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Fletcher, Luke, Carter, Matthew R and Lyubovnikova, Joanne (2018). Congruency of resources and demands and their effects on staff turnover within the English health care sector. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91 (3), pp. 688-696.
Litchfield, Robert, Carter, Matthew, Hirst, Giles, Tomruk Gumusluoglu, Lale and Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Zahide (2018). When team identity helps innovation and when it hurts:team identity and its relationship to team and cross-team innovative behavior. Journal of Product Innovation management, 35 (3), pp. 350-366.
Lyubovnikova, Joanne, West, Michael A., Dawson, Jeremy F. and Carter, Matthew R. (2015). 24-Karat or fool’s gold? Consequences of real team and co-acting group membership in healthcare organizations. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24 (6), pp. 929-950.
Carter, Matthew R., West, Michael, Dawson, Jeremy, Richardson, Joanne and Dunckley, Maria (2008). Developing team-based working in NHS trusts. Aston University. (Unpublished)
West, Michael A., Guthrie, James P., Dawson, Jeremy F., Borrill, Carol S. and Carter, Matthew (2006). Reducing patient mortality in hospitals:the role of human resource management. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27 (7), pp. 983-1002.
Carter, M.R. (2002). Are HRM practices related with patient mortality in NHS hospitals?:A study examining the underlying reasons for such an association. PHD thesis, Aston University.