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Dose, David, Walsh, Gianfranco, Beatty, Sharon E. and Elsner, Ralf (2019). Unintended reward costs: The effectiveness of customer referral reward programs for innovative products and services. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47 (3), pp. 438-459.
Schwabe, Maria, Dose, David and Walsh, Gianfranco (2018). Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future:Influences of regulatory focus on consumers’ moral self-regulation. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28 (2), pp. 234-252.
Dose, David, Walsh, Gianfranco, Ruvio, Ayalla and Segev, Sigal (2018). Investigating links between cultural orientation and culture outcomes:Immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel and Germany. Journal of Business Research, 82 , pp. 281-289.