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Aston, Jeff; Wilson, Keith A.; Sinclair, Anthony and Terry, David (2017). A telephone survey to determine the experiences of children and their parents/carers, following the initiation of a new medicine. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 24 (5), pp. 266-271.
Aston, Jeff; Wilson, Keith A. and Terry, David R.P. (2017). Children/young people taking long-term medication:a survey of community pharmacists' experiences in England. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 26 (2), pp. 104-110.
Wilson, Keith A. and Perrie, Yvonne (2013). Pharmacy (ISSN 2226-4787):a journal of pharmacy education and practice. Pharmacy, 1 (1), pp. 1-2.
Langley, Chris A.; Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2010). Choosing to study pharmacy: measuring influences and motivations. Pharmacy education, 10 (2), pp. 78-83.
Langley, Chris A.; Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2010). Choosing to study pharmacy: measuring influences and motivations. Pharmacy Education, 10 (2), pp. 79-84.
Terry, David R.P.; Solanki, Guirish A.; Sinclair, Anthony G.; Marriott, John F. and Wilson, Keith A. (2010). Clinical significance of medication reconciliation in children admitted to a UK pediatric hospital:observational study of neurosurgical patients. Pediatric Drugs, 12 (5), pp. 331-337.
Marriott, John F.; Wilson, Keith A.; Langley, Christopher A. and Belcher, Dawn (2010). Pharmaceutical compounding and dispensing. London: Pharmaceutical Press.
Marriott, John F.; Wilson, Keith A.; Langley, Christopher A. and Belcher, Dawn (2010). Pharmaceutical compounding and dispensing. Pharmaceutical Press.
Bush, Joe; Langley, Christopher A.; Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2008). Community pharmacy in a commissioning-led NHS:can pharmacy compete effectively? IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2008. 2008-09-07 - 2008-09-09.
Bush, Joe; Langley, Christopher A.; Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2008). Developing the public health function of locum pharmacists under the auspices of the new pharmacy contract. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2008. 2008-09-07 - 2008-09-09.
Langley, Christopher A. and Wilson, Keith A. (2008). Multidisciplinary Learning within the MPharm Degree. IN: 1st International Interprofessional Health and Social Care Conference. 2008-07-01 - 2008-07-02. (Unpublished)
Langley, Christopher A.; Hatfield, Kate; Clarke, Laura; Wilson, Keith A. and Jesson, Jill K. (2007). What purpose does the MPharm research project serve? Pharmacy Education, 7 (3), pp. 199-205.
Langley, Christopher A.; Wilson, Keith A.; Jesson, Jill K. and Hatfield, Katie (2007). The UK MPharm (2) - Do we over assess? Pharmacy Education, 8 , pp. 100-101.
Jesson, Jill K.; Langley, Chris A.; Wilson, Keith A. and Hatfield, Katie (2006). Science or practice? UK undergraduate experiences and attitudes to the MPharm degree. Pharmacy World and Science, 28 (5), pp. 278-283.
Bush, Joe; Langley, Christopher A.; Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2006). Perceived barriers to the development of community pharmacy's public health function - a survey of the attitudes of Directors of Public Health and Chief Pharmacists in UK Primary Care Organisations. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2006. 2006-09-04 - 2006-09-06.
Jesson, Jill K.; Bush, Joe; Langley, Chris A. and Wilson, Keith A. (2006). Exploratory interviews with pharmacy-based public health 'key players'. IN: 14th International Social Pharmacy Conference. 2006-07-11 - 2006-07-14. (Unpublished)
Bush, Joe; Langley, Chris A.; Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2006). How useful can pharmacy be in improving the health of the public? A survey of the attitudes of directors of public health and chief pharmacists in UK primary care organisations. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2006. 2006-09-04 - 2006-09-06. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Bush, Joe; Langley, Chris A. and Wilson, Keith A. (2006). Pharmaceutical input into public health planning in UK primary care organisations. IN: 14th International Social Pharmacy Conference. 2006-07-11 - 2006-07-14. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Langley, Chris A.; Wilson, Keith A. and Hatfield, K. (2006). Social pharmacy practice or science: what do MPharm students think? IN: 14th International Social Pharmacy Conference. 2006-07-11 - 2006-07-14. (Unpublished)
Wilson, Keith A.; Jesson, Jill K.; Hatfield, Katie and Langley, Christopher A. (2006). Undergraduate commitment to pharmacy as a subject of study and as a career. Pharmacy Education, 6 (3), p. 218.
