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Number of items: 55.

Powell, Nicholas and Lumsden, Jo (2015). Exploring novel auditory displays for supporting accelerated skills acquisition and enhanced performance in motorsport. IN: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD'15). Vogt, Katharina; Andreopoulou, Areti and Goudarz, Visda (eds) Graz (AT): University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.

Hakobyan, Lilit; Lumsden, Jo and O'Sullivan, Dympna (2015). Participatory design:how to engage older adults in participatory design activities. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 7 (3), pp. 78-92.

Hakobyan, Lilit; Lumsden, Jo and O'Sullivan, Dympna (2014). Older adults with AMD as co-designers of an assistive mobile application. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 6 (1), pp. 54-70.

Hakobyan, Lilit; Lumsden, Jo; O'Sullivan, Dympna and Bartlett, Hannah (2013). Mobile assistive technologies for the visually impaired. Survey of ophthalmology, 58 (6), pp. 513-528.

Hakobyan, Lilit; Lumsden, Jo and O'Sullivan, Dympna (2013). PICTIVE participatory design process with older adults with AMD. IN: Proceedings of iHCI'2013. UNSPECIFIED.

Lush, Victoria; Bastin, Lucy and Lumsden, Jo (2013). Developing a GEO label:providing the GIS community with quality metadata visualisation tools. IN: Proceedings of the 21st GIS research UK (GISRUK) conference. UNSPECIFIED.

Lumsden, Jo (2013). Developments in technologies for human-centric mobile computing and applications. IGI Global.

Lush, Victoria; Lumsden, Jo and Bastin, Lucy (2013). GEO Label – quality information interrogation tool for geospatial datasets:towards effective visualization of quality metadata. IN: European Geosciences Union general assembly 2013. 2013-04-07 - 2013-04-12.

Lumsden, Jo and Brewster, Stephen (2013). A paradigm shift for mobile interaction:a decade later. IN: Proceedings of CASCON 2013. Cordy, James R.; Czamecki, Kryzsztof and Han, Sang-Ah (eds) ACM.

Yang, Kevin; Blower, Jon; Bastin, Lucy; Lush, Victoria; Zabala, Alaitz; Masó, Joan; Cornford, Dan; Díaz, Paula and Lumsden, Jo (2012). An integrated view of data quality in earth observation. Philosophical Transactions A, 371 (1983),

Lush, Victoria; Lumsden, Jo; Masó, Joan; Diaz, Paula and McCallum, Ian (2012). GEO Label:user and producer perspectives on a label for geospatial data. IN: EGU General Assembly 2012. 2012-04-22 - 2012-04-27.

Hakobyan, Lilit; Lumsden, Jo; O'Sullivan, Dympna and Bartlett, Hannah (2012). Understanding the IT-related attitudes and needs of persons with age-related macular degeneration : a case study. IN: Proceedings of BCS HCI 2012 - People and Computers XXVI. UNSPECIFIED.

Munteanu, Cosmin; Molyneaux, Heather; McDonald, Daniel; Lumsden, Jo; Leung, Rock; Fournier, Helene and Maitland, Julie (2011). “Showing off” your mobile device : adult literacy learning in the classroom and beyond. IN: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service (MobileHCI’2011). New York (US): ACM.

Munteanu, Cosmin; Lumsden, Jo; Fournier, Helene; Leung, Rock; D'Amours, Danny; McDonald, Daniel and Maitland, Julie (2010). ALEX-supporting low-literacy adults through mobile computing. IN: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'2010) Workshop on Design to Read. Atalanta, 2010-04-01.

Lumsden, Jo; Langton, Nathan and Kondratova, Irina (2010). Bringing the High Seas into the Lab to Evaluate Speech Input Feasibility: A Case Study : SiMPE – 5th Workshop on Speech in Mobile and Pervasive Environments (part of ACM MobileHCI’2010). IN: MobileHCI 2010. Lisboa, 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-10.

Lumsden, Jo; Langton, Nathan and Kondratova, Irina (2010). Bringing the High Seas into the Lab to Evaluate Speech Input Feasibility: A Case Study:SiMPE – 5th Workshop on Speech in Mobile and Pervasive Environments (part of ACM MobileHCI’2010). IN: MobileHCI 2010. 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-10.

Lumsden, Jo (2009). Triggering trust : to what extent does the question influence the answer when evaluating the perceived importance of trust triggers? IN: Proceedings of the 23rd British HCI group annual conference on people and computers. British Computer Society.

Lumsden, Jo (2008). A method for systematic artifact selection decision making. IN: Encyclopedia of decision making and decision support technologies. Adam, Frederic and Humphreys, Patrick (eds) Hershey (US): IGI global.

Crease, Murray and Lumsden, Jo (2008). Did you see that? IN: Handbook of research on user interface design and evaluation for mobile technology. Lumsden, Jo (ed.) Hershey (US): IGI global.

