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Terekhov, I.S.; Reznichenko, A.V.; Kharkov, Ya A. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2017). Log-log growth of channel capacity for nondispersive nonlinear optical fiber channel in intermediate power range. Physical Review E, 95 (6),
Chekhovskoy, I.S.; Rubenchik, A.M.; Shtyrina, O.V.; Fedoruk, M.P. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2016). Nonlinear combining and compression in multicore fibers. Physical Review A, 94 (4),
Perentos, A.; Fabbri, S.; Sorokina, M.; Phillips, I.D.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Ellis, A.D. and Sygletos, S. (2016). QPSK 3R regenerator using a phase sensitive amplifier. Optics Express, 24 (15), pp. 16649-16658.
Perego, A.M.; Tarasov, N.; Churkin, D.V.; Turitsyn, S.K. and Staliunas, K. (2016). Dissipative parametric modulation instability and pattern formation in nonlinear optical systems. IN: Nonlinear Optics and its Applications IV. Eggleton, Benjamin J.; Broderick, Neil G.R. and Gaeta, Alexander L. (eds) SPIE Proceedings . Bellingham, WA (US): SPIE.
Turitsyn, S.K.; Rosanov, N.N.; Yarutkina, I.A.; Bednyakova, A.E.; Fedorov, S.V.; Shtyrina, O.V. and Fedoruk, M.P. (2016). Dissipative solitons in fiber lasers. Physics-Uspekhi, 59 (7), pp. 642-668.
Le, S.T.; Phillips, I.D.; Prilepsky, J.E.; Harper, P.; Doran, N.J.; Ellis, A.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2016). First experimental demonstration of nonlinear inverse synthesis transmission over transoceanic distances. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2016. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Le, S.T.; Prilepsky, J.E.; Kamalian, M.; Rosa, P.; Tan, M.; Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Harper, P. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2015). Modified nonlinear inverse synthesis for optical links with distributed Raman amplification. IN: European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. IEEE.
Le, Son T.; MacSuibhne, N.; McCarthy, M.E.; Ellis, A.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2015). Multiplier-free blind phase noise estimation for CO-OFDM transmission. IN: European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. IEEE.
Ellis, A.D.; Le, S.T.; Al-Khateeb, M.A.Z.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Liga, G.; Lavery, D.; Xu, T. and Bayvel, P. (2015). The impact of phase conjugation on the nonlinear-Shannon limit:the difference between optical and electrical phase conjugation. IN: Summer topicals meeting series, SUM 2015. IEEE.
Shapiro, E.G.; Shapiro, D.A. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2015). Method for computing the optimal signal distribution and channel capacity. Optics Express, 23 (12), pp. 15119-15133.
Churkin, D.V.; Sugavanam, S.; Tarasov, N.; Khorev, S.; Smirnov, S.V.; Kobtsev, S.M. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2015). Stochasticity, periodicity and localized light structures in partially mode-locked fibre lasers. Nature Communications, 6 ,
Churkin, D.V.; Kolokolov, I.V.; Podivilov, E.V.; Vatnik, I.D.; Nikulin, M.; Vergeles, S.S.; Terekhov, I.S.; Lebedev, V.V.; Falkovich, Gregory E.; Babin, Sergey A. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2015). Wave kinetics of random fibre lasers. Nature Communications, 6 ,
Ellis, A.D.; Phillips, I.D.; Tan, M.; Stephens, M.F.C.; McCarthy, M.E.; Al Kahteeb, M.A.Z.; Iqbal, M.A.; Perentos, A.; Fabbri, S.; Gordienko, V.; Lavery, D.; Liga, G.; Saavedra, M.G.; Maher, R.; Sygletos, S.; Harper, P.; Doran, N.J.; Bayvel, P. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2015). Enhanced superchannel transmission using phase conjugation. IN: European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. IEEE.
Le, S.T.; McCarthy, M.E.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Phillips, I.; Lavery, D.; Xu, T.; Bayvel, P. and Ellis, A.D. (2015). Optical and digital phase conjugation techniques for fiber nonlinearity compensation. IN: Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2015. IEEE.
