System-level optimisation of hybrid energy powered irrigation system


Renewable energy-powered irrigation systems have emerged as sustainable solutions, particularly for farmers in off-grid areas. While existing research often highlights tank storage-based systems as the most cost-effective option, large-scale deployment of water tanks incurs significant costs and maintenance challenges. Additionally, there is limited research on the feasibility and optimisation of battery-based irrigation systems, which are often deemed costly despite their potential benefits. This study addresses this gap by identifying the optimal storage solution for hybrid energy-powered irrigation systems through a system-level optimisation model. The model evaluates the suitability of three storage options: direct-coupled water tank storage, battery-coupled storage, and a hybrid battery-tank storage system. Optimisation criteria include life cycle cost (LCC), loss of power supply probability (LPSP), and loss of load probability (LOLP), ensuring a comprehensive assessment of both cost and reliability. Results indicate that the hybrid battery-tank storage system is the most reliable, followed by battery-only storage, while tank-only storage, despite its lower initial cost, poses scalability and maintenance challenges. The LCC over a 25-year project lifetime is £31 k for battery-tank, £26 k for battery-only, and £23.3 k for tank-only systems. Despite the lower cost of tank storage, its complexity and maintenance make it the least preferred option for large-scale systems.

Publication DOI:
Divisions: College of Engineering & Physical Sciences > School of Engineering and Technology > Mechanical, Biomedical & Design
College of Engineering & Physical Sciences > Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI)
College of Engineering & Physical Sciences
College of Engineering & Physical Sciences > Aston Advanced Materials
Funding Information: The authors would like to express their gratitude to Innovate UKs Energy Catalyst Programme (Ayrton Funding provided by the Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office through their Transforming Energy Access Programme) and UK aid for the support and funding
Additional Information: Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cost,Irrigation,Optimisation,Renewable energy,System-level model,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
Publication ISSN: 1879-0682
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2024 17:04
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2024 13:22
Full Text Link:
Related URLs: https://www.sci ... 960148124012266 (Publisher URL)
http://www.scop ... tnerID=8YFLogxK (Scopus URL)
PURE Output Type: Article
Published Date: 2024-11
Published Online Date: 2024-08-10
Accepted Date: 2024-08-08
Authors: Alam, Marzia
Imran, Muhammad (ORCID Profile 0000-0002-3057-1301)
Sultan, Muhammad
Manzoor, Umar
Khan, Zafar A.
Rezk, Ahmed (ORCID Profile 0000-0002-1329-4146)
Alaswad, Abed (ORCID Profile 0000-0002-7828-7924)



Version: Published Version

License: Creative Commons Attribution

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