Leung, Rock and Lumsden, Jo (2008). Designing mobile technologies for individuals with disabilities. IN: Handbook of research on user interface design and evaluation for mobile technology. Lumsden, Jo (ed.) Hershey (US): IGI global.

Leung, Rock and Lumsden, Jo (2008). Designing mobile technologies for individuals with disabilities. IN: Handbook of research on user interface design and evaluation for mobile technology. Lumsden, Jo (ed.) Hershey (US): IGI Global.

Lumsden, Jo; Langton, Nathan and Kondratova, Irina (2008). Evaluating the appropriateness of speech input in marine applications : a field evaluation. IN: MobileHCI '08:. New York (US): ACM.

Duffett-Leger, Linda and Lumsden, Jo (2008). Interactive online health promotion interventions : a “health check”. IN: IEEE international symposium on technology and society, 2008 (ISTAS 2008). IEEE.

Durling, Scott and Lumsden, Jo (2008). Speech recognition use in healthcare applications. IN: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on advances in mobile computing and multimedia. Kotsis, Gabriele; Taniar, David; Pardede, Eric and Khalil, Ismail (eds) ACM.

Lumsden, Jo; Durling, Scott and Kondratova, Irina (2008). A comparison of microphone and speech recognition engine efficacy for mobile data entry. IN: OTM '08 proceedings of the OTM confederated international workshops and posters on on the move to meaningful internet systems. Meersman, Robert; Tari, Zahir and Herrero, Pilar (eds) Lecture notes in computer science . Springer.

Lumsden, Jo and MacLean, Ryan (2008). A comparison of pseudo-paper and paper prototyping methods for mobile evaluations. IN: OTM '08 proceedings of the OTM confederated international workshops and posters on on the move to meaningful internet systems. Meersman, Robert; Tari, Zahir and Herrero, Pilar (eds) Lecture notes in computer science . Springer.

Lumsden, Jo and Drost, Patrick (2008). A comparison of the impact of avoidance cues in hazard avoidance during evaluation of text entry. IN: BCS-HCI '08 proceedings of the 22nd British HCI group annual conference on people and computers. British Computer Society.

Crease, Murray; Lumsden, Jo and Longworth, Bob (2007). A technique for incorporating dynamic paths in lab-based mobile evaluations. IN: People and computers XXI HCI...but not as we know it. Ball, Linden J.; Sasse, M. Angela; Sas, Corina; Ormerod, Thomas C.; Dix, Alan; Bagnall, Peter and McEwan, Tom (eds) British Computer Society.

Leung, Rock; Lumsden, Jo and Fritz, Jane (2006). Accommodating special needs users in the evaluation of an m-Learning application:a case study. IN: [Proceedings of the IADIS Mobile Learning Conference]. UNSPECIFIED.

Nicol, Emma; Dunlop, Mark; Komninos, Andreas; McGee-Lennon, Marilyn; Baillie, Lynne; Eslambolchilar, Parisa; Foong, Pin Sym; Gault, Paul; Hakobyan, Lilit; Lumsden, Jo; Velàsquez, Fáber Danilo Giraldo and Horcher, Ann Marie 2nd workshop on designing with older adults:towards a complete methodology. IN: MobileHCI 2015 - Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct. New York, NY (US): ACM.

Munteanu, Cosmin; Lumsden, Jo; Fournier, Helene; Leung, Rock; D'Amours, Danny; McDonald, Daniel and Maitland, Julie ALEX-supporting low-literacy adults through mobile computing. IN: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'2010) Workshop on Design to Read. 2010-04-01.

Lumsden, Jo; Kondratova, Irina and Langton, Nathan Bringing a construction site into the lab:a context-relevant lab-based evaluation of a multimodal mobile application. IN: Proceedings of 1st international workshop on Multimodal and Pervasive Services (MAPS'2006). UNSPECIFIED.

Lumsden, Jo Design and evaluation for the future of m-interaction. IN: Encyclopedia of multimedia technology and networking. Pagani, Margherita (ed.) Hershey, USA: IGI Global.

Hakobyan, Lilit; Lumsden, Jo; O'Sullivan, Dympan and Bartlett, Hannah Designing a mobile diet diary application with and for older adults with AMD:a case ctudy. IN: Proceedings of the 27th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2013). British Computer Society.

Lumsden, Jo; Leung, Rock and Fritz, Jane Designing a mobile transcriber application for adult literacy education:a case study. IN: Mobile learning 2005 proceedings. Isaías, Pedro; Borg, Carmel; Kommers, Piet and Bonanno, Philip (eds) IADIS.

Crease, Murray and Lumsden, Jo Did you see that? IN: Handbook of research on user interface design and evaluation for mobile technology. Lumsden, Jo (ed.) Hershey (US): IGI Global.

