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Number of items: 54.


Bakhshi, Hasan, Edwards, John, Roper, Stephen, Scully, Judith and Shaw, Duncan (2011). Creating innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises:evaluating the short-term effects of the creative credits pilot. Working Paper. National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA), London UK).

Baregheh, Mandana, Mezentsev, Vladimir and Schmitz, Holger (2011). Multi-threaded parallel simulation of non-local non-linear problems in ultrashort laser pulse propagation in the presence of plasma. IN: Nonlinear optics and Applications V. Bertolotti, Mario (ed.) SPIE Proceedings . CZE: SPIE.

Bartlett, Hannah and Eperjesi, Frank (2011). Apparent motion photometry:evaluation and reliability of a novel method for the measurement of macular pigment. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 95 (5), pp. 662-665.


Copland, F. and Garton, S. (2011). 'I felt that I do live in the UK now':international students' self-reports of their English language speaking experiences on a pre-sessional programme. Language and Education, 25 (3), pp. 241-255.

Cornelussen, RN, Splett, V, Klepfer, RN, Stegemann, B, Kornet, L and Prinzen, FW (2011). Electrical modalities beyond pacing for the treatment of heart failure. Heart Failure Reviews, 16 (3), 315–325.


Da Silva, R.E., Oliveira, R.A. and Pohl, A.A.P. (2011). Fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer sensor for measuring resonances of piezoelectric elements. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 7753 ,

Davies, Edward (2011). Optical fibre sensors with applications in gas and biological sensing. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Davies, Edward, Kalli, Kyriacos, Koutsides, Charalambos, Allsop, Thomas D.P. and Zhang, Lin (2011). UV inscribed long period gratings with femtosecond ablated axial fibre slots for polarization control. IN: 21st international conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, Wojtek J.; Albert, Jacques and Bao, Xiaoyi (eds) SPIE Proceedings . CAN: SPIE.

Davies, Edward, Kalli, Kyriacos, Koutsides, Charalambos and Zhang, Lin (2011). Highly refractive index sensitive femtosecond laser inscribed long period gratings. IN: 21st international conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, Wojtek J.; Albert, Jacques and Bao, Xiaoyi (eds) SPIE Proceedings . CAN: SPIE.

Dostovalov, Alexandr V., Babin, Sergei A., Baregheh, Mandana, Dubov, Mykhaylo and Mezentsev, Vladimir (2011). Efficiency of energy deposition by fundamental and second harmonics in femtosecond laser inscription. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2011)/European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQUEC 2011), Conference Digest, OSA Technical Digest (CD). Münich (DE), 2011-05-22 - 2011-05-26.


Garner, Steven and Bhattacharyya, Gargi (2011). Place, ethnicity and poverty in England’. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Georgoulas, Dimitrios and Blow, Keith (2011). In-Motes EYE:a real time application for automobiles in wireless sensor networks. Wireless Sensor Network, 3 (5), pp. 158-166.


Harkin, Ben, Rutherford, Hannah and Kessler, Klaus (2011). Impaired executive functioning in subclinical compulsive checking with ecologically valid stimuli in a working memory task. Frontiers in Psychology, 2 ,

Hicke, K., D'Huys, O., Flunkert, V., Schöll, E., Danckaert, J. and Fischer, I. (2011). Mismatch and synchronization:Influence of asymmetries in systems of two delay-coupled lasers. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 83 (5),


Ibrahim, Selwan K., Sygletos, Stylianos, Rafique, Danish, O'Dowd, John A., Weerasuriya, Ruwan and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Novel synchronous DPSK optical regenerator based on a feed-forward based carrier extraction scheme. Optics Express, 19 (10), pp. 9445-9452.


Jackson, D.A., Cole, M.J., Burchell, M.J. and Webb, D.J. (2011). Fibre optic sensors for high speed hypervelocity impact studies and low velocity drop tests. IN: 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, Wojtek J.; Albert, Jacques and Bao, Xiaoyi (eds) SPIE Proceedings . CAN: SPIE.

Johnson, Ian P., Webb, David J., Kalli, Kyriacos, Yuan, Wu, Stefani, Alessio, Nielsen, Kristian, Rasmussen, Henrik K. and Bang, Ole (2011). Polymer PCF Bragg grating sensors based on poly(methyl methacrylate) and TOPAS cyclic olefin copolymer. IN: Optical Sensors 2011; and Photonic Crystal Fibers V,. Baldini, Francesco; Homola, Jiri; Lieberman, Robert A. and Kalli, Kyriacos (eds) SPIE Proceedings . CZE: SPIE.

