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Becker, Bettina; Driffield, Nigel; Lancheros, Sandra and Love, James H. (2015). Employment effects of FDI in hot labour markets: A cross-country analysis. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015 ,
Driffield, Nigel; Mickiewicz, Tomasz and Temouri, Yama (2014). Institutions and equity structure of foreign affiliates. Corporate Governance, 22 (3), pp. 216-229.
Driffield, Nigel; Love, James H. and Yang, Yong (2014). Technology sourcing and reverse productivity spillovers in the MNE:global or regional phenomenon? British Journal of Management, 25 (S1), S24-S41.
Kimino, Satomi; Driffield, Nigel and Saal, David (2014). Spillovers from FDI and local networks:the importance of transactional linkages and vertical keiretsu in Japan. Multinational Business Review, 22 (2), pp. 176-193.
Driffield, Nigel; Love, Jim; Lancheros, Sandra and Temouri, Yama (2013). How attractive is the UK for future manufacturing foreign direct investment? Working Paper. Foresight Government Office for Science.
Driffield, Nigel; Jones, Chris and Crotty, Jo (2013). International business research and risky investments, an analysis of FDI in conflict zones. International Business Review, 22 (1), 140–155.
Driffield, Nigel and Love, Jim (2012). Securing the benefits of inward investment. IN: Ready for change? Transition through turbulence to reformation and transformation. Heimer-Rathbone, Cora L. (ed.) Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Narula, Rajneesh and Driffield, Nigel (2012). Does FDI cause development? The ambiguity of the evidence and why it matters. European Journal of Developmental Research, 24 (1), pp. 1-7.
Bhaumik, Sumon and Driffield, Nigel (2011). Direction of outward FDI of EMNEs:evidence from the Indian pharmaceutical sector. Thunderbird International Business Review, 53 (5), pp. 615-628.
Temouri, Yama; Driffield, Nigel and Añón Higón, Dolores (2010). The Importance of location:does outward FDI lead to unemployment? IN: Resources, efficiency and globalization. Dimitratos, Pavlos and Jones, Marian V. (eds) Academy of International Business (UKI) series . Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Driffield, Nigel; Love, James H. and Menghinello, Stefano (2010). The multinational enterprise as a source of international knowledge flows:direct evidence from Italy. Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (2), pp. 350-359.
Crotty, Jo; Driffield, Nigel and Jones, Chris (2009). Investing in conflict zones:a firm-level analysis. IN: 68th international Atlantic economic Conference. 2009-10-09 - 2009-10-11.
Temouri, Yama; Driffield, Nigel and Añón Higón, Dolores (2008). Offshoring:a multi-country study of FDI in high-technology sectors. Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK).
Driffield, Nigel; Du, Jun and Girma, Sourafel (2008). Optimal geographic diversification and firm performance:evidence from the U.K. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 30 (2), pp. 145-254.
Bailey, David and Driffield, Nigel (2007). Industrial policy, FDI and employment:Still 'missing a strategy'. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 7 (3-4), pp. 189-211.
Bailey, David and Driffield, Nigel (2007). Industrial policy, FDI and employment:still a 'missing a strategy'. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 7 (3-4), pp. 189-211.
Driffield, Nigel; Mahambare, Vidya and Pal, Sarmistha (2007). How does ownership structure affect capital structure and firm value?:Recent evidence from East Asia. Economics of Transition, 15 (3), pp. 535-573.
Temouri, Yama; Driffield, Nigel and Añón Higón, Dolores (2006). Analysis of productivity differences among foreign and host firms:evidence from Germany. IN: 33rd EARIE Annual Conference. 2006-08-25 - 2006-08-27. (Unpublished)
Driffield, Nigel and Henry, Michael (2006). FDI and technology diffusion in developing countries:the role of human capital and institutions. IN: 9th international EUNIP conference. 2006-06-20 - 2006-06-22.
Driffield, Nigel and Love, James H. (2005). Who gains from whom? Spillovers, competition and technology sourcing in the foreign-owned sector of UK manufacturing. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 52 (5), pp. 663-686.
Driffield, Nigel and Love, James H. (2005). Intra-industry foreign direct investment, uneven development and globalization:the legacy of Stephen Hymer. Contributions to Political Economy, 24 (1), pp. 55-78.
Driffield, Nigel; Love, James H. and Taylor, Karl (2005). Productivity and labour demand effects of inward and outward FDI on UK industry. Working Paper. Aston University, Birmignham (UK).
Driffield, Nigel (2004). Regional policy and spillovers from FDI in the UK. Annals of Regional Science, 38 (4), pp. 579-594.
Read, R. and Driffield, Nigel (2004). Linkages and flow-on impacts of foreign investment in Pacific Island economies. IN: 8th Annual European Network of Industrial Policy conference. 2004-12-13 - 2004-12-15. (Unpublished)
Driffield, Nigel and Love, James H. (2003). Foreign direct investment, technology sourcing and reverse spillovers. Manchester School, 71 (6), pp. 659-672.
Taylor, Karl and Driffield, Nigel (2002). Technology, trade, multinationals and aggregate employment:evidence from UK panel data. IN: Trade, investment, migration and labour market adjustment. Greenaway, David; Upward, Richard and Wakelin, Katharine (eds) International economic association . Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Driffield, Nigel (2001). Inward investment, industry concentration and the speed of adjustment. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 137 (2), pp. 193-214.
Driffield, Nigel and Ioannidis, Christos (2000). Effectiveness and effects of attempts to regulate the UK petrol industry. Energy Economics, 22 (3), pp. 369-381.
Driffield, Nigel and Noor, Abd H.M. (1999). Foreign direct investment and local input linkages in Malaysia. Transnational Corporations, 8 (3), pp. 1-25.
Driffield, Nigel (1999). Indirect employment effects of Foreign Direct Investment into the UK. Bulletin of Economic Research, 51 (3), pp. 207-222.
Driffield, Nigel (1999). Determinants of entry and exit in the foreign owned sector of UK manufacturing. Applied Economics Letters, 6 (3), pp. 153-156.