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Ferreira, Filipe; Sánchez, Christian; Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). On the Feasibility of Mode-Division Multiplexed Transmission over Few-Mode Fibres. IN: Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), 2017 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International. IEEE.
Ali, Abdallah; Sánchez, Christian; Al-Khateeb, Mohammad; Ferreira, Filipe and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). Four-wave mixing in optical phase conjugation system with pre-dispersion. IN: Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC), 2017. IEEE.
Zhang, Tingting; Sánchez, Christian; Ali, Abdallah and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). Nonamplified 100Gbps Doubly Differential QPSK Optical Signal Transmission Over 80 km SSMF Without Carrier Recovery. IN: 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC). IEEE.
Gutiérrez, Fernando A.; Martin, Eamonn P.; Perry, Philip; Ellis, Andrew D.; Anthur, Aravind; Panapakkam, Vivek; Gaimard, Quentin; Merghem, Kamel; Lelarge, Francois; Ramdane, Abderrahim and Barry, Liam P. (2017). WDM orthogonal subcarrier multiplexing based on mode-locked lasers. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (14), pp. 2981-2987.
Sánchez, Christian; Ferreira, Filipe; Wei, Jinlong; Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). Training-Aided Channel Estimation and Equalization in SDM Systems with MISO Pre-convergence under Strong Coupling. IN: Training-Aided Channel Estimation and Equalization in SDM Systems with MISO Pre-convergence under Strong Coupling. IEEE. (In Press)
Gutiérrez, Fernando A.; Martin, Eamonn P.; Perry, Philip; Ellis, Andrew D. and Barry, Liam P. (2017). Calculation of receiver sensitivities in (orthogonal) subcarrier multiplexing microwave-optical links. Applied Sciences, 7 (2),
Al-Khateeb, Mohammad A.Z.; Tan, Mingming; Iqbal, Md Asif; McCarthy, Mary; Harper, Paul and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). Four wave mixing in distributed Raman amplified optical transmission systems. IN: 2016 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC. IEEE.
Al-Khateeb, Mohammad; McCarthy, Mary E. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). Experimental verification of four wave mixing in lumped optical transmission systems that employ mid-link optical phase conjugation. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2017. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Al-Khateeb, Mohammad; McCarthy, Mary E.; Gutierrez Pascual, M. Deseada; Smyth, Frank and Ellis, Andrew D. (2017). Optimization of parametric comb generation using interferometric wavelength selective switch. IN: CLEO: Applications and Technology 2017. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Ellis, Andrew D.; Tan, Mingming; Iqbal, Md Asif; Al-Khateeb, Mohammad Ahmad Zaki; Gordienko, Vladimir; Saavedra Mondaca, Gabriel; Fabbri, Simon; Stephens, Marc F.C.; McCarthy, Mary E.; Perentos, Andreas; Phillips, Ian David; Lavery, Domaniç; Liga, Gabriele; Maher, Robert; Harper, Paul; Doran, Nick; Turitsyn, Sergei K.; Sygletos, Stylianos and Bayvel, Polina (2016). 4 Tb/s transmission reach enhancement using 10 × 400 Gb/s super-channels and polarization insensitive dual band optical phase conjugation. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34 (8), pp. 1717-1723.
Gutiérrez, Fernando A.; Martin, Eamonn P.; Perry, Philip; Ellis, Andrew D.; Anandarajah, Prince M. and Barry, Liam P. (2016). WDM orthogonal subcarrier multiplexing. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34 (8), pp. 1815-1823.
Le, Son Thai; Haigh, Paul A.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2016). Blind phase noise estimation for CO-OFDM transmissions. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34 (2), pp. 745-753.
Gutiérrez, Fernando A.; Martin, Eamonn P.; Perry, Philip; Ellis, Andrew D. and Barry, Liam (2016). All-analogue real-time filter bank OFDM over 50 Km of SSMF using a novel synchronization technique. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2016. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Gutiérrez, Fernando A.; Perry, Philip; Martin, Eamonn P.; Ellis, Andrew D.; Smyth, Frank and Barry, Liam P. (2015). All-analogue real-time broadband filter bank multicarrier optical communications system. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33 (24), pp. 5073-5083.