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A.; Hatfield, Katie and Langley, Christopher A. (2006). A career in pharmacy:a new approach to measuring the motivations of pharmacy students. Pharmacy Education, 6 (3), p. 217.
Jesson, Jill K.; Bush, Joe; Langley, Chris A. and Wilson, Keith A. (2006). The new pharmacy contract and its effects on the public health contribution of community pharmacists. IN: 14th International Social Pharmacy Conference. 2006-07-11 - 2006-07-14. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Pocock, Rob and Wilson, Keith A. (2005). Reducing medicines waste in the community. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 6 , pp. 117-124.
Woodford, Eleanor M.; Wilson, Keith A. and Marriott, John F. (2005). Hospital pharmacists' awareness of a new antibiotic guideline in the UK:implications for practice. Pharmacy World and Science, 27 (3), pp. 215-219.
Langley, Christopher; Bassi, Harpreet K.; Smith, Amanda; Marriott, John F. and Wilson, Keith A. (2005). A pilot study to evaluate the self-medication system for liver transplant patients at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. Pharmacy World and Science, 27 (2), A68.
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A.; Patel, N. and Anjam, V. (2005). HSR Local evaluation of a pathfinder repeat dispensing site. IN: Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference. 2005-03-21 - 2005-03-22. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A.; Langley, Chris A.; Clarke, Laura and Hatfield, Katie (2005). Pharmacy career choices and expectations - but what is a career? IN: Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference. 2005-03-21 - 2005-03-22. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A.; Langley, Chris A.; Clarke, Laura and Hatfield, Katie (2005). Science or practice? Undergraduate opinions. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2005. 2005-09-26 - 2005-09-28. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A. and Davies, Matt (2005). A preliminary evaluation of community pharmacy management training. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2005. 2005-09-26 - 2005-09-28. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Langley, Chris A.; Wilson, Keith A.; Clarke, Laura and Hatfield, Katie (2005). The undergraduate research project: evidence from the 2004 teaching, learning and assessment study. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2005. 2005-09-26 - 2005-09-28. (Unpublished)
Wilson, Keith A.; Jesson, Jill K.; Langley, Christopher A. and Clarke, Laura (2005). The undergraduate research project: evidence from the 2004 teaching, learning and assessment study. IN: Health Service Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference. 2005-01-01 - 2005-01-01. (Unpublished)
Woodford, Eleanor M.; Wilson, Keith A. and Marriott, John F. (2004). Professionals' awareness of operational antibiotic prescribing controls in UK NHS hospitals. Journal of Hospital Infection, 58 (3), pp. 193-199.
Langley, Christopher A.; Marriott, John F.; Belcher, Dawn; Wilson, Keith A. and Lewis, Penny (2004). The attitudes of students and academic staff towards electronic course support:are we convergent? Pharmacy Education, 4 (2), pp. 57-61.
Woodford, Eleanor M.; Wilson, Keith A. and Marriott, John F. (2004). Documentation of antibiotic prescribing controls in UK NHS hospitals. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 53 (4), pp. 650-652.
Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2004). The new UK research governance:its impact on pharmacy undergraduate research projects. Pharmacy Education, 4 (1), pp. 41-48.
Cox, Anthony R.; Marriott, John F.; Wilson, Keith A. and Ferner, R.E. (2004). Adverse drug reaction teaching in UK undergraduate medical and pharmacy programmes. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 29 (1), pp. 31-35.
