Items where Year is 2010

Acton, Jennifer H. (2010). Visual field and structural alterations in age-related macular degeneration. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Armstrong, Richard A. (2010). A spatial pattern analysis of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposition in the temporal lobe in Alzheimer's disease. Folia Neuropathologica, 48 (2), pp. 67-74.
Bale, Brandon G., Kieu, Khanh, Wise, Frank and Kutz, J. Nathan (2010). Characterizing the transition dynamics for multi-pulsing in mode-locked lasers. IN: Fiber Lasers VII: Technology, Systems, and Applications. Tankala, Kanishka (ed.) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Barwell, James (2010). An insight into the activation mechanism of the calcatonin-gene-related peptide receptor. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Beattie, Amanda (2010). Justice and morality:human suffering, natural law and international politics. Ethics and global politics . Farnham (UK): Ashgate.
Butler, Michael J.R. (2010). Leadership development through embedded learning - the case of 'Strategy for future leaders'. IN: Good practice guide in learning and teaching. Higson, Helen and Green, Julie (eds) Birmingham (UK): Aston University.
Cartland Glover, G.M., Grahn, A., Krepper, E., Weiss, F.-P., Alt, S., Hampel, R., Kästner, W., Kratzsch, A. and Zacharias, F. (2010). Hydrodynamic modeling of mineral wool fiber suspensions in a two-dimensional flow. IN: International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE. BEL: ASME.
Christodoulides, George and de Chernatony, Leslie (2010). Consumer-based brand equity conceptualization and measurement:a literature review. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 52 (1), pp. 43-66.
Clarke, Victoria, Ellis, Sonja J., Peel, Elizabeth A. and Riggs, Damien W. (2010). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer psychology:an introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Del Prato, Stefano, LaSalle, J., Matthaei, S., Bailey, Clifford and Global Partnership for Effective Diabetes Management (2010). Tailoring treatment to the individual in type 2 diabetes practical guidance from the Global Partnership for Effective Diabetes Management. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 64 (3), pp. 295-304.
Driffield, Nigel, Love, James H. and Menghinello, Stefano (2010). The multinational enterprise as a source of international knowledge flows:direct evidence from Italy. Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (2), pp. 350-359.
Duffley, Patrick and Larrivée, Pierre (2010). Anyone for non-scalarity? English Language and Linguistics, 14 (1), pp. 1-17.
Ellis, Andrew D., Zhao, Jian A. and Cotter, David (2010). Approaching the non-linear Shannon limit. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 28 (4), pp. 423-433.
Ellis, Andrew D., Zhao, Jian A. and Cotter, David (2010). Approaching the non-linear Shannon limit. Journal of lightwave technology, 28 (4), pp. 423-433.
Farnum, Edward, Bale, Brandon G. and Kutz, J. Nathan (2010). Mode-locked laser pulse sources for wavelength division multiplexing. IN: Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications IX. Powers, Peter E. (ed.) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Gerry, Christopher J., Mickiewicz, Tomasz and Nikoloski, Zlatko (2010). Did mass privatisation really increase post-communist male mortality? Working Paper. University College London, London (UK).
Gilbert, J.R. (2010). A systematic exploration of perceptual and semantic differences in category-specific object-processing using magnetoencephalography. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Guillaume, Yves (2010). It takes two to tango:if you want students to harness culturally diverse syndicate groups for their learning, assure high interdependence and students value cultural differences. IN: Good practice guide in learning and teaching. Green, Julie and Higson, Helen (eds) Aston University.
Hallsworth, Alan, De Kervenoael, Ronan, Elms, Jonathan and Canning, Catherine (2010). The food superstore revolution:changing times, changing research agendas in the UK. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 20 (1), pp. 135-146.
Hughes, E.B., Forbes, A.B., Sun, W., Maropoulos, P.G., Muelaner, J.E., Jamshidi, J. and Wang, Z. (2010). iGPS capability study. NPL Report . National Physical Laboratory.
Jarzabkowski, Paula, Sillince, John and Shaw, Duncan (2010). Strategic ambiguity as a rhetorical resource for enabling multiple interests. Human Relations, 63 (2), pp. 219-248.
Joosten, Simone A., van Meijgaarden, Krista E., van Weeren, Pascale C., Kazi, Fatima, Geluk, Annemieke, Savage, Nigel D.L., Drijfhout, Jan W., Flower, Darren R, Hanekom, Willem A., Klein, Michèl R. and Ottenhoff, Tom H.M. (2010). Mycobacterium tuberculosis peptides presented by HLA-E molecules are targets for human CD8 T-cells with cytotoxic as well as regulatory activity. Plos Pathogens, 6 (2), e1000782.
Martyanova, Natalya (2010). Foreign direct investment and corruption. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Mounce, S.R., Brewster, C., Ashley, R.M. and Hurley, L. (2010). Knowledge management for more sustainable water systems. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 15 , pp. 140-148.
Russell, Steven, Siren, Pontus M.A., Siren, Matus J. and Tisdale, Michael (2010). The role of zinc in the anti-tumour and anti-cachectic activity of D-myo-inositol 1,2,6-triphosphate. British Journal of Cancer, 102 (5), 833–836.
Smith, Graham, Kalli, Kyriacos and Sugden, Kate (2010). Advances in femtosecond micromachining and inscription of micro and nano photonic devices. IN: Frontiers in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics. Pal, Bishnu (ed.) Croatia: Sciyo.
Smith, Graham, Kalli, Kyriacos and Sugden, Kate (2010). Advances in femtosecond micromachining and inscription of micro and nano photonic devices. IN: Frontiers in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics. Pal, Bishnu (ed.) Croatia: Sciyo.
Stich, Michael, Lázaro, Ester and Manrubia, Susanna C. (2010). Phenotypic effect of mutations in evolving populations of RNA molecules. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10 (2),
Wegiel, Barbara, Gallo, David J., Raman, Kathleen G., Karlsson, Jenny M., Ozanich, Brett, Chin, Beek Y., Tzeng, Edith, Ahmad, Shakil, Ahmed, Asif, Baty, Catherine J. and Otterbein, Leo E. (2010). Nitric oxide-dependent bone marrow progenitor mobilization by carbon monoxide enhances endothelial repair after vascular injury. Circulation, 121 (4), pp. 537-548.
Zarris, George, Hugues-Salas, Emilio, Gonzalez, Norberto A., Weerasuriya, Ruwan, Parmigiani, Francesca, Hillerkuss, David, Vorreau, Philipp, Spyropoulou, Maria, Ibrahim, Selwan K., Ellis, Andrew D., Morais, Rui, Monteiro, Paulo, Petropoulos, Periklis, Richardson, David J., Tomkos, Ioannis, Leuthold, Juerg and Simeonidou, Dimitra (2010). Field experiments with a grooming switch for OTDM meshed networking. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 28 (4), pp. 316-327.
Zhou, Kaiming, Zhang, Lin, Chen, Xianfeng F., Mezentsev, Vladimir and Bennion, Ian (2010). Microstructures made in optical fiber with femtosecond laser. International journal of smart and nano materials, 1 (4), pp. 237-248.
Zhuge, Hai (2010). Interactive semantics. Artificial Intelligence, 174 (2), pp. 190-204.