Turitsyn, S.K. (2015). Optical wave turbulence in fibre lasers. IN: The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015. Optical Society of America.
Le, S.T.; Wahls, S.; Lavery, D.; Prilepsky, J.E. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2015). Reduced complexity nonlinear inverse synthesis for nonlinearity compensation in optical fiber links. IN: The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015. Optical Society of America.
Sugavanam, S.; El Taher, A.E.; Churkin, D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2015). Spatio-temporal dynamics of a composite soliton regime in a passively mode locked fiber laser. IN: The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015. Optical Society of America.
Churkin, D.V.; Kolokolov, I.V.; Podivilo, E.V.; Vatnik, I.D.; Nikulin, M.A.; Vergeles, S.S.; Terekhov, I.S.; Lebedev, V.V.; Falkovich, G.; Babin, S.A. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2015). Wave kinetics of random fibre lasers. IN: The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015. Optical Society of America.
Terekhov, I.S.; Vergeles, S.S. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2014). Conditional probability calculations for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with additive noise. Physical Review Letters, 113 (23),
Le, S.T.; McCarthy, M.E.; MacSuibhne, N.; Ellis, A.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2014). Phase-conjugated pilots for fibre nonlinearity compensation in CO-OFDM transmission. IN: European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. IEEE.
Bednyakova, A.E.; Fedoruk, M.P.; Harper, P. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2013). Hybrid gain-flattened and reduced power excursion scheme for distributed Raman amplification. Optics Express, 21 (24), pp. 29140-29144.
Sorokina, M.A.; Sygletos, S. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2013). Optimization of cascaded regenerative links based on phase sensitive amplifiers. Optics Letters, 38 (21), pp. 4378-4381.
Rubenchik, A.M.; Tkachenko, E.V.; Fedoruk, M.P. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2013). Power-controlled phase-matching and instability of CW propagation in multicore optical fibers with a central core. Optics Letters, 38 (20), pp. 4232-4235.
Turitsyn, S.K.; Babin, S.A.; Turitsyna, E.G.; Falkovich, G.E.; Podivilov, E.V. and Churkin, D.V. (2013). Optical wave turbulence. IN: Advances in wave turbulence. Shrira, Victor and Nazarenko, Sergei (eds) World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series A . Singapore: World Scientific.
Akhmediev, N.; Dudley, J.M.; Solli, D.R. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2013). Recent progress in investigating optical rogue waves. Journal of Optics, 15 (6),
Yarutkina, I.A.; Shtyrina, O.V.; Fedoruk, M.P. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2013). Numerical modeling of fiber lasers with long and ultra-long ring cavity. Optics Express, 21 (10), pp. 12942-12950.
Chernysheva, M.A.; Krylov, A.A.; Mou, C.; Arif, R.N.; Rozhin, A.; Rümmeli, M.H.; Turitsyn, S.K. and Dianov, E.M. (2013). 300-mW average output power hybrid mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser. IN: 39th European Conference and exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2013). IET conference publications . Red Hook, NY (US): IET.
Le, S.T.; Blow, K.J.; Menzentsev, V.K. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2013). Comparison of numerical bit error rate estimation methods in 112Gbs QPSK CO-OFDM transmission. IN: 39th European Conference and exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2013). IET conference publications . Red Hook, NY (US): IET.
Sorokina, M.A. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2013). Design of nonlinear regenerative transmission systems with high capacity. IN: 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2013. IEEE conference publications . IEEE.
Turitsyn, S.K.; Rubenchik, A.M.; Fedoruk, M.P. and Tkachenko, E. (2012). Coherent propagation and energy transfer in low-dimension nonlinear arrays. Physical Review A, 86 (3),
Turitsyn, S.K.; Sorokina, M. and Derevyanko, S. (2012). Capacity of dispersion-non-compensated nonlinear fibre channels. IN: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. IEEE conference publications . IEEE.