Jesson, Jill K.; Savage, I.; Wilson, Keith A.; Akbar, K.; Bhuddia, Y. and Raffiq, M.A. (2003). Primary care pharmacists: Three case studies at the cusp of change. IN: 9th Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference. 2003-04-14 - 2003-04-15. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2003). The new research governance culture: Its impact on undergraduate research projects. IN: 9th Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference. 2003-04-14 - 2003-04-15. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Pocock, R.; Wilson, Keith A. and Wood, Kay M.G. (2002). Hard to swallow. Health Service Journal, 112 (5826), pp. 28-29.
Wilson, Keith A.; Jesson, Jill K.; Varnish, J.; Pocock, R. and Barton, A. (2002). The Birmingham community pharmacy repeat dispensing project. Pharmaceutical Journal, 269 (7205), pp. 20-24.
Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. (2002). Health centre pharmacy - a promise or threat? IN: 8th Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference. 2002-04-11 - 2002-04-12. (Unpublished)
Langley, Christopher A.; Belcher, Dawn; Marriott, John F. and Wilson, Keith A. (2002). The use of digital video to support extemporaneous skills in pharmacy practice. Pharmacy Education, 2 (3), pp. 155-156.
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A. and Blenkinsopp, Alison (2001). The training experience of primary care pharmacists. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 9 (2), pp. 119-126.
Jesson, Jill K.; Kingham, A.; Wilson, Keith A. and Jenkins, D. (2001). Management of depression: Developing evidence based guidelines. IN: Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference. 2001-04-19 - 2001-04-20. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Rashid, A. and Wilson, Keith A. (2001). Professional integration within health centre pharmacies. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2001. 2001-09-29 - 2001-10-13. (Unpublished)
Wilson, Keith A. (1975). The mode of action of angiotensin. PHD thesis, Aston University.
Jesson, Jill K.; Wood, Kay M.G. and Wilson, Keith A. Attitudes towards practice research: Comparison of postgraduate pharmacy and business students health services. IN: Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference. 2001-04-19 - 2001-04-20. (Unpublished)
Bush, Joe; Langley, Christopher A. and Wilson, Keith A. Community pharmacists' engagement with public health in Great Britain. IN: 16th International Social Pharmacy Workshop. 2010-08-23 - 2010-08-26.
Wilson, Keith A. and Jesson, Jill K. Dispensing activity in a community pharmacy-based repeat dispensing pilot project. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 11 (4), pp. 225-232.
Langley, Christopher A.; Belcher, Dawn; Marriott, John F. and Wilson, Keith A. Do students perceive that specialist language and jargon within the undergraduate MPharm degree course detracts from their studies? Pharmacy Education, 2 (3), pp. 156-157.
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A.; Langley, Christopher A. and Hatfield, Katie Employment or self-employment? The entrepreneurial ambitions of UK pharmacy students. IN: EAFP Annual Conference. 2007-09-01.
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A.; Langley, Christopher A. and Hatfield, K. Entrepreneurial ambition: the strong desire to own a pharmacy business. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2007. 2007-09-10 - 2007-09-12. (Unpublished)
Wilson, Keith A.; Jesson, Jill and Patel, Rasha Ethical issues about shared medical records. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 10 (S1), R64.
Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. Examining the impact of commissioned research on expanding drug misuse pharmaceutical services in a public policy arena. IN: 13th International Social Pharmacy Workshop. 2004-07-19 - 2004-07-23. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A.; Pocock, R. and Barton, A. Healthy workplaces? Needle exchange pharmacies. IN: Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference. 2001-04-19 - 2001-04-20. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A.; Langley, Christopher A. and Hatfield, Katie Images of pharmacy as a career: a survey among groups of year 12 students at school. Pharmaceutical Journal, 280 (7489), pp. 183-186.