Jowett, Adam (2011). Chronic illness in non-heterosexual contexts: towards a critical LGBTQ health psychology. PHD thesis, Aston University.


Kalli, K., Koutsides, C., Davies, E., Komodromos, Michael, Webb, David J. and Zhang, Lin (2011). Femtosecond laser inscribed superstructure fibre gratings. IN: 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, Wojtek J.; Albert, Jacques and Bao, Xiaoyi (eds) SPIE Proceedings . CAN: SPIE.

Kapil, Ankur, Wilson, Karen, Lee, Adam F. and Sadhukhan, Jhuma (2011). Kinetic modeling studies of heterogeneously catalyzed biodiesel synthesis reactions. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50 (9), pp. 4818-4830.

Kaur, Randip (2011). Liposomes:Formulation and characterisation as contrast agents and as vaccine delivery systems. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Koutsides, C., Kalli, Kyriacos, Webb, D.J. and Zhang, L. (2011). Numerical modelling of complex femtosecond laser inscribed fiber gratings - comparison wih experiment. IN: 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, Wojtek J.; Albert, Jacques and Bao, Xiaoyi (eds) SPIE Proceedings . CAN: SPIE.


Larrivée, Pierre (2011). The role of pragmatics for grammatical change: the case of preverbal non. Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (7), pp. 1987-1996.

Ljubownikow, Sergej (2011). An examination of the management of Russian civil society. PHD thesis, Aston University.

López-Vallejo, Fabian, Nefzi, Adel, Bender, Andreas, Owen, John R., Nabney, Ian T., Houghten, Richard A. and Medina-Franco, Jose L. Medina (2011). Increased diversity of libraries from libraries: chemoinformatic analysis of bis-diazacyclic libraries. Chemical Biology and Drug Design, 77 (5), pp. 328-342.


MacDonald, Mott, Saal, David and Cambridge Economic Policy Associates (2011). Cost assessment - use of panel and sub-company data Ofwat. CEPA.

Maidment, Ian D., Fox, Chris, Boustani, Malaz and Katona, Cornelius (2011). Medication management - the missing link in dementia interventions. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 27 (5), pp. 439-442.

Mozeika, Alexander and Saad, David (2011). Dynamics of Boolean networks: an exact solution. Physical Review Letters, 106 (21), p. 214101.


Nelson, L.E., Zhou, X., MacSuibhne, N., Ellis, A.D. and Magill, P. (2011). Experimental comparison of coherent polarization-switched QPSK to polarization-multiplexed QPSK for 10 x 100 km WDM transmission. Optics Express, 19 (11), pp. 10849-10856.


Pabari, PA, Willson, K, Stegemann, B, van, Geldorp IE, Kyriacou, A, Moraldo, M, Mayet, J, Hughes, AD and Francis, DP (2011). When is an optimization not an optimization? Evaluation of clinical implications of information content (signal-to-noise ratio) in optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy, and how to measure and maximize it. Heart Failure Reviews, 16 (3), 277–290.

Patel, Sunni Raman (2011). Ocular and systemic markers for vascular function in those at risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Patel, Tulpeshkumar (2011). Biochemical correlates of cognition: exploring the relationships between blood, brain and behaviour. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Pelizzola, Alessandro, Pretti, Marco and van Mourik, Jort (2011). Palette-colouring: a belief propagation approach. Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 2011 (5),

Pirttimaki, Tiina, Hall, Stephen and Parri, Harri (2011). Sustained neuronal activity generated by glial plasticity. Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (21), pp. 7637-7647.


Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Nonlinear penalties in long-haul optical networks employing dynamic transponders. Optics Express, 19 (10), pp. 9044-9049.

Rafique, Danish, Mussolin, Marco, Forzati, Marco, Mårtensson, Jonas, Chugtai, Mohsan N. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Compensation of intra-channel nonlinear fibre impairments using simplified digital back-propagation algorithm. Optics Express, 19 (10), pp. 9453-9460.

Randrianandrasana, Michel F. (2011). Finding structures in information networks using the affinity network. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Rasakanthan, Janarthanan, Baregheh, Mandana, Dubov, Mykhaylo, Mezentsev, Vladimir, Smith, Graham, Sugden, Kate, Woolliams, Peter D. and Tomlins, Peter H. (2011). Quantitative optical coherence tomography for characterization of microscopic structures with varying refractive index. IN: 2011 Conference on and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC). IEEE.