Churkin, D.V.; Vatnik, I.D.; Turitsyn, S.K. and Babin, S.A. (2011). Random distributed feedback Raman fiber laser operating in a 1.2 μm wavelength range. Laser Physics, 21 (8), pp. 1525-1529.
Turitsyn, S.K.; Bednyakova, A.E.; Fedoruk, M.P.; Latkin, A.I.; Fotiadi, A.A.; Kurkov, A.S. and Sholokhov, E. (2011). Modeling of CW Yb-doped fiber lasers with highly nonlinear cavity dynamics. Optics Express, 19 (9), pp. 8394-8405.
Bednyakova, A.E.; Fedoruk, M.P.; Kurkov, A.S.; Sholokhov, E.M. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2011). Raman laser based on a fiber with variable mode structure. Laser Physics, 21 (2), pp. 290-293.
El-Taher, A.E.; Harper, P.; Babin, S.A.; Churkin, D.V.; Podivilov, E.V.; Ania-Castañón, J. D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2011). Effect of Rayleigh-scattering distributed feedback on multiwavelength Raman fiber laser generation. IN: Fiber Lasers VIII. Dawson, Jay W. and Honea, Eric C. (eds) SPIE Proceedings . Bellingham, WA (US): SPIE.
El-Taher, A.E.; Harper, P.; Babin, S.A.; Churkin, D.V.; Podivilov, E.V.; Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2011). Effect of Rayleigh-scattering distributed feedback on multiwavelength Raman fiber laser generation. Optics Letters, 36 (2), pp. 130-132.
Turitsyn, S.K.; Babin, Sergey A.; El-Taher, A.E.; Harper, P.; Churkin, D.V.; Kablukov, S.I.; Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Karalekas, V. and Podivilov, E.V. (2010). CW lasing in a telecom fibre due to the random distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering. IN: ECOC 2010 – 36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication. IEEE.
El-Taher, A.E.; Churkin, D.V.; Harper, P.; Babin, S.A.; Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2010). Multi-wavelength ultra-long Raman fibre laser based on Rayleigh-scattering feedback. IN: ECOC 2010 – 36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication. IEEE.
Prilepsky, Y.E.; Derevyanko, S.A. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2010). Lattice approach to the dynamics of the DPSK-encoded soliton trains. IN: 2010 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory. IEEE.
Nyushkov, B.N.; Denisov, V.I.; Kobtsev, S.M.; Pivtsov, V.S.; Kolyada, N.A.; Ivanenko, A.V. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2010). Generation of 1.7-μJ pulses at 1.55μm by a self-modelocked all-fiber laser with a kilometers-long linear-ring cavity. Laser Physics Letters, 7 (9), pp. 661-665.
French, C.; Forysiak, W. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2009). 40 Gb/s optically transparent heterogeneous networks:A non-distributed dispersion map optimisation methodology. Optics Communications, 282 (14), pp. 2707-2712.
Turitsyn, S.K. (2009). Theory of energy evolution in laser resonators with saturated gain and non-saturated loss. Optics Express, 17 (14), pp. 11898-11904.
Bhamber, R.; French, C.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Mezentsev, V.; Forysiak, W. and Nijhof, J.H.B. (2008). Lumped dispersion mapping and performance margins in existing SMF-DCF terrestrial links. Journal of Optical Networking, 7 (2), pp. 106-110.
Schwartz, O.Y. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2007). Multiple-period dispersion-managed solitons. Physical Review A, 76 (4),
Pincemin, E.; Tan, A.; Tonello, A.; Wabnitz, S.; Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Mezentsev, V.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Jaouën, Y. and Grüner-Nielsen, L. (2007). Performance comparison of SSMF and ultra wave fibers for ultra-long-haul 40-Gb/s WDM transmission. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 19 (20), pp. 1613-1615.
Babin, S.A.; Karalekas, V.; Harper, P.; Podivilov, E.V.; Mezentsev, V.K.; Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2007). Experimental demonstration of mode structure in ultralong Raman fiber lasers. Optics Letters, 32 (9), pp. 1135-1137.
