Items where Year is 2005

Allsop, Thomas D.P., Dubov, Mykhaylo, Martínez, Amós, Floreani, Filip, Khrushchev, Igor, Webb, David J. and Bennion, Ian (2005). Directional bend sensor based on an asymmetric modification of the fiber cladding by femtosecond laser. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2005 (CLEO). IEEE.
Allsop, Thomas D.P., Dubov, Mykhaylo, Martínez, Amós, Floreani, Filip, Khrushchev, Igor, Webb, David J. and Bennion, Ian (2005). A long period grating directional bend sensor incorporating index modification of the cladding. IN: 17th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors. SPIE proceedings, 5855 p . SPIE.
Allsop, Thomas D.P., Dubov, Mykhaylo, Martínez, Amós, Floreani, Filip, Khrushchev, Igor, Webb, David J. and Bennion, Ian (2005). A long period grating directional bend sensor incorporating index modification of the cladding. IN: 17th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors. SPIE proceedings, 5855 P . BEL: SPIE.
Allsop, Thomas D.P., Floreani, Filip, Jedrzejewski, K.P., Romero, Rosa, Marques, Paulo, Webb, David J. and Bennion, Ian (2005). Tapered fibre LPG device as a sensing element for refractive index. IN: 17th international conference on optical fibre sensors. Voet, Marc; Willsch, Reinhardt; Ecke, Wolfgang; Jones, Julian and Culshaw, Brian (eds) SPIE proceedings . BEL: SPIE.
Allsop, Thomas D.P., Floreani, Filip, Webb, David J. and Bennion, Ian (2005). The bending and temperature characteristics of long period gratings written in elliptical core step-index fibre. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 5855 (PART I), pp. 711-714.
Bartlett, Hannah E. and Eperjesi, Frank (2005). Possible contraindications and adverse reactions associated with the use of ocular nutritional supplements. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 25 (3), pp. 179-194.
Chen, Xianfeng F., Zhou, Kaiming, Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (2005). High sensitivity biosensor based on dual-peak LPG sensitised by light cladding etching. IN: 17th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors. Voet, Marc; Willsch, Reinhardt; Ecke, Wolfgang; Jones, Julian and Culshaw, Brian (eds) SPIE proceedings, 5855 . SPIE.
Chen, Xianfeng F., Zhou, Kaiming, Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (2005). High sensitivity biosensor based on dual-peak LPG sensitised by light cladding etching. IN: 17th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors. Voet, Marc; Willsch, Reinhardt; Ecke, Wolfgang; Jones, Julian and Culshaw, Brian (eds) SPIE proceedings . BEL: SPIE.
Davies, Leon N., Wolffsohn, James S.W. and Gilmartin, Bernard (2005). Cognition, ocular accommodation, and cardiovascular function in emmetropes and late-onset myopes. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 46 (5), pp. 1791-1796.
Dobb, H., Petrović, J.S., Mezentsev, V., Webb, D.J. and Kalli, K. (2005). Long-period gratings fabricated in photonic crystal fibre. IN: 17th international conference on optical fibre sensors. Voet, Marc; Willsch, Reinhardt; Ecke, Wolfgang; Jones, Julian and Culshaw, Brian (eds) SPIE proceedings . BEL: SPIE.
Eberhard, Marc A. and Blow, Keith J. (2005). Numerical Q parameter estimates for scalar and vector models in optical communication system simulations. Optics Communications, 249 (4-6), pp. 421-429.
Govindan, R. B., Raethjen, J., Kopper, F., Claussen, J. C. and Deuschl, G. (2005). Estimation of time delay by coherence analysis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 350 (2-4), pp. 277-295.
Hu, Youfang (2005). Ultrashort pulse generation from diode laser devices. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Kalli, Kyriacos, Simpson, George, Zhou, Kaiming, Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (2005). Impact of hydrogenation conditions on the temperature and strain coefficients of type 1 and typela dual grating sensors. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 5855 (PART I), pp. 892-895.
Kalli, Kyriacos, Simpson, George, Zhou, Kaiming, Zhang, Lin, Birkin, David, Ellingham, Tim and Bennion, Ian (2005). Wavelength tuning, chirping and thermally induced decay of type IA FBGs using purely optical methods. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 5855 (PART I), pp. 896-899.
Lloyd, Glynn D., Everall, Lorna A., Sugden, Kate and Bennion, Ian (2005). Re-configurable, multi-channel, high-speed FBG strain sensing system for vibration analysis in oil risers. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 5855 (PART I), pp. 218-221.
