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Yang, Yong and Sumetsky, Misha (2020). In situ observation of slow and tunnelling light at the cutoff wavelength of an optical fiber. Optics Letters, 45 (3), pp. 762-765.
Yu, Qi, Zaki, Sajid, Yang, Yong, Toropov, Nikita, Shu, Xuewen and Sumetsky, Misha (2019). Rectangular SNAP microresonator fabricated with a femtosecond laser. Optics Letters, 44 (22), pp. 5606-5609.
Chen, Xianxian, Xie, Kang, Hu, Tao Ping, Zhang, Xiaojuan, Yang, Yong, Ma, Jiajun, Zhang, Junxi, Cheng, Xusheng and Hu, Zhijia (2019). Whispering gallery mode microlaser based on a single polymer fiber fabricated by electrospinning. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52 (47),
Crespo-Ballesteros, Manuel, Yang, Yong, Toropov, N. and Sumetsky, Misha (2019). Four-port SNAP microresonator device. Optics Letters, 44 (14), pp. 3498-3501.