Shtyrina, O.V.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Fedoruk, M.P.; Shafarenko, Alexander; Desbruslais, S.R.; Reynolds, K. and Webb, R. (2007). Patterning effects in WDM RZ-DBPSK SMF/DCF optical transmission at 40 Gbit/s channel rate. IN: European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2007 and the International Quantum Electronics Conference. 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-22.
Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Tonello, A.; Wabnitz, S. and Pincemin, E. (2006). Multilevel system optimisation via nonlinearity management. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2006 and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference. CLEO/QELS 2006. IEEE.
Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Tonello, A.; Wabnitz, S. and Pincemin, E. (2006). Multi-level optimization of a fiber transmission system via nonlinearity management. Optics express, 14 (18), pp. 8065-8071.
Ellingham, T.J.; Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2006). Enhanced Raman amplifier flatness with nonlinear broadening over non-standard transmission fibre. Optics Communications, 257 (1), pp. 176-179.
Ania-Castanon, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2005). Analytical characterization of a quasi-lossless Raman-amplified fibre transmission scheme. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. Munich (DE): IEEE.
Ellingham, T.J.; Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Pustovskikh, A; Kobtsev, S. and Fedoruk, M.P. (2005). Dual-pump Raman amplification with enhanced flatness using modulation instability. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. Munich (DE): IEEE.
Ellingham, T.J.; Fedoruk, M.P.; Shtyrina, O.V.; Ania-Castanon, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2005). Design of a fiber scheme for nonlinear Raman pump broadening through modulation instability. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. Munich (DE): IEEE.
Shapiro, E.G.; Fedoruk, M.P.; Shapiro, A.D.; Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2005). Non-periodic quasi-stable nonlinear optical carrier pulses with sliding chirp-free points for transmission at 40 Gbit/s rate. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. Munich (DE): IEEE.
Ellingham, T.J.; Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2005). Enhanced Raman amplifier gain performance with HNLF broadening. IN: ECOC 2005 proceedings. IEE conference publication series, 4 . IET.
Pincemin, E.; Guilloux, J.Y.; Bezard, A.; Vargas, T.; Tonello, A.; Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Wabnitz, S. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2005). Robustness of the OOK modulation formats at 40 Gbit/s in the practical system infrastructure. IN: ECOC 2005 proceedings. IEE conference publication series, 3 . IET.
Ellingham, T.J.; Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Pustovskikh, A.; Kobtsev, S. and Fedoruk, M.P. (2005). Dual-pump Raman amplification with increased flatness using modulation instability. Optics express, 13 (4), pp. 1079-1084.
Pincemin, E.; Grot, D.; Borsier, C.; Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2004). Impact of the fiber type and dispersion management on the performance of a NRZ 16 x 40 Gb/s DWDM transmission system. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16 (10), pp. 2362-2364.
Bhamber, R.S.; Mezentsev, V. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2004). Correlations between optimal temporal width and spectral characteristics of an optical signal in a wavelength-paired CS-RZ transmission with high spectral efficiency. Optics express, 12 (17), pp. 4007-4012.
Bhamber, R.S. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2004). Duty cycle optimization in a wavelength allocated WDM transmission with narrow asymmetric VSB filtering. Optical Fiber Technology, 10 (3), pp. 260-265.
Nasieva, I.; Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Borsier, C.; Pincemin, E. and Fedoruk, M.P. (2004). Span design for reduced noise and nonlinear impairments in a dispersion-managed Raman amplified system. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 36 (8), pp. 725-732.
Waiyapot, S.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Fedoruk, M.P.; Rousset, A. and Leclerc, O. (2004). Optical 2R regeneration at 40 Gbit/s using saturable absorber in long-haul dispersion-managed fiber links. Optics Communications, 232 (1-6), pp. 145-149.
Shapiro, E.G.; Fedoruk, M.P.; Turitsyn, S.K. and Shafarenko, A. (2003). Reduction of nonlinear intrachannel effects by channel asymmetry in transmission lines with strong bit overlapping. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 15 (10), pp. 1473-1475.
Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2003). Optimization of discrete Raman amplifiers for different kinds of fibers. IN: International conference on lasers, applications, and technologies 2002. SPIE proceedings . SPIE.
Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2003). Optimization of gain and SNR in bi-directionally pumped dispersion compensating amplifier modules. IN: 2003 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe. IEEE.
Nasieva, I.; Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2003). Nonlinearity management in fibre links with distributed amplification. Electronics letters, 39 (11), pp. 856-857.
Turitsyna, E.G.; Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Kennedy, L. and Sugden, S.K. (2003). Impact of design of sharp non-uniform fibre Bragg gratings on system performance. Electronics letters, 39 (4), pp. 351-353.
Waiyapot, S.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Seguineau, F. and Leclerc, O. (2003). Analytical and numerical analysis of 40 Gbit/s regenerated transmissions using simple black box optical regenerator. Electronics letters, 39 (2), pp. 227-229.
Turitsyn, S.K.; Fedoruk, M.P.; Mezentsev, V.K. and Turitsyna, E.G. (2003). Theory of optimal power budget in quasi-linear dispersion-managed fibre links. Electronics letters, 39 (1), pp. 29-30.
Waiyapot, S.; Turitsyn, S.K. and Mezentsev, V.K. (2002). Optimisation of optical regeneration at 40 Gbit/s in dispersion-managed transmission lines with modified synchronous modulators. Electronics letters, 38 (14), pp. 732-733.
Falkovich, G.E.; Stepanov, M.G. and Turitsyn, S.K. (2002). Calculation of non-Gaussian statistics and bit error rate degradation due to pulse-to-pulse interaction. IN: 2002 IEEE/ILEOS annual meeting conference proceedings. IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society. Annual Meeting, 1 . IEEE.
Kurukitkoson, N.; Sugahara, H.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Egorova, O.N.; Kurkov, A.S.; Paramonov, V.M. and Dianov, E.M. (2001). Optimisation of two-stage raman converter based on phosphosilicate core fibre:Modelling and experiment. Electronics letters, 37 (21), pp. 1281-1283.
Sorokina, M.; Perentos, A.; Ellis, A.D.; Turitsyn, S.K. and Sygletos, S. A 3R regeneration scheme for highly spectral efficient signal waveforms. IN: The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015. Optical Society of America.
Terekhov, I.S.; Reznichenko, A.V. and Turitsyn, S.K. Calculation of mutual information for nonlinear communication channel at large signal-to-noise ratio. Physical Review E, 94 (4),
Ellis, Andrew; Sorokina, M.A.; Sygletos, S. and Turitsyn, S.K. Capacity in nonlinear fiber transmission systems. IN: Asia communications and photonics Conference. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Prilepsky, J.E.; Derevyanko, S.A. and Turitsyn, S.K. Channel model and lower capacity bound for the transmission based on nonlinear Fourier transform. IN: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-06.
Turitsyna, E.G.; Bhamber, R.; Mezentsev, V.; Gillooly, A.; Mitchell, J. and Turitsyn, S.K. Design of FBG-based ultra-narrow asymmetric filter for transmission with 0.8 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency without polarisation multiplexing. Optical Fiber Technology, 11 (2), pp. 202-208.
Shtyrina, O.V.; Yarutkina, I.A.; Skidin, A.; Fedoruk, M.P. and Turitsyn, S.K. Impact of the order of cavity elements in all-normal dispersion ring fiber lasers. IEEE Photonics Journal, 7 (2),
Wetzel, B.; Larger, L.; Dudley, J.M.; Blow, K.J. and Turitsyn, S.K. Incoherent fibre supercontinuum generation for all-optical random number generation. IN: 2011 conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO EUROPE/EQEC. IEEE.
Turitsyn, K.S.; Derevyanko, S.A.; Yurkevich, I.V. and Turitsyn, S.K. Information capacity of optical fiber channels with zero average dispersion. Physical Review Letters, 91 (20),
Sygletos, S.; McCarthy, M.E.; Fabbri, S.J.; Sorokina, M.; Stephens, M.F.C.; Phillips, I.D.; Giacoumidis, E.; MacSuibhne, N.; Harper, P.; Doran, N.J.; Turitsyn, S.K. and Ellis, A.D. Multichannel regeneration of dual quadrature signals. IN: European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. IEEE.