Lumsden, Jo; Langton, Nathan and Kondratova, Irina Evaluating the appropriateness of speech input in marine applications:a field evaluation. IN: MobileHCI '08:. New York (US): ACM.

Lush, Victoria; Bastin, Lucy and Lumsden, Jo Geospatial data quality indicators. IN: Proceedings of the 10th international symposium on spatial accuracy assessment in natural resources and environmental sciences. Vieira, Carlos; Bogorny, Vania and Aquino, Artur R. (eds) International Spatial Accuracy Research Association.

Munteanu, Cosmin; Molyneaux, Heather; Maitland, Julie; McDonald, Daniel; Fournier, Hélène; Leung, Rock and Lumsden, Jo Hidden in plain sight:low-literacy adults in a developed country overcoming social and educational challenges through mobile learning support tools. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18 (6), pp. 1455-1469.

Lumsden, Jo and MacKay, Lisa How does personality affect trust in B2C e-commerce? IN: ICEC '06. New York, NY (US): ACM.

Duffett-Leger, Linda and Lumsden, Jo Interactive online health promotion interventions:a “health check”. IN: IEEE international symposium on technology and society, 2008 (ISTAS 2008). IEEE.

Hakobyan, Lilit; Lumsden, Jo and O'Sullivan, Dympna Participatory research with older adults with AMD:co-designing a SMART diet diary app. IN: HCI 2014 - Sand, Sea & Sky - Holiday HCI. BCS.

Nicol, Emma; Dunlop, Mark; Komninos, Andreas; McGee-Lennon, Marilyn; Baillie, Lynne; Edwards, Alistair; Eslambolchilar, Parisa; Goodman-Deane, Joy; Hakobyan, Lilit; Lumsden, Jo; Mulder, Ingrid; Rau, Patrick and Siek, Katie Re-imagining commonly used mobile interfaces for older adults. IN: MobileHCI '14 : proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Human-Computer interaction with Mobile devices and services. New York, NY (US): ACM.

Durling, Scott and Lumsden, Jo Speech recognition use in healthcare applications. IN: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on advances in mobile computing and multimedia. Kotsis, Gabriele; Taniar, David; Pardede, Eric and Khalil, Ismail (eds) ACM.

Munteanu, Cosmin; Molyneaux, Heather; Maitland, Julie; McDonald, Daniel; Leung, Rock; Lumsden, Jo and Fournier, Hélène Tale of two studies:challenges in field research with low-literacy adult learners in a developed country. IN: CHI '12 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems. New York, NY (US): ACM.

Lumsden, Jo Themed Issue on Mobile HCI @ iHCI. International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, 6 (1), iv-vi.

Lumsden, Jo Triggering trust:to what extent does the question influence the answer when evaluating the perceived importance of trust triggers? IN: Proceedings of the 23rd British HCI group annual conference on people and computers. British Computer Society.

Hakobyan, Lilit; Lumsden, Jo; O'Sullivan, Dympna and Bartlett, Hannah Understanding the IT-related attitudes and needs of persons with age-related macular degeneration:a case study. IN: Proceedings of BCS HCI 2012 - People and Computers XXVI. UNSPECIFIED.

Lumsden, Jo; Flinn, Scott; Anderson, Michelle and Morgan, Wendy What difference doguidelines make? An observational study of online-questionnaire design guidelines put to practical use. IN: People and computers XIX — the bigger picture. McEwan, Tom; Gulliksen, Jan and Benyon, David (eds) London (UK): Springer.

Cooper, Aaron and Lumsden, Jo Would the best candidate please step forward:reflections on the pros and cons of different support mechanisms for online-questionnaire design. IN: Managing worldwide operations and communications with information technology. Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi (ed.) Hershey: IGI Global.

Duffett-Leger, Linda and Lumsden, Jo An argument for using participatory approaches for the design of online health interventions targeted at young women. IN: HC2010 Health Informatics Congress. 2010-04-27 - 2010-04-29.

Hakobyan, Lilit; Lumsden, Jo; Shaw, Rachel L and O'Sullivan, Dympna A longitudinal evaluation of the acceptability and impact of a diet diary app for older adults with age-related macular degeneration. IN: MobileHCI'2016 : proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. New York, NY (US): ACM.

Lumsden, Jo A method for systematic artifact selection decision making. IN: Encyclopedia of decision making and decision support technologies. Adam, Frederic and Humphreys, Patrick (eds) Hershey (US): IGI Global.

Plant, William; Lumsden, Jo and Nabney, Ian The mosaic test:benchmarking colour-based image retrieval systems using image mosaics. IN: Proceedings of 1st European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (EuroHCIR). CEUR workshop proceedings .

Plant, William; Lumsden, Jo and Nabney, Ian The mosaic test:measuring the effectiveness of colour-based image retrieval. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 64 (3), pp. 695-716.

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