Love, James H. (2005). On the opportunism-independent theory of the firm. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 29 (3), pp. 381-397.
Lu, Y.X., Claydon, J.S., Ahmad, E., Xu, Y.B., Ali, M., Hickey, B.J., Thompson, S.M., Matthew, J.A.D. and Wilson, K. (2005). Hybrid Fe3O4 /GaAs (100) structure for spintronics. Journal of Applied Physics, 97 ,
MacPherson, W. N., Silva-Lopez, M., Barton, J. S., Moore, A. J., Jones, J. D C, Zhao, D., Zhang, L., Bennion, I., Metje, N., Rogers, C. D F and Chapman, D. N. (2005). Tunnel monitoring using multicore fibre displacement sensor. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 5855 (PART I), pp. 274-277.
Maier, Robert R.J., MacPherson, William N., Barton, James S., Jones, Julian D.C., McCulloch, Scott, Fernandez, Alberto, Zhang, Lin and Chen, Xianfeng F. (2005). Fiber Bragg gratings of type I in SMF-28 and B/Ge fibre and type IIA B/Ge fibre under gamma radiation up to 0.54 MGy. IN: 17th international conference on optical fibre sensors. Voet, Marc; Willsch, Reinhardt; Ecke, Wolfgang; Jones, Julian and Culshaw, Brian (eds) SPIE proceedings . BEL: SPIE.
Maier, Robert R.J., MacPherson, William N., Barton, James S., Jones, Julian D.C., McCulloch, Scott, Fernandez, Alberto, Zhang, Lin and Chen, Xianfeng F. (2005). Fiber Bragg gratings of type I in SMF-28 and B/Ge fibre and type IIA B/Ge fibre under gamma radiation up to 0.54 MGy. IN: 17th international conference on optical fibre sensors. Voet, Marc; Willsch, Reinhardt; Ecke, Wolfgang; Jones, Julian and Culshaw, Brian (eds) SPIE proceedings, 5855 . SPIE.
Maratos, Frances A. (2005). Behavioural and neuroimaging investigations of the relationship between visual attention, affordance and action. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Nicol, Christopher (2005). Reacting and responding in TESOL Quarterly:a generic analysis of procedure and purpose in intertextual critical exchanges. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Petrović, Jovana S., Mezentsev, Vladimir, Dobb, Helen, Webb, David and Kalli, Kyriacos (2005). Multiple period resonances of long period gratings in photonic crystal fibre. IN: 2005 Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics (CLEO). Technical digest, 1 . USA: Optical Society of America (OSA).
Rathbone, Daniel L., Ali, Aisha, Antonaki, Polyxeni and Cheek, Sarah (2005). Towards a polymeric binding mimic for cytochrome CYP2D6. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20 (11), pp. 2353-2363.
Silva Portela, Maria C.A. and Thanassoulis, Emmanuel (2005). Profitability of a sample of Portuguese bank branches and its decomposition into technical and allocative components. European Journal of Operational Research, 162 (3), pp. 850-866.
Silva-Lopez, M., Fender, A., Macpherson, W.N., Barton, J.S., Jones, J.D.C., Zhao, D., Webb, D.J., Zhang, L. and Bennion, I. (2005). Strain and temperature sensitivity of a singlemode polymer optical fibre. IN: 17th international conference on optical fibre sensors. Voet, Marc; Willsch, Reinhardt; Ecke, Wolfgang; Jones, Julian and Culshaw, Brian (eds) SPIE proceedings . BEL: SPIE.
Woodford, Eleanor M. (2005). Control of antibiotic prescribing in UK NHS hosptials. Available in 2 volumes. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Zhou, Kaiming, Chen, Xianfeng F., Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (2005). Optical chemsensors based on etched fibre Bragg gratings in D-shape and multimode fibres. IN: 17th international conference on optical fibre sensors. Voet, Marc; Willsch, Reinhardt; Ecke, Wolfgang; Jones, Julian and Culshaw, Brian (eds) SPIE proceedings . BEL: SPIE.
Zhou, Kaiming, Chen, Xianfeng F., Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (2005). Optical chemsensors based on etched fibre Bragg gratings in D-shape and multimode fibres. IN: 17th international conference on optical fibre sensors. Voet, Marc; Willsch, Reinhardt; Ecke, Wolfgang; Jones, Julian and Culshaw, Brian (eds) SPIE proceedings, 5855 . SPIE.