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Woods, Margaret; Linsley, Philip and Maffei, Marco (2016). Accounting and risk special issue: editorial. British Accounting Review, In pre ,
Lim, Chu Yeong; Woods, Margaret; Humphrey, Christopher and Seow, Jean Lin (2016). The paradoxes of risk management in the banking sector. British Accounting Review, In pre ,
Woods, Margaret (2013). I am the very model of a special purpose vehicle. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 26 (2), p. 346.
Woods, Margaret; Taylor, Linda and Fang, Gloria C.G. (2012). Electronics:a case study of economic value added in target costing. Management Accounting Research, 23 (4), pp. 261-277.
Woods, Margaret (2011). A commentary on 'contextualising the intermediate financial accounting courses in the global crisis'. Accounting Education, 20 (5), pp. 525-528.
Woods, Margaret (2011). Linking risk and performance management systems. Risk and regulation , pp. 16-17.
O'Brien, Christopher; Woods, Margaret and Billings, Mark (2010). Accounting for pension risk. The Actuary, 7 (5), pp. 24-25.
Woods, Margaret (2009). What US basketball can teach bankers (and the rest of us) about performance related pay structures and risk:Excellence in Leadership (special issue on Risk). Excellence in Leadership , pp. 48-51.
Woods, Margaret (2008). The history, theory and practice of resource allocation models in UK universities. Daigaku Zaimu Keiei Kenkyū, 5 , pp. 139-155.
Woods, Margaret; Kajüter, Peter; Linsley, Philip and Grambovas, Christos (2008). Editorial. International Journal of Financial Services Management, 3 (1), pp. 1-4.
Woods, Margaret; Dowd, Kevin and Humphrey, Christopher (2008). The value of risk reporting:a critical analysis of value-at-risk disclosures in the banking sector. International Journal of Financial Services Management, 3 (1), pp. 45-64.
Woods, Margaret (2007). All in the performance. Excellence in Leadership, 2 , pp. 32-35.
O'Brien, Christopher and Woods, Margaret (2006). Accounting for pensions. Financial Management, 2006 ,
Woods, Margaret and Marginson, David E.W. (2004). Accounting for derivatives:an evaluation of reporting practice by UK banks. European Accounting Review, 13 (2), pp. 373-390.
Woods, Margaret (2004). Fair value accounting. Accounting and Business ,
Woods, Margaret (2004). Value at risk:its uses and limitations. CIMA Insight ,
Billings, Mark; O'Brien, Chris and Woods, Margaret Bring risk into the open. Treasurer, Decemb , pp. 30-31.
Woods, Margaret; Humphrey, Christopher; Dowd, Kevin and Liu, Yu-Lin Crunch time for bank audits? Questions of practice and scope for dialogue. Managerial Auditing Journal, 24 (2), pp. 114-134.
Billings, Mark; O’Brien, Christopher; Woods, Margaret and Vencappa, Dev Discretion in accounting for pensions under IAS 19:using the ‘magic telescope’? Accounting and Business Research, 47 (2), pp. 123-143.
Grubnic, Suzana and Woods, Margaret Hierarchical control and performance regimes in local government. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 22 (5), pp. 445-455.
Dowd, Kevin; Cotter, John; Humphrey, Christopher and Woods, Margaret How unlucky is 25-sigma? Journal of Portfolio Management, 34 (4), pp. 76-80.
Woods, Margaret and Grubnic, Suzana Linking comprehensive performance assessment to the balanced scorecard:evidence from Hertfordshire County Council. Financial Accountability and Management, 24 (3), pp. 343-361.
Woods, Margaret Linking risk management to strategic controls:a case study of Tesco plc. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 7 (8), pp. 1074-1088.
Woods, Margaret; Humphrey, Christopher and Dowd, Kevin Market risk reporting by the world's top banks:evidence on the diversity of reporting practice and the implications for international accounting harmonisation. Revista de contabilidad, 11 (2), pp. 9-42.
Dowd, Kevin and Woods, Margaret Pensions risk. Financial Management, 2009 (Februa), pp. 45-47.
Humphrey, Christopher; Kausar, Asad; Loft, Anne and Woods, Margaret Regulating audit beyond the crisis:a critical discussion of the EU green paper. European Accounting Review, 20 (3), pp. 431-457.
Woods, Margaret Risk management at the Royal Bank of Scotland. CIMA Insight ,
Woods, Margaret Risk management in FTSE 100 companies. CIMA Research Update , pp. 6-9.
Humphrey, Christopher; Woods, Margaret and Dowd, Kevin See and be seen:how can bank auditors prove their worth? Financial Services Focus , pp. 8-12.
Weaver, Lisa and Woods, Margaret The challenges faced by reporting entities on their transition to international financial reporting standards:a qualitative study. Accounting in Europe, Latest ,
Collier, Paul M. and Woods, Margaret A comparison of the local authority adoption of risk management in England and Australia. Australian Accounting Review, 21 (2), pp. 111-123.
Woods, Margaret A contingency theory perspective on the risk management control system within Birmingham City Council. Management Accounting Research, 20 (1), pp. 69-81.
Humphrey, Christopher; Loft, Anne and Woods, Margaret The global audit profession and the international financial architecture:understanding regulatory relationships at a time of financial crisis. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 34 (6-7), pp. 810-825.
Book Section
Hidayah, Nunung; Woods, Margaret and Lowe, Alan Conceptual framework religious compliance in Islamic financial institutions:legal, moral or efficiency criteria? IN: Conceptual Framework Religious Compliance in Islamic Financial Institutions: Legal, Moral or Efficiency Criteria? UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Woods, Margaret and Linsley, Philip Future research in accounting and risk. IN: The Routledge Companion to Accounting and Risk. Woods, Margaret and Linsley, Philip (eds) Routledge.
Linsley, Philip and Woods, Margaret Introduction. IN: The Routledge companion to accounting and risk. Woods, Margaret and Linsley, Philip (eds) Routledge.
Conference or Workshop Item
Hidayah, Nunung; Woods, Margaret and Lowe, Alan (2014). "I’ll know it when I see it":the dynamic of religious compliance in Islamic financial institutions. IN: 30th EGOS colloquium. Erasmus University, 2014-07-03 - 2014-07-05. (Unpublished)
Woods, Margaret (2011). Risk management in organizations:an integrated case study approach. Routledge.
O'Brien, Christopher; Woods, Margaret and Billings, Mark (2010). Pension risk disclosures by FTSE 100 companies. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
Woods, Margaret and Dowd, Kevin (2009). Financial risk management for management accountants:Society of Management Accountants Canada, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. CIMA.
Woods, Margaret Integrating risk management with performance management. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.
Woods, Margaret Reporting and managing risk:a look at current practice at Tesco, RBS, local and central government. Research Executive Summary Series . Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.