Items where Year is 1998
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Boutsen, Luc, Lamberts, Koen and Verfaillie, Karl (1998). Recognition times of different views of 56 depth-rotated objects: a note concerning Verfaillie and Boutsen (1995). Perception and Psychophysics, 60 (5), pp. 900-907.
Lecoeuche, V., Webb, David J., Pannell, C.N. and Jackson, David A. (1998). Brillouin based distributed fibre sensor incorporating a mode-locked Brillouin fibre ring laser. Optics communications, 152 (4-6), pp. 263-268.
Leresche, Nathalie, Parri, H. Rheinallt, Erdemli, Gül, Guyon, Alice, Turner, Jonathan P., Williams, Stephen R., Asprodini, Eftihia and Crunelli, Vincenzo (1998). On the action of the anti-absence drug ethosuximide in the rat and cat thalamus. Journal of Neuroscience, 18 (13), pp. 4842-53.
Michaelson, Louise V., Lazarus, Colin M., Griffiths, Gareth, Napier, Johnathan A. and Stobart, A.Keith (1998). Isolation of a Δ5-fatty acid desaturase gene from Mortierella alpina. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 273 (30), pp. 19055-19059.
Book Section
Liu, T, Fernando, G F, Zhang, Lin, Bennion, I, Rao, Y and Jackson, D A (1998). Simultaneous strain and temperature measurement using an integrated fibre Bragg grating/extrinsic Fabry-Perot sensor. IN: Sensory Phenomena and Measurement Instrumentation for Smart Structures and Materials. Claus, Richard O. and Spillman, Jr., William B. (eds) SPIE proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Devaney, John F.L. (1998). WDM of solitons in dispersion managed transmission systems. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Lawrence, David (1998). A study of business user based information systems development, and modelling success factors. PHD thesis, Aston University.