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Deng, Yong, Luo, Xue, Gu, Fan, Zhang, Yuqing and Lytton, Robert L. (2019). 3D simulation of deflection basin of pavements under high-speed moving loads. Construction and Building Materials, 226 , pp. 868-878.
Omairey, Eman L., Zhang, Yuqing, Al-Malaika, Sahar, Sheena, Husam and Gu, Fan (2019). Impact of anti-ageing compounds on oxidation ageing kinetics of bitumen by infrared spectroscopy analysis. Construction and Building Materials, 223 , pp. 755-764.
Zhang, Junhui, Gu, Fan and Zhang, Yuqing (2019). Use of building-related construction and demolition wastes in highway embankment:Laboratory and field evaluations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 230 , pp. 1051-1060.
Ling, Meng, Luo, Xue, Gu, Fan and Lytton, Robert L. (2017). An inverse approach to determine complex modulus gradient of field-aged asphalt mixtures. Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 50 (2),