All-optical TDM to WDM signal conversion and partial regeneration using XPM with triangular pulses


We propose a new all-optical, all-fibre scheme for conversion of time-division multiplexed to wavelength-division multiplexed signals using cross-phase modulation with triangular pulses. Partial signal regeneration using this technique is also demonstrated.

Event Title: 34th European conference on optical communication
Event Type: Other
Event Location: Brussels
Event Dates: 2008-09-21 - 2008-09-25
ISBN: 978-1-4244-2227-2
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2024 13:44
Date Deposited: 21 Jun 2012 12:48
Published Date: 2008-09
Authors: Bhamber, R.S.
Latkin, A I
Boscolo, Sonia
Turitsyn, Sergei K.


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