Items where Year is 2005

Allsop, Thomas D.P., Floreani, Filip, Jedrzejewski, K.P., Marques, R., Romero, R., Webb, David J. and Bennion, Ian (2005). Refractive index sensing with a long-period grating fabricated in biconical tapered fibre. Electronics letters, 41 (8), pp. 471-472.
Binner, Jane M., Bissoondeeal, Rakesh, Elger, Thomas, Gazely, Alicia M. and Mullineux, Andrew W. (2005). A comparison of linear forecasting models and neural networks:an application to Euro inflation and Euro Divisia. Applied Economics, 37 (6), pp. 665-680.
Chen, S., Wang, X. X. and Brown, D. J. (2005). Orthogonal least squares regression with tunable kernels. Electronics letters, 41 (8), pp. 484-486.
Chen, Xianfeng F., Zhou, Kaiming, Zhang, Lin and Bennion, Ian (2005). Optical chemsensor based on etched tilted Bragg grating structures in multimode fiber. IEEE photonics technology letters, 17 (4), pp. 864-866.
Cornford, Dan, Csató, Lehel and Opper, Manfred (2005). Sequential, Bayesian geostatistics:a principled method for large data sets. Geographical Analysis, 37 (2), pp. 183-199.
Hadjipapas, Avgis (2005). Synchronization processes in nonlinear systems and their relation to cortical oscillatory dynamics. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Komar, Anton A., Gross, Stephane R., Barth-Baus, Diane, Strachan, Ryan, Hensold, Jack O., Kinzy, Terri G. and Merrick, William C. (2005). Novel characteristics of the biological properties of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae eukaryotic initiation factor 2A. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280 , pp. 15601-15611.
Mitchell, Jan, Wolffsohn, James S.W., Woodcock, Alison, Anderson, Stephen J., McMillan, Carolyn V., Ffytche, Timothy, Rubinstein, Martin, Amoaku, Winfried and Bradley, Clare (2005). +Psychometric evaluation of the MacDQoL individualised measure of the impact of macular degeneration on quality of life. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 3 (25),
Prilepsky, Jaroslaw E. and Derevyanko, Stanislav A. (2005). Statistics of noise-driven coupled nonlinear oscillators:applications to systems with Kerr nonlinearity. Physica D, 203 (3-4), pp. 249-269.
Rebollo-Neira, L. and Jain, S. (2005). On the truncation of the harmonic oscillator wavepacket. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 38 (17),
Romani, Cristina, McAlpine, Sheila, Olson, Andrew C., Tsouknida, Effie and Martin, Randi C. (2005). Length, lexicality, and articulatory suppression in immediate recall:evidence against the articulatory loop. Journal of Memory and Language, 52 (3), pp. 398-415.
Taylor, Karl and Driffield, Nigel (2005). Wage inequality and the role of multinationals:evidence from UK panel data. Labour Economics, 12 (2), pp. 223-249.