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Kimino, Satomi; Driffield, Nigel and Saal, David (2014). Spillovers from FDI and local networks:the importance of transactional linkages and vertical keiretsu in Japan. Multinational Business Review, 22 (2), pp. 176-193.
Saal, David; Arocena, Pablo; Maziotis, Alexandros and Triebs, Thomas (2013). Scale and scope economies and the efficient vertical and horizontal configuration of the water industry:a survey of the literature. Review of network economics, 12 (1), 93–129.
Abdul-Majid, Mariani; Saal, David and Battisti, Giuliana (2011). Efficiency and total factor productivity changes of Malaysian commercial banks. Service Industries Journal, 31 (13), pp. 2117-2143.
Saal, David and Parker, David (2008). Productivity and price performance in the privatised water and sewerage companies in England and Wales. IN: Developments in the economics of privatization and regulation. Crew, Michael A. and Parker, David (eds) The international library of critical writings in economics series . Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar.
Nguyen, Chuc D.; Simpson, Gary; Saal, David; Nguyen, Anh N. and Pham, Ngoc Q. (2008). FDI horizontal and vertical effects on local firm technical efficiency. Working Paper. DEPOCEN.
Abdul-Majid, Mariani and Saal, David (2007). The impact of Islamic banking on the cost efficiency and productivity change of Malaysian commercial banks. Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK).
Mole, Kevin F.; Roper, Stephen; Hart, Mark; Storey, David and Saal, David (2006). Economic impact study of business link local service:final report. Project Report. Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.
Arocena, Pablo; Coelli, Tim and Saal, David (2006). Measuring economies of diversification and vertical integration in the US power industry. IN: North American Productivity Workshop. 2006-06-27 - 2006-06-30. (Unpublished)
Saal, David; Battisti, Giuliana and Abdul-Majid, Mariani (2006). The impact of Islamic banking on Malaysian banking efficiency and productivity:1996-2002. IN: United Kingdom efficiency and productivity analysis network conference. 2006-02-18 - 2006-02-18. (Unpublished)
Saal, David and Reid, Scott (2004). An investigation into opex productivity trends and causes in water industry in England & Wales - 1992-93 to 2002-03:main report - final. Stone & Webster Consultants.
Saal, David (2004). Investigation into evidence for economies of scale in the water and sewerage industry in England and Wales:final report. Stone & Webster Consultants.
Saal, David and Reid, Scott (2004). Incentive regulation, environmental investment, and their impact on productivity growth in the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry. IN: North American Productivity Workshop Conference. 2004-06-22 - 2004-06-25. (Unpublished)
Saal, David and Parker, David (2003). The impact of privatisation on productivity growth in the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry. IN: CESifo Conference on Privatisation Experiences in the EU. 2003-01-01 - 2003-01-01. (Unpublished)
Saal, David; Parker, David and Weyman-Jones, Thomas (2003). The longitudinal and comparative performance effects of privatisation and regulation in the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry. IN: 1st annual international industrial organization conference. 2003-04-04 - 2003-04-05. (Unpublished)
Saal, David; Daßler, Thoralf and Parker, David (2001). Economic performance in European telecommunications 1978-1998:a comparative study. IN: 28th EARIE annual conference. 2001-08-30 - 2001-09-02.
Saal, David (2001). The impact of industrially and federally funded R and D on US manufacturing growth:a constrained translog model. IN: 28th EARIE annual conference. 2001-08-30 - 2001-09-02.
Saal, David (2000). The impact of US procurement driven technology policy on manufacturing performance:a theoretical and empirical analysis. IN: R&D Management Conference. 2000-07-01. (Unpublished)
Saal, David and Parker, David (2000). Alternative methodologies for measuring the productivity effects of privatisation and environmental quality improvements on the English and Welsh water and sewerage industry. IN: 6th North American Productivity Workshop. 2000-06-15 - 2000-06-21. (Unpublished)
Saal, David and Parker, David (2000). Productivity and price performance in the privatised water and sewerage companies in England and Wales. IN: 27th EARIE Annual Conference. 2000-09-07 - 2000-09-10.
