Items where Division is "College of Engineering & Physical Sciences" and Year is 1978

El-Alem, Muhammed S.Y. (1978). Data transmission by pulse compression. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Eskandari, Mohamad R. (1978). The Transfer Function for a Subcritical System Measured by Prompt Gamma Radiation. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Gindy, Nabil N.Z. (1978). Machining characteristics of polymers. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Goonatilake, Pelpolage C.L. (1978). Analysis of Cross-Infection Mechanisms in a Hospital System. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Green, Nicholas C.H. (1978). Investigations into long-term productivity improvements in an automotive rubber concern. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Hindson, D. (1978). Structural behaviour and design of load-bearing falsework. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Hutchins, David A. (1978). The Optical Display of Ultrasonic Waves in Liquids. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Leavesley, Peter Joseph (1978). Energy absorbed in impact extrusion. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Mountis, Michael G. (1978). Pulse Time-Code Modulation System. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Osborne, Ronald Roy (1978). The Analogue Simulation of a Fusion Reactor. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Rahman, M.A. (1978). Interaction between foundations and structures. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Rehal, Amarjit S. (1978). Examination of Oxide and Hydroxide Films Grown on Aluminium and some Aluminium Alloys. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Shakir, Nawal Shafig (1978). The measurement of isomeric cross-section ratios in neutron induced reactions. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Singh, B. (1978). An Investigation of some of the Physical Processes Occuring in High Current Ion Sources. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Siripairoje, Pongsri (1978). An Investigation into the Heat Capacities of the Superconducting Spinels. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Southall, Jeremy T. (1978). Aspects of Management Control in the Foundry Industry. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Steele, David (1978). The diamond grinding of reaction bonded silicon carbide. Masters thesis, Aston University.
Stokes, A.T. (1978). Electron Beam Machine for Continuous Metallurgical Processes. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Thompson, Cherry R.S. (1978). The development of flash visual evoked potential techniques for the diagnosis of visual disorders with dense opacities of the optic media. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Thomson, P.C. (1978). The development of a solid waste management strategy. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Wright, John M. (1978). Some aspects of the microstructure and fracture toughness of the weld heat affected zone of a martensitic precipitation hardened stainless steel. PHD thesis, Aston University.