Jesson, Jill K.; Langley, Christopher A.; Wilson, Keith A. and Hatfield, Katie The MPharm treadmill: is there too much teaching. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2006. 2006-09-04 - 2006-09-06. (Unpublished)
Wilson, Keith A.; Jesson, Jill K.; Langley, Chris A. and Hatfield, Katie Mapping teaching, learning and assessment in the MPharm in UK schools of pharmacy. Pharmaceutical Journal, 277 (7419), pp. 369-372.
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A.; Langley, Chris A.; Clarke, Laura and Hatfield, Katie Multidisciplinary learning in the MPharm degree. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2005. 2005-09-26 - 2005-09-28. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K. and Wilson, Keith A. One-stop health centres:What co-location means for pharmacy. Health and Place, 9 (3), pp. 253-261.
Jesson, Jill K.; Bush, Joe; Langley, Chris A. and Wilson, Keith A. Perceived barriers to the development of community pharmacy's public health function: a survey of the attitudes of directors of public health and chief pharmacists in UK primary care organisations. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2006. 2006-09-04 - 2006-09-06. (Unpublished)
Saini, S.; Marriott, John F.; Langley, Christopher A. and Wilson, Keith A. Perceptions of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's membership on the Society's dual role. Pharmaceutical Journal, 268 (7201), pp. 807-808.
Marriott, John F.; Wilson, Keith A.; Langley, Christopher A. and Belcher, Dawn Pharmaceutical compounding and dispensing. Pharmaceutical Press.
Wilson, Keith A. and Langley, Christopher A. Pharmacy Education and Accreditation Reviews (PEARs) project:final report. Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland.
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A. and Blenkinsopp, Alison Primary care pharmacists:a profile. Journal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 19 (3), pp. 99-104.
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A. and Tattersall, C. Research evidence and tts influence on policy: Progress in delivering improved services to drug users. IN: 10th Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference. 2004-03-29 - 2004-03-30. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Blenkinsopp, Alison; Wilson, Keith A. and Langley, Chris A. Strategic level pharmacists in primary care:Activity, training and development needs. Pharmaceutical Journal, 273 (7321), pp. 564-569.
Langley, Christopher A.; Wilson, Keith A.; Jesson, Jill K. and Hatfield, Katie The UK MPharm (1) - are we over reliant on traditional teaching methods? Pharmacy Education, 8 (1), pp. 99-100.
Jesson, Jill K.; Bush, Joe; Langley, Chris A. and Wilson, Keith A. Variations in public health provision: the mixed market of pharmacy ownership. IN: British Pharmaceutical Conference 2007. 2007-09-10 - 2007-09-12. (Unpublished)
Jesson, Jill K.; Wilson, Keith A.; Hatfield, K. and Langley, Chris A. What role does the undergraduate pharmacy research project have within the modern MPharm? IN: 14th International Social Pharmacy Conference. 2006-07-11 - 2006-07-14. (Unpublished)
Huynh, Chi; Tomlin, Stephen; Jani, Yogini; Solanki, Guirish A.; Haley, Helen; Smith, Rachel E.; Lowey, Andrew; Sinclair, Anthony; Wilson, Keith A.; Wong, Ian Chi Kei and Terry, David An evaluation of the epidemiology of medication discrepancies and clinical significance of medicines reconciliation in children admitted to hospital. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 101 (1), pp. 67-71.
Jesson, Jill K.; Blenkinsopp, Alison; Boardman, Helen and Wilson, Keith A. A pharmacy workforce survey in the West Midlands: 3 primary care pharmacists. Pharmaceutical Journal, 266 (7148), pp. 684-687.
Jesson, Jill K.; Boardman, Helen; Blenkinsopp, Alison and Wilson, Keith A. A pharmacy workforce survey in the West Midlands: 4 Morale and motivation. Pharmaceutical Journal, 267 (7173), pp. 685-690.