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Driffield, Nigel L.; Mickiewicz, Tomasz and Temouri, Yama (2013). Institutional reforms, productivity and profitability:from rents to competition? Journal of Comparative Economics, 41 (2), pp. 583-600.
Temouri, Yama and Driffield, Nigel L. (2009). Does German foreign direct investment lead to job losses at home? Applied Economics Quarterly, 55 (3), pp. 243-263.
Temouri, Yama; Driffield, Nigel L. and Añón Higón, Dolores (2008). Analysis of productivity differences among foreign and domestic firms:evidence from Germany. Review of world economics, 144 (1), pp. 32-54.
Driffield, Nigel L. and Love, James H. (2006). Does the motivation for foreign direct investment affect productivity spillovers to the domestic sector? Applied Economics Quarterly, 52 (1), pp. 3-28.
Benyon, Malcolm J. and Driffield, Nigel L. (2005). An illustration of variable precision rough sets model:an analysis of the findings of the UK Monopolies and Mergers Commission. Computers and Operations Research, 32 (7), pp. 1739-1759.
Driffield, Nigel L.; Munday, Max and Roberts, Annette (2004). Inward investment, transaction linkages and productivity spillovers. Papers in Regional Science, 83 (4), pp. 699-722.
Driffield, Nigel L.; Ioannidis, Christos and Peel, David (2003). Some further empirical evidence on the impact of oil price changes on petrol prices. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 10 (2), pp. 195-203.
Davies, Stephen W.; Driffield, Nigel L. and Clarke, Roger (1999). Monopoly in the UK:what determines whether the MMC finds against the investigated firms? Journal of Industrial Economics, 47 (3), pp. 263-283.
Bhaumik, Sumon K.; Driffield, Nigel L. and Pal, Sarmistha Does ownership structure of emerging-market firms affect their outward FDI? The case of the Indian automotive and pharmaceutical sectors. Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (3), pp. 437-450.
Driffield, Nigel L. and Kambhampati, Uma S. Trade liberalization and the efficiency of firms in Indian manufacturing. Review of development economics, 7 (3), pp. 419-431.
Driffield, Nigel L. and Taylor, Karl Wage spillovers, inter-regional effects and the impact of inward investment. Spatial economic analysis, 1 (2), pp. 187-205.
Temouri, Yama; Driffield, Nigel L. and Añón Higón, Dolores The future of offshoring FDI in high-tech sectors. Futures, 42 (9), 960–970.
Book Section
Temouri, Yama; Driffield, Nigel L. and Añón Higón, Dolores Productivity differences among firms operating in Germany. IN: Potential growth and potentials for growth in Europe. Jüssen, Falko; Meister, Christoph; Stierle, Michael H. and van Hove, Jan (eds) Infer research perspectives, 4 . Berlin (DE): LIT.
Driffield, Nigel L.; Henry, Michael and Love, James H. Trade, technology transfer, and productivity spillovers. IN: Potential growth and potentials for growth in Europe. Jüssen, Falko; Meister, Christoph; Stierle, Michael H. and van Hove, Jan (eds) Infer research perspectives, 4 . Berlin (DE): LIT.
Kimino, Satomi; Driffield, Nigel L. and Saal, David S. (2008). Do Keiretsu really hinder FDI into Japanese manufacturing? Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK).
Hart, Mark; Driffield, Nigel L.; Roper, Stephen and Mole, Kevin F. (2008). Evaluation of regional selective assistance (RSA) and selective finance for investment in England (SFIE) 2000-2004 Report for the DTI. Discussion Paper. Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.
Driffield, Nigel L.; Henry, Michael and Love, James H. (2007). Technology flows, outsourcing and productivity:an analysis of UK trade and FDI. Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK).
Driffield, Nigel L.; Bissoondeeal, Rakesh and Pramadhani, Mayang FDI, trade and growth, a causal link? Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK).
Driffield, Nigel L.; Love, Jim; Añón Higón, Dolores; Du, Jun; Henry, Michael and Temouri, Yama Growing inward and indigenous investment. Project Report. Manchester Independent Economic Review, Manchester (UK).
Driffield, Nigel L.; Henry, Michael and Love, James H. Technology flows, outsourcing and productivity:an analysis of UK trade and FDI. Working Paper. Aston University.
Conference or Workshop Item
De Propris, Lisa; Driffield, Nigel L. and Menghinello, Stefano Local industrial systems and the location of FDI in Italy. IN: European Association of Researchers in Industrial Economies Annual Conference. 2004-09-02 - 2004-09-05. (Unpublished)
Driffield, Nigel L.; Love, James H. and Taylor, Karl Productivity and labour demand effects of inward and outward FDI on UK industry. IN: Association of International Business conference 2008. 2008-07-01 - 2008-07-03. (Unpublished)
Driffield, Nigel L.; Henry, Michael and Love, James H. Technology flows, outsourcing and productivity:an analysis of UK trade and FDI. IN: 9th international EUNIP conference. 2006-06-20 - 2006-06-22.