Ania-Castañón, J.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. Noise and gain optimisation in bi-directionally pumped dispersion compensating amplifier modules. Optics Communications, 224 (1-3), pp. 107-111.
Derevyanko, S.A.; Turitsyn, S.K. and Yakushev, D.A. Non-Gaussian statistics of an optical soliton in the presence of amplified spontaneous emission. Optics Letters, 28 (21), pp. 2097-2099.
Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Nasieva, I.O.; Kurukitkoson, N.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Borsier, C. and Pincemin, E. Nonlinearity management in fiber transmission systems with hybrid amplification. Optics Communications, 233 (4-6), pp. 353-357.
Shapiro, E.G.; Fedoruk, M.P. and Turitsyn, S.K. Numerical estimate of BER in optical systems with strong patterning effects. Electronics letters, 37 (19), pp. 1179-1181.
Bednyakova, A.E.; Fedoruk, M.P.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Kurkov, A.S. and Medvedkov, O.I. On two-wavelength Raman fibre laser based on spectral broadening. IN: 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO EUROPE/EQEC 2011. IEEE.
Waiyapot, S.; Turitsyn, S.K. and Mezentsev, V.K. Optical regeneration at 40 Gb/s in dispersion-managed transmission lines with in-line synchronous modulators. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 20 (12), pp. 2220-2228.
Smirnov, S.V.; Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Ellingham, T.J.; Kobtsev, S.M.; Kukarin, S. and Turitsyn, S.K. Optical spectral broadening and supercontinuum generation in telecom applications. Optical Fiber Technology, 12 (2), pp. 122-147.
Turitsyn, S.K.; Babin, S.A.; Turitsyna, E.G.; Falkovich, G.E.; Podivilov, E.V. and Churkin, D.V. Optical wave turbulence. IN: Advances in wave turbulence. Shrira, Victor and Nazarenko, Sergei (eds) World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series A . Singapore: World Scientific.
Shtyrina, O.V.; Yarutkina, I.A.; Skidin, A.; Fedoruk, M.P. and Turitsyn, S.K. Optimal order of intra-cavity devices in ring cavity fiber lasers. IN: The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015. Optical Society of America.
Turitsyn, S.K.; Fedoruk, M.P.; Mezentsev, V.K. and Turitsyna, E.G. Optimal power budget in quasi-linear dispersion-managed fiber links. IN: 2002 IEEE/ILEOS annual meeting conference proceedings. IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society. Annual Meeting, 2 . IEEE.
Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Nasieva, I.O.; Turitsyn, S.K.; Borsier, Celine and Pincemin, Erwan Optimal span length in high-speed transmission systems with hybrid Raman/EDFA amplification. IN: Optical networks and technologies. Kitayama, Ken-Ichi; Masetti-Placci, Francesco and Prati, Giancarlo (eds) IFIP International Federation for Information Processing . (US): Springer.
Schäfer, T.; Laedke, E.W.; Gunkle, M.; Karle, C.; Posth, A.; Spatschek, K.H. and Turitsyn, S.K. Optimization of dispersion-managed optical fiber lines. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 20 (6), pp. 946-952.
Le, S.T.; McCarthy, M.E. and Turitsyn, S.K. Optimized hybrid QPSK/8QAM for CO-OFDM transmissions. IN: 2014 9th international symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signl Processing, CSNDSP 2014. IEEE.
Perego, A.M.; Tarasov, N.; Churkin, D.V.; Turitsyn, S.K. and Staliunas, K. Pattern generation by dissipative parametric instability. Physical Review Letters, 116 (2),
Le, S.T.; Giacoumidis, E.; Doran, N.; Ellis, A.D. and Turitsyn, S.K. Phase-conjugated subcarrier coding for fibre nonlinearity mitigation in CO-OFDM transmission. IN: European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. IEEE.
