina, E, Gilmutdinova, A, Svetukhin, V and Fotiadi, A (2022). Effects of Low-Level Laser Irradiation on Mammalian Cell Cultures: Comparative Experimental Studies with Different Types of Lasers at 1260-1270 nm. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2249 (1),