Rasakanthan, Janarthanan, Baregheh, Mandana, Dubov, Mykhaylo, Mezentsev, Vladimir, Smith, Graham, Sugden, Kate, Woolliams, Peter D. and Tomlins, Peter H. (2011). Quantitative optical coherence tomography for characterization of microscopic structures with varying refractive index. IN: 2011 Conference on and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC). Münich (DE): IEEE.

Roberts, Brian, Summers, Robert J. and Bailey, Peter J. (2011). The intelligibility of noise-vocoded speech:spectral information available from across-channel comparison of amplitude envelopes. Proceeding of the Royal Society: Series B, 278 (1711), pp. 1595-1600.

Russell, Steven and Tisdale, Michael (2011). Studies on the anti-obesity activity of zinc-α2-glycoprotein in the rat. International Journal of Obesity, 35 (5), pp. 658-665.


Saffari, P., Yan, Z., Zhou, K., Zhang, L. and Bennion, I. (2011). Liquid core fibre Bragg grating based refractive index sensor formed by femtosecond assisted chemical etching technique. IN: 21st international conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, Wojtek J.; Albert, Jacques and Bao, Xiaoyi (eds) SPIE Proceedings . CAN: SPIE.

Sheppard, Amy, Evans, C. John, Singh, Krish D., Wolffsohn, James S., Dunne, Mark C.M. and Davies, Leon N. (2011). Three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging of the phakic crystalline lens during accommodation. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 52 (6), pp. 3689-3697.


Terry, David Roy Philip (2011). Medicines management across the primary-hospital healthcare interface: a study of paediatric patients. PHD thesis, Aston University.

Tomlins, Peter H., Smith, Graham, Woolliams, Peter D., Rasakanthan, Janarthanan and Sugden, Kate (2011). Femtosecond laser micro-inscription of optical coherence tomography resolution test artifacts. Biomedical Optics Express, 2 (5), pp. 1319-1327.

Topakas, Anna (2011). Measurement of implicit leadership theories and their effect on leadership processes and outcomes. PHD thesis, Aston University.


Weerasuriya, Ruwan, Sygletos, Stylianos, Ibrahim, Selwan K., Garcia Gunning, Fatima C., Manning, Robert J., Phelan, Richard, O'Carroll, John, Kelly, Brian, O'Gorman, James and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Comparison of frequency symmetric signal generation from a BPSK input using fiber and semiconductor-based nonlinear elements. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23 (10), pp. 651-653.

Welsh, K., Sawyer, P. and Bencomo, N. (2011). Run-time resolution of uncertainty. IN: 2011 IEEE 19th International Requirements Engineering Conference. IEEE conference publications . ITA: IEEE.


Yan, Zhijun, Adebayo, Adedotun, Zhou, Kaiming, Zhang, Lin and Webb, David (2011). All-fibre twist sensor system based on 45° and 8° tilted fibre gratings. IN: 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, Wojtek J.; Albert, Jacques and Bao, Xiaoyi (eds) SPIE Proceedings . CAN: SPIE.


Zhang, W., Webb, D.J. and Peng, G.-D. (2011). Improved time response for polymer fibre Bragg grating based humidity sensors. IN: SPIE proceedings. SPIE Proceedings . CAN: SPIE.

Zhang, W., Webb, D.J. and Peng, G.-D. (2011). Remotely tuneable optical filter based on polymer fibre Bragg grating. IN: 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. Bock, Wojtek J.; Albert, Jacques and Bao, Xiaoyi (eds) SPIE Proceedings . CAN: SPIE.

Zhang, Wei, Grice, Steven, Sugden, Kate and Bennion, Ian (2011). Free water in fuel sensor using fiber long period grating. IN: 21st international conference on optical fiber sensors. Bock, Wojtek J.; Albert, Jacques and Bao, Xiaoyi (eds) SPIE proceedings, 7753 . SPIE.

Zhang, Wei, Grice, Steven, Sugden, Kate and Bennion, Ian (2011). Free water in fuel sensor using fiber long period grating. IN: 21st international conference on optical fiber sensors. Bock, Wojtek J.; Albert, Jacques and Bao, Xiaoyi (eds) SPIE proceedings, 7753 . CAN: SPIE.

Zhao, Jian A., Ibrahim, Selwan K., Rafique, Danish, Gunning, Paul and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Symbol synchronization exploiting the symmetric property in optical fast OFDM. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23 (9), pp. 594-596.

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