Items where Year is 2011

Ahmad, Shakil, Hewett, Peter W., Al-Ani, Bahjat, Sissaoui, Samir, Fujisawa, Takeshi, Cudmore, Melissa J. and Ahmed, Asif (2011). Autocrine activity of soluble Flt-1 controls endothelial cell function and angiogenesis. Vascular Cell, 3 (1),
Andrews, Jane, Clark, Robin and Davies, Kim (2011). Peer mentoring works! How peer mentoring enhances student success in Higher Education:evaluation toolkit. Higher Education Academy, York (UK).
Bachiller, Pilar, Bustos, Pablo and Manso, Luis (2011). Attentional Behaviors for Environment Modeling by a Mobile Robot. IN: Advances in Stereo Vision. InTech.
Badger, Julia (2011). An investigation into children’s inductive reasoning strategies:What drives the development of category induction? PHD thesis, Aston University.
Bailey, David and Cowling, Keith (2011). Rebuilding the city:a focus for European industrial policy? Policy Studies, 32 (4), pp. 347-364.
Bale, Brandon G., Boscolo, Sonia, Hammani, Kamal and Finot, Chirstophe (2011). Transition dynamics in optical fiber amplifiers operating in the normal dispersion regime. IN: Conference on and Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC), 2011. Conference publications . IEEE.
Boscolo, Sonia and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2011). Pulse shaping in mode-locked ring-cavity fibre lasers. IN: Conference on and Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC), 2011. Conference publications . IEEE.
Broady-Preston, Judith and Lobo, Alison (2011). Managing the quality, value and impact of academic libraries: the role of external standards. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 12 (2), pp. 122-135.
Clark, Robin (2011). Today's pupils tomorrow's engineers! Pedagogy and policy:a UK perspective. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 9 (2), pp. 227-241.
Derevyanko, Stanislav (2011). Appearance of bound states in random potentials with applications to soliton theory. Physical Review E, 84 (1),
Grieve, Jack, Speelman, Dirk and Geeraerts, Dirk (2011). A statistical method for the identification and aggregation of regional linguistic variation. Language Variation and Change, 23 (2), pp. 193-221.
He, Yulan and Zhou, Deyu (2011). Self-training from labeled features for sentiment analysis. Information Processing and Management, 47 (4), pp. 606-616.
Jones, Rhys J., Rajabi-Siahboomi, Ali, Levina, Marina, Perrie, Yvonne and Mohammed, Afzal R. (2011). The influence of formulation and manufacturing process parameters on the characteristics of lyophilized orally disintegrating tablets. Pharmaceutics, 3 (3), pp. 440-457.
Kaur, Randip, Chen, Jili, Dawoodji, Amina, Cerundolo, Vincenzo, Garcia-Diaz, Yoel R., Wojno, Justyna, Cox, Liam R., Besra, Gurdyal S., Moghaddam, Behfar and Perrie, Yvonne (2011). Preparation, characterisation and entrapment of a non-glycosidic threitol ceramide into liposomes for presentation to invariant natural killer T cells. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 100 (7), pp. 2724-2733.
Khudzari, Ahmad Z. and Tansley, Geoff D. (2011). The effect of innate compliance on the performance of a counterpulsation device. IN: Physiological Fluid Mechanics : The cardiovascular system. 2011-07-14 - 2011-07-15. (Unpublished)
Mickiewicz, Tomasz (2011). László Csaba, Crisis in economics? Studies in European political economy. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó , 2009, 224pp., e35.10 h/b. Europe-Asia Studies, 63 (5), pp. 903-904.
Murdoch, Colin E., Alom-Ruiz, Sara P., Wang, Minshu, Zhang, Min, Walker, Simon, Yu, Bin, Brewer, Alison and Shah, Ajay M. (2011). Role of endothelial Nox2 NADPH oxidase in angiotensin II-induced hypertension and vasomotor dysfunction. Basic Research in Cardiology, 106 (4), pp. 527-538.
Njap, Felix, Claussen, Jens C., Moser, Andreas and Hofmann, Ulrich G. (2011). Comparing realistic subthalamic nucleus neuron models. IN: 2011 International Symposium on Computational Models for Life Sciences, CMLS-11. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1371 . JPN: AIP.
Patel, Minal, Mulhall, Hayley, Al-Quatani, Khalid, Lewis, Mark and Wall, Ivan (2011). Muscle-derived precursor cells isolated on the basis of differential adhesion properties respond differently to capillary flow. Biotechnology Letters, 33 (7), pp. 1481-1486.
Patronov, Atanas, Dimitrov, Ivan, Flower, Darren R and Doytchinova, Irini (2011). Peptide binding prediction for the human class II MHC allele HLA-DP2:a molecular docking approach. BMC Structural Biology, 11 (32),
Rafique, Danish, Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Compensation of nonlinear fibre impairments in coherent systems employing spectrally efficient modulation formats. IEICE Transactions on Communications, E94-B (7), pp. 1815-1822.
Randrianandrasana, Michel F., Wei, Xueyong and Lowe, David (2011). A preliminary study into emergent behaviours in a lattice of interacting nonlinear resonators and oscillators. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16 (7), pp. 2945-2956.
Sarang, Zsolt, Köröskényi, Krisztina, Pallai, Anna, Duró, Edina, Melino, Gerry, Griffin, Martin, Fésüs, László and Szondy, Zsuzsa (2011). Transglutaminase 2 null macrophages respond to lipopolysaccharide stimulation by elevated proinflammatory cytokine production due to an enhanced αvβ3 integrin-induced Src tyrosine kinase signaling. Immunology Letters, 138 (1), pp. 71-78.
Thanassoulis, E., Kortelainen, M., Johnes, G. and Johnes, J. (2011). Costs and efficiency of higher education institutions in England:a DEA analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62 (7), pp. 1282-1297.
Tran, Truong X., Cassemiro, Katiuscia N., Söller, Christoph, Blow, Keith J. and Biancalana, Fabio (2011). Hybrid squeezing of solitonic resonant radiation in photonic crystal fibers. Physical Review A, 84 (1),
Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Offset-QAM based coherent WDM for spectral efficiency enhancement. Optics Express, 19 (15), pp. 14617-14631.