Items where Year is 2009

Auffret, Alexandra, Gautheron, Vanessa, Repici, Mariaelena, Kraftsik, Rudolf, Mount, Howard T J, Mariani, Jean and Rovira, Catherine (2009). Age-dependent impairment of spine morphology and synaptic plasticity in hippocampal CA1 neurons of a presenilin 1 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (32), pp. 10144-10152.
Azzopardi, Ernest A., Xuereb, Christian Borg and Iyer, Srinivasan (2009). Pyogenic granuloma as a surrogate indicator of deep seated foreign bodies:a case report. Cases Journal, 2 (8),
Badia, Sergi Bermúdez I, Valjamae, Aleksander, Manzi, Fabio, Bernardet, Ulysses, Mura, Anna, Manzolli, Jônatas and Verschure, Paul F. M. J (2009). The Effects of Explicit and Implicit Interaction on User Experiences in a Mixed Reality Installation: The Synthetic Oracle. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 18 (4), pp. 277-285.
Bale, Brandon G., Boscolo, Sonia and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2009). Dispersion and nonlinearity-management in mode-locked fibre lasers. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - European Quantum Electronics Conference 2009 (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2009). Conference publications . IEEE.
Bale, Brandon, Boscolo, Sonia and Turitsyn, Sergei (2009). Localized waves in optical systems with periodic dispersion and nonlinearity management. IN: Fifth International Conference on Solitons, Collapses and Turbulence: Achievements, Development and Perspectives. Chernogolovka, 2009-08-02 - 2009-08-07.
Brown, R.M. (2009). An analysis of the effectiveness of a behavioural based safety intervention in a UK paper mill. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Cornford, Dan, Schroeder, Martin and Nabney, Ian T. (2009). Data visualisation and exploration with prior knowledge. IN: Engineering applications of neural networks. Communications in computer and information science, 43 CCI . Beriln (DE): Springer.
Dovey, Terence M., Farrow, Claire V., Martin, Clarissa I., Isherwood, Elaine and Halford, Jason C.G. (2009). When does food refusal require professional intervention? Current Nutrition and Food Science, 5 (3), pp. 160-171.
Fu, Hongyan, Zhang, Wei, Mou, Chengbo, Shu, Xuewen, Zhang, Lin, He, Sailing and Bennion, Ian (2009). High frequency sensing interrogation system using fiber Bragg grating based microwave photonic filtering. IN: Conference on Optical Fiber Communication 2009. OFC 2009. IEEE.
Grechnev, A. G., Kovalev, A. S. and Pankratova, M. L. (2009). Magnetization field-dependences and the "exchange bias" in ferro/antiferromagnetic systems. I. Model of a bilayer ferromagnetic. Low Temperature Physics, 35 (6), pp. 476-483.
Gupta, Navneet, Wolffsohn, James S. W. and Naroo, Shehzad A. (2009). Comparison of near visual acuity and reading metrics in presbyopia correction. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 35 (8), pp. 1401-1409.
Haywood, Nicholas R. (2009). Build-up and resetting of auditory stream segregation in quiet and in complex-tone backgrounds. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Huang, Linghong, Haylor, John L., Hau, Zoe, Jones, Richard A., Vickers, Melissa E., Wagner, Bart, Griffin, Martin, Saint, Robert E., Coutts, Ian G.C., El Nahas, A. Meguid and Johnson, Timothy S. (2009). Transglutaminase inhibition ameliorates experimental diabetic nephropathy. Kidney international, 76 (4), pp. 383-394.
Hutchinson, Odette (2009). W Primary Care Trust v TB & Ors [2009] EWHC 1737. Personal Injury Brief Update Law Journal, August ,
Krepper, E., Cartland-Glover, G. and Grahn, A. (2009). CFD Modellierung einer partikelbelasteten Kühlmittelströmung im Sumpf und in der Kondensationskammer. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte, FZD-52 ,
Langford, William T., Gordon, Ascelin and Bastin, Lucy (2009). When do conservation planning methods deliver? Quantifying the consequences of uncertainty. Ecological Informatics, 4 (3), pp. 123-135.
Pilavachi, Petros A., Stephanidis, Stilianos D., Pappas, Vasilios A. and Afgan, Naim H. (2009). Multi-criteria evaluation of hydrogen and natural gas fuelled power plant technologies. Applied Thermal Engineering, 29 (11-12), pp. 2228-2234.
Preciado, Miguel A. and Muriel, Miguel A. (2009). Proposed flat-topped pulses bursts generation using all-pass multi-cavity structures. Optics Express, 17 (16), pp. 13875-13880.
Ren, Jiangmeng (2009). Computer-aided design, synthesis and screening of potential anti-microbial compounds. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Song, Xiaosong (2009). Poly (D,L-Lactide) based microspheres for pulmonary delivery of proteins. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Vorreau, P., Sygletos, S., Parmigiani, F., Hillerkuss, D., Bonk, R., Petropoulos, P., Richardson, D.J., Zarris, G., Simeonidou, D., Klonidis, D., Tomkos, I., Weerasuriya, R., Ibrahim, S.K., Ellis, A.D., Cotter, D., Morais, R., Monteiro, P., Ben Ezra, S., Tsadka, S., Freude, W. and Leuthold, Juerg (2009). Optical grooming switch with regenerative functionality for transparent interconnection of networks. Optics Express, 17 (17), pp. 15173-15185.
Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2009). MAP detection for impairment compensation in coherent WDM systems. Optics Express, 17 (16), pp. 13395-13401.