Items where Year is 2008

Andrews, Jane, Booth, Malcolm, Halstead, Alison and Higson, Helen E. (2008). Relevant and rigorous? The work-study balance conundrum in foundation degrees: an exploratory study. IN: British Academy of Management conference 2008. 2008-09-10 - 2008-09-11. (Unpublished)
Ania-Castañón, Juan D., Karalekas, Vassileios, Harper, Paul and Turitsyn, Sergei (2008). Simultaneous spatial and spectral transparency in ultralong fiber lasers. Physical Review Letters, 101 (12),
Armstrong, Kathy, Bailey, David, de Ruyter, Alex, Mahdon, Michelle and Thomas, Holli (2008). Auto plant closures, policy responses and labour market outcomes:a comparison of MG Rover in the UK and Mitsubishi in Australia. Policy Studies, 29 (3), pp. 343-355.
Bailey, Cliff J. (2008). Metformin:a multitasking medication. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, 5 (3), p. 156.
Bailey, David, Kobayashi, Seiji and Macneill, Stewart (2008). Rover and out? Globalisation, the West Midlands auto cluster, and the end of MG Rover. Policy Studies, 29 (3), pp. 267-279.
Baines, T.S., Ball, P.D., Cooper, S., Dawson, P., Wilkinson, S., Woods, M. and Kay, J.M. (2008). An exploration of policies and practices used to showcase production facilities. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 222 (9), pp. 1181-1188.
Bevilacqua, Mose, Patel, Sameer, Chaudhary, Aysha, Ye, Haitao and Jackman, Richard B. (2008). Electrical properties of aggregated detonation nanodiamonds. Applied Physics Letters, 93 (13), p. 132115.
Bhamber, R.S., Latkin, A I, Boscolo, Sonia and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2008). All-optical TDM to WDM signal conversion and partial regeneration using XPM with triangular pulses. IN: 34th European Conference on Optical Communication, 2008. ECOC 2008. IEEE.
Bush, Joe, Langley, Christopher A., Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2008). Community pharmacy in a commissioning-led NHS:can pharmacy compete effectively? IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2008. 2008-09-07 - 2008-09-09.
Bush, Joe, Langley, Christopher A., Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2008). Developing the public health function of locum pharmacists under the auspices of the new pharmacy contract. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2008. 2008-09-07 - 2008-09-09.
Chelley-Steeley, Patricia L. and Lucey, Brian M. (2008). The microstructure of the Irish stock market. Multinational Finance Journal, 12 (3-4), pp. 279-311.
D'Huys, O., Vicente, R., Erneux, T., Danckaert, J. and Fischer, I. (2008). Synchronization properties of network motifs:Influence of coupling delay and symmetry. Chaos, 18 (3),
Davies, Philip A., Hossain, Abul K., Lychnos, George and Paton, Carol (2008). Energy saving and solar electricity in fan-ventilated greenhouses. IN: International Workshop on Greenhouse Environmental Control and Crop Production in Semi-Arid Regions. Kubota, C. and Kacira, M. (eds) ISHS Acta Horticulturae, 797 . USA: International Society for Horticultural Science.
Dilworth, Anthony J. (2008). A rule based model for the objective determination of the e-business requirements of a manufacturing organisation. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Dubov, Mykhaylo, Nasyrov, Ruslan K., Nikogosyan, David N., Poleshchuk, Alexander G., Mezentsev, Vladimir and Bennion, Ian (2008). Micro-holographic methods for sub-micrometer grating fabrication in fused silica with UV femtosecond laser. IN: Optical Design and Engineering III. Mazuray, Laurent; Wartmann, Rolf; Wood, Andrew; Tissot, Jean-Luc and Raynor, Jeffrey M. (eds) SPIE proceedings, 7100 . GBR: SPIE.
Dubov, Mykhaylo, Nasyrov, Ruslan K., Nikogosyan, David N., Poleshchuk, Alexander G., Mezentsev, Vladimir and Bennion, Ian (2008). Micro-holographic methods for sub-micrometer grating fabrication in fused silica with UV femtosecond laser. IN: Optical Design and Engineering III. Mazuray, Laurent; Wartmann, Rolf; Wood, Andrew; Tissot, Jean-Luc and Raynor, Jeffrey M. (eds) SPIE proceedings, 7100 . SPIE.
Erridge, Clett, Kennedy, Simon, Spickett, Corinne M. and Webb, David J. (2008). Oxidized phospholipid inhibition of toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling is restricted to TLR2 and TLR4 roles for cd14, lps-binding protein, and md2 as targets for specificity of inhibition. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283 (36), pp. 24748-24759.
Fu, Hongyan, Zhou, Kaiming, Saffari, Pouneh, Mou, Chengbo, Zhang, Lin, He, Sailing and Bennion, Ian (2008). Microchannelled chirped fibre Bragg grating based refractive index sensor formed by femto-second laser processing and HF-etching. IN: 34th European Conference on Optical Communication, 2008 (ECOC 2008). IEEE.