Saal, David (1999). The impact of defence procurement on US manufacturing productivity growth. IN: 26th European Association for Research in Industrial Economics annual conference. 1999-09-04 - 1999-09-07. (Unpublished)
Saal, David (1999). A reassessment of the impact of defence R&D and procurement on US manufacturing productivity growth. IN: AEA/ASSA Meetings. 1999-01-03 - 1999-01-05. (Unpublished)
Saal, David; Birdi, Alvin and Dunne, Paul (1998). A panel data analysis of the impact of arms production on the South African manufacturing industry. IN: International Conference on Defence Economics and Security in Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan countries. 1998-06-05 - 1998-06-06. (Unpublished)
Saal, David and Dunne, Paul Arms production and manufacturing performance in South Africa. IN: Conference on the Economics of Military Expenditures in Developing and Emerging Economies. 1998-03-13 - 1998-03-14. (Unpublished)
Saal, David and Parker, D Assessing the performance of water operations in the English and Welsh water industry:a lesson in the implications of inappropriately assuming a common frontier. IN: Performance measurement and regulation of network utilities. Coelli, Tim and Lawrence, Denis (eds) Cheltenhm (UK): Edward Elgar.
, Cambridge Economic Policy Associates; , Mott MacDonald and Saal, David Cost assessment - use of panel and sub-company data Ofwat. CEPA.
Mole, Kevin F.; Hart, Mark; Roper, Stephen; Saal, David and Storey, D. Differential gains from Business Link support and advice:a treatment effects approach. IN: Entrepreneurship and public policy. Smallbone, David (ed.) The international library of entrepreneurship series . Edward Elgar.
Kimino, Satomi; Driffield, Nigel and Saal, David Do Keiretsu really hinder FDI into Japanese manufacturing? International Journal of the Economics of Business, 19 (3), pp. 377-395.
Saal, David and Reid, Scott Estimating OPEX productivity growth in English and Welsh water and sewerage companies:1992-2003. IN: 32nd conference European Association for Research in Industrial Economics. 2005-09-01 - 2005-09-04.
Parker, David and Saal, David Introduction. IN: International handbook on privatisation. Parker, David and Saal, David (eds) Elgar original reference . Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar.
Arocena, Pablo; Saal, David and Coelli, Tim Measuring economies of horizontal and vertical integration in the US electric power industry:how costly is unbundling? Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK).
Saal, David; Maziotis, Alexandros and Thanassoulis, Emmanuel Price performance, excess cost and profitability indexes and their application to determining the effectiveness of price cap regulation in the water industry. Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK). (Unpublished)
Maziotis, Alexandros; Saal, David; Thanassoulis, Emmanuel and Molinos-Senante, María Price-cap regulation in the English and Welsh water industry:a proposal for measuring productivity performance. Utilities Policy, In pre ,
Maziotis, Alexandros; Saal, David and Thanassoulis, Emmanuel Regulatory price performance, excess cost indexes and profitability:how effective is price cap regulation in the water industry? Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK).
Saal, David Restructuring, regulation and the liberalization of privatized utilities in the UK. IN: International handbook on privatisation. Parker, David and Saal, David (eds) Elgar original reference . Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar.
Saal, David and Parker, David The impact of privatisation and regulation on the water and sewerage industry in England and Wales:a translog cost function approach. IN: 4th annual European Network on Industrial Policy conference. 2000-12-07 - 2000-12-09. (Unpublished)
Saal, David and Parker, David The impact of privatisation and regulation on the water and sewerage industry in England and Wales:a translog cost function approach. Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK). (Unpublished)
Saal, David and Liu, Aying An input output analysis of structural change in apartheid era South Africa: 1975-93. IN: 13th international conference on input-output techniques. 2000-08-21 - 2000-08-25. (Unpublished)
Liu, Aying and Saal, David An input output analysis of structural change in apartheid era South Africa: 1975-93. Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham (UK). (Unpublished)
Saal, David The introduction of competition in former state owned network industries:lessons from the British experience. IN: 22nd Annual Eastern Conference and Advanced Workshop in Regulation and Competition. 2003-05-21 - 2003-05-23.