Krupa, K.; Tonello, A.; Boscolo, S.; Barthélémy, A.; Kermène, V.; Desfarges-Berthelemot, A.; Shalaby, B.M.; Turitsyn, S.K. and Ania-Castañón, J.D. Radio-frequency spectrum coding in ultra-long fibre laser based cryptography. IN: 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2015). Jaworski, Marek and Marciniak, Marian (eds) Warsaw (PL): IEEE.
Churkin, D.V.; Babin, S.A.; El-Taher, A.E.; Harper, P.; Kablukov, S.I.; Karalekas, V.; Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Podivilov, E.V. and Turitsyn, S.K. Raman fiber lasers with a random distributed feedback based on Rayleigh scattering. Physical Review A, 82 (3),
Dianov, E.M.; Kurkov, A.S.; Medvedkov, O.I.; Paramonov, V.M.; Egorova, O.N.; Kurukitkoson, N. and Turitsyn, S.K. Raman fiber source for the 1.6–1.75 μm spectral region. Laser Physics, 13 (3), pp. 397-400.
Derevyanko, S.A. and Turitsyn, S.K. Reduction of the phase jitter in differential phase-shift-keying soliton transmission systems by in-line Butterworth filters. Optics Letters, 29 (1), pp. 35-37.
Sorokina, M.A. and Turitsyn, S.K. Regeneration limit of classical Shannon capacity. Nature Communications, 5 ,
Li, J.F.; Luo, H.Y.; He, Y.L.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, L.; Zhou, K.M.; Rozhin, A.G. and Turitsyn, S.K. Semiconductor saturable absorber mirror passively Q-switched 2.97 μm fluoride fiber laser. Laser Physics Letters, 11 (6),
Ania-Castañón, J.D.; Kobtsev, S.M.; Pustovskikh, A.A. and Turitsyn, S.K. Simple design method for gain-flattened three-pump Raman amplifiers. IN: 2002 IEEE/ILEOS annual meeting conference proceedings. IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society. Annual Meeting, 2 . IEEE.
Redyuk, A.A.; Bednyakova, A.E.; Medvedev, S.B.; Fedoruk, M.P. and Turitsyn, S.K. Simple geometric interpretation of signal evolution in phase-sensitive fibre optic parametric amplifier. Optics Express, 25 (1), pp. 223-231.
Fedotov, Y.S.; Kobtsev, S.M.; Arif, R.N.; Rozhin, A.G.; Mou, C. and Turitsyn, S.K. Spectrum-, pulsewidth-, and wavelengthswitchable all-fiber mode-locked Yb laser with fiber based birefringent filter. Optics Express, 20 (16), pp. 17797-17805.
Babin, S.A.; El-Taher, A.E.; Harper, P.; Podivilov, E.V. and Turitsyn, S.K. Tunable random fiber laser. Physical Review A, 84 (2),
Dvoyrin, V.V.; Tarasov, N. and Turitsyn, S.K. Ultra-broadband tunable fiber laser. IN: 2017 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), proceedings. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Aragoneses, A.; Carpi, L.; Tarasov, N.; Churkin, D.V.; Torrent, M.C.; Masoller, C. and Turitsyn, S.K. Unveiling temporal correlations characteristic of a phase transition in the output intensity of a fiber laser. Physical Review Letters, 116 (3),
Ellis, A.D.; Le, S.T.; McCarthy, M.E. and Turitsyn, S.K. The impact of parametric noise amplification on long haul transmission throughput. IN: 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2015). Jaworski, Marek and Marciniak, Marian (eds) Warsaw (PL): IEEE.
Turitsyna, E.G.; Smirnov, S.V.; Sugavanam, S.; Tarasov, N.; Shu, X.; Babin, S.A.; Podivilov, E.V.; Churkin, D.V.; Falkovich, G. and Turitsyn, S.K. The laminar-turbulent transition in a fibre laser. Nature Photonics, 7 (10), pp. 783-786.