Items where Year is 1999

Chattopadhyay, Amit Kr. (1999). Nonlocal Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation with spatially correlated noise. Physical Review E, 60 (1), pp. 293-296.
Iocco, A., Limberger, H G, Salathe, R P, Everall, L A, Chisholm, K E, Williams, J A R and Bennion, I (1999). Bragg Grating fast Tunable Filter For Wavelength Division Multiplexing. Journal of lightwave technology, 17 (7), pp. 1217-1221.
Kariyawasam, Sandya H. (1999). Investigation into the biochemical changes in Tourette Syndrome with a potential for pharmacological manipulation. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Majeed, Zulfiqar (1999). Reactions of directly related tellurium and selenium heterocycic compunds with triiron dodecacarbonyl. PHD thesis, Aston University.