Items where Year is 2006

Ania-Castañón, Juan D., Karalekas, Vassilis, Perez-Gonzalez, J., Harper, Paul, Chen, Xianfeng F. and Zhang, Lin (2006). Signal power excursion and pump efficiency in quasi-lossless ultra-long Raman laser links. IN: European Conference on Optical Communications, 2006. ECOC 2006. IEEE.
Bahia, R.K. (2006). Skin adhesive hydrogels for the topical delivery of active agents. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Baines, Tim S., Lightfoot, Howard, Williams, G.M. and Greenough, Richard (2006). State-of-the-art in lean design engineering:a literature review on white collar lean. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 220 (9), pp. 1539-1547.
Beck, Katy E., De Girolamo, Luigi A., Griffin, Martin and Billett, E. Ellen (2006). The role of tissue transglutaminase in 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+)-induced toxicity in differentiated human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Neuroscience Letters, 405 (1-2), pp. 46-51.
Bush, Joe, Langley, Christopher A., Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2006). Perceived barriers to the development of community pharmacy's public health function - a survey of the attitudes of Directors of Public Health and Chief Pharmacists in UK Primary Care Organisations. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2006. 2006-09-04 - 2006-09-06.
Butler, Michael J.R. (2006). Human resource strategy:introducing a new management typology to make change stick. Journal on Management, 1 (2), pp. 57-69.
Graf, R., Fernandez, A., Dubov, M., Brückner, H.J. and Apolonski, A. (2006). Pearl-chain waveguides machined with a femtosecond high-energy oscillator. IN: Proceedings of 2nd EPS-QEOD - Europhoton conference on solid-state and fiber coherent light sources. UNSPECIFIED.
Graf, R., Fernandez, A., Dubov, Mykhaylo, Brückner, H.J. and Apolonski, A. (2006). Pearl-chain waveguides machined with a femtosecond high-energy oscillator. IN: EPS-QEOD - Europhoton Conference on Solid-State and Fiber Coherent Light Sources. 2006-09-10 - 2006-09-15.
Hilton, Anthony and Armstrong, Richard A. (2006). Statnote 6: post-hoc ANOVA tests. Microbiologist, 2006 , pp. 34-36.
Hutchinson, J., Sawyer, Peter and Walkerdine, J. (2006). Is a Dominant Service-Centric Sector Good for Diversity of Provision? IN: SOCCER '06 Proceedings of the Service-Oriented Computing: Consequences for Engineering Requirements. IEEE.
Labeau, Emmanuelle and Vetters, Carl (2006). Le Passé simple est-il toujours en course? Enquête sur la position du PS dans le peloton des temps du reportage cycliste. IN: Chronos 7: International conference on tense, aspect, mood, and modality. 2006-09-18 - 2006-09-20.
Ladenburger, Eva-Maria, Korn, Iris, Kasielke, Nicole, Wassmer, Thomas and Plattner, Helmut (2006). An Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor in Paramecium is associated with the osmoregulatory system. Journal of Cell Science, 119 (17), pp. 3705-3717.
Lai, Yicheng, Zhou, K., Zhang, L. and Bennion, I. (2006). Microchannels in conventional single-mode fibers. Optics Letters, 31 (17), pp. 2559-2561.
Lamont, D.R. (2006). Decompression illness and its regulation in contemporary UK tunnelling : an engineering perspective:an engineering perspective. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Russell, Danielle G. R. (2006). Development of liquid formulations for targetted drug delivery to the oesophagus. PHD thesis, Aston University.