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Riegler, Robert and Guest, Jon (2025). Does widespread collusion undermine the case for using peer-assessment schemes with assessed group work? Studies in Higher Education ,
Gray, Keith, Riegler, Robert and Walsh, Michael (2022). Students’ feedback experiences and expectations pre- and post-university entry. SN Social Sciences, 2 (2),
Guest, Jon and Riegler, Robert (2022). Knowing HE standards: How good are students at evaluating academic work? Higher Education Research & Development, 41 (3), pp. 714-728.
Riegler, Robert, Lis, Piotr and Hisarciklilar, Mehtap (2017). Buying friends? The importance of economic flows in assembling the Iraq war coalition. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 23 (4),
Guest, J. and Riegler, R. (2017). Learning by doing: Do economics students self-evaluation skills improve? International Review of Economics Education, 24 , pp. 50-64.
Shutes, Karl, McGrath, Karen, Lis, Piotr and Riegler, Robert (2016). Twitter and the US stock market: The in influence of micro-bloggers on share prices. Economics and Business Review, 16 (3), pp. 57-77.