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Fooks, Gary Jonas and Godziewski, Charlotte (2022). The World Health Organization, Corporate Power, and the Prevention and Management of Conflicts of Interest in Nutrition Policy:Comment on "Towards Preventing and Managing Conflict of Interest in Nutrition Policy? An Analysis of Submissions to a Consultation on a Draft WHO Tool". International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11 (2), pp. 228-232.
Godziewski, Charlotte (2020). Evidence and power in EU governance of health promotion: Discursive obstacles to a “Health in All Policies” approach. Journal of Common Market Studies, 58 (5), pp. 1307-1324.
Godziewski, Charlotte (2020). Is ‘Health in All Policies’ Everybody’s Responsibility? Discourses of Multistakeholderism and the ‘Lifestyle Drift’ Phenomenon. Critical Policy Studies ,