Hara, Shigeo, Kiyokawa, Etsuko, Iemura, Shun-ichiro, Natsume, Tohru, Wassmer, Thomas, Cullen, Peter J., Hiai, Hiroshi and Matsuda, Michiyuki (2008). The DHR1 domain of DOCK180 binds to SNX5 and regulates cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor transport. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 19 (9), pp. 3823-3835.
Hill, Eric J. and Vernallis, Ann B. (2008). Polarized secretion of leukemia inhibitory factor. BMC Cell Biology, 9 (53),
Johnson, N.C., Harrison, James A. and Blow, Keith J. (2008). Demonstration and characterisation of a non-inverting all-optical read/write regenerative memory. Optics Communications, 281 (17), pp. 4464-4469.
Krepper, Eckhard, Cartland-Glover, Gregory, Grahn, Alexander, Weiss, Frank-Peter, Alt, Sören, Hampel, Rainer, Kästner, Wolfgang and Seeliger, Andrè (2008). CFD-modeling and Experiments of insulation debris transport phenomena in water flow. IN: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in Nuclear Reactor Safety (NRS). FRA: Nuclear Energy Agency.
Langley, Christopher A. and Belcher, Dawn (2008). Applied pharmaceutical practice. London: Pharmaceutical Press.
Latkin, A.I., Boscolo, Sonia, Bhamber, R.S. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2008). Optical frequency conversion, pulse compression and signal copying using triangular pulses. IN: 34th European Conference on Optical Communication, 2008. ECOC 2008. IEEE.
Latkin, Anton I., Boscolo, Sonia, Bhamber, Ranjeet and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2008). Optical signal copying by cross-phase modulation with triangular pulses. IN: 3rd EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference on Solid-state, Fiber and Waveguided Light Sources. 2008-08-31 - 2008-09-05.
Latkin, Anton I., Boscolo, Sonia, Bhamber, Ranjeet and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2008). Optical signal copying by cross-phase modulation with triangular pulses. IN: 3rd EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference on Solid-state, Fiber and Waveguided Light Sources. Paris, 2008-08-31 - 2008-09-05.
Latkin, Anton I., Boscolo, Sonia and Turitsyn, Sergei K (2008). Passive nonlinear pulse shaping in normally dispersive fiber. IN: 2008 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference. IEEE.
Lychnos, George and Davies, Philip A. (2008). A solar powered liquid-desiccant cooling system for greenhouses. IN: International Workshop on Greenhouse Environmental Control and Crop Production in Semi-Arid Regions. Kubota, C. and Kacira, M. (eds) ISHS Acta Horticulturae, 797 . USA: International Society for Horticultural Science.
Martínez, Amós, Zhou, Kaiming, Bennion, Ian and Yamashita, Shinji (2008). In-fiber microchannel device filled with a carbon nanotube dispersion for passive mode-lock lasing. Optics Express, 16 (20), pp. 15425-15430.
Page, Sarah-Jane (2008). The construction of masculinities and femininities in the Church of England:the case of the male clergy spouse. Feminist Theology, 17 (1), pp. 31-42.
Park, Keebong (2008). Exchange-traded funds and information asymmetry. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Roberts, S., Kingsbury, S. R., Stoeber, K., Knight, G. L., Gallimore, P. H. and Williams, G. H. (2008). Identification of an Arginine-Rich Motif in Human Papillomavirus Type 1 E1^E4 Protein Necessary for E4-Mediated Inhibition of Cellular DNA Synthesis In Vitro and in Cells. Journal of General Virology, 82 (18), pp. 9056-9064.
Schroeder, Martin, Nabney, Ian T. and Cornford, Dan (2008). Block GTM: Incorporating prior knowledge of covariance structure in data visualisation. Technical Report. Aston University, Birmingham.
Temouri, Yama (2008). Multinational firms, productivity and employment. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Thomas, Holli, Beer, Andrew and Bailey, David (2008). A tale of two regions:comparative versus competitive approaches to economic restructuring. Policy Studies, 29 (3), pp. 357-370.
Versace, Amelia, Almeida, Jorge R.C., Hassel, Stefanie, Walsh, Nicholas D., Novelli, Massimiliano, Klein, Crystal R., Kupfer, David J. and Phillips, Mary L. (2008). Elevated left and reduced right orbitomedial prefrontal fractional anisotropy in adults with bipolar disorder revealed by tract-based spatial statistics. Archives of General Psychiatry, 65 (9), pp. 1041-1052.
Viitala, Reeta, Davies, Edward, Salomäki, Mikko, Areva, Sami, Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (2008). Sensing properties of long-period fibre grating with sol-gel coatings. IN: 7th ScanBalt Forum and Biomaterials Days. Vilnius, 2008-09-24 - 2008-09-26. (Unpublished)
Whittle, Jon, Sawyer, Peter, Bencomo, Nelly and Cheng, Betty (2008). A language for self-adaptive system requirements. IN: International Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing: Consequences for Engineering Requirements, 2008. SOCCER '08. ESP: IEEE.
Zhao, J., McCarthy, M.E. and Ellis, A.D. (2008). Electronic dispersion compensation using full optical-field reconstruction in 10Gbit/s OOK based systems. Optics Express, 16 (20), pp. 15353-15365.