Walsh, Anthony J.; Mountjoy, James; Shams, Haymen; Fagan, Anthony; Ellis, Andrew D. and Barry, Liam P. (2015). Highly robust dual-polarization doubly differential PSK coherent optical packet receiver for energy efficient reconfigurable networks. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33 (24), pp. 5218-5226.
Sooudi, Ehsan; O'Gorman, James; Gunning, Paul; Ellis, Andrew D.; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C. and Manning, Robert J. (2015). Practical and cost-effective high-fidelity optical carrier dissemination using coherent communication techniques. Optics Express, 23 (17), pp. 21678-21689.
Le, Son Thai; McCarthy, Mary E.; Suibhne, Naoise Mac; Al-Khateeb, Mohammad A.Z.; Giacoumidis, Elias; Doran, Nick; Ellis, Andrew D. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2015). Demonstration of phase-conjugated subcarrier coding for fiber nonlinearity compensation in CO-OFDM transmission. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33 (11), pp. 2206-2212.
Le, Thai Son; McCarthy, Mary E.; Suibhne, Naoise Mac; Ellis, Andrew D. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2015). Phase-conjugated pilots for fibre nonlinearity compensation in CO-OFDM transmission. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33 (7), pp. 1308-1314.
Fabbri, Simon J.; Sygletos, Stylianos; Perentos, Andreas; Pincemin, Erwan; Sugden, Kate and Ellis, Andrew D. (2015). Experimental implementation of an all-optical interferometric drop, add, and extract multiplexer for superchannels. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33 (7), pp. 1351-1357.
Ferreira, Filipe; Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. (2015). Impact of linear mode coupling on the group delay spread in few-mode fibers. IN: Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 22–26 March 2015, Los Angeles, California, United States. OSA technical digest . Optical Society of America.
Le, Thai Son; McCarthy, Mary E.; Suibhne, Naoise Mac; Giacoumidis, Elias; Doran, Nick J.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Blow, Keith J. (2014). Comparison of bit error rate estimation methods for QPSK CO-OFDM transmission. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26 (22), pp. 2244-2247.
Haigh, Paul A.; Bausi, Francesco; Kanesan, Thavamaran; Le, Son Thai; Rajbhandari, Sujan; Ghassemlooy, Zabih; Papakonstantinou, Ioannis; Popoola, Wasiu; Burton, Andrew; Minh, Hoa Le; Ellis, Andrew D. and Cacialli, Franco (2014). A 20-Mb/s VLC link with a polymer LED and a multilayer perceptron equalizer. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26 (19), pp. 1975-1978.
Le, Son T.; Kanesan, Thavamaran; Giacoumidis, Elias; Doran, Nick J. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2014). Quasi-pilot aided phase noise estimation for coherent optical OFDM systems. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26 (5), pp. 504-507.
Kanesan, Thavamaran; Le, Son Thai; Roque, Damien and Ellis, Andrew D. (2014). Non-rectangular perfect reconstruction pulse shaping based ICI reduction in CO-OFDM. Optics Express, 22 (2), pp. 1749-1759.
Zhao, Jian and Ellis, Andrew D. (2014). Enhanced dispersion tolerance of coherent offset-QAM OFDM over conventional OFDM. IN: Optical Fiber Communication conference 2014. OSA technical digest . Optical Society of America.
Phillips, Ian; Tan, Mingming; Stephens, Marc F.; McCarthy, Mary; Giacoumidis, Elias; Sygletos, Stylianos; Rosa, Pawel; Fabbri, Simon; Le, Son T.; Kanesan, Thavamaran; Turitsyn, Sergei K.; Doran, Nick J.; Harper, Paul and Ellis, Andrew D. (2014). Exceeding the nonlinear-shannon limit using Raman laser based amplification and optical phase conjugation. IN: Optical Fiber Communication conference 2014. OSA technical digest . Optical Society of America.
Sorokina, Mariia; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ellis, Andrew D. and Turitsyn, Sergei (2013). Optimal packing for cascaded regenerative transmission based on phase sensitive amplifiers. Optics express, 21 (25), pp. 31201-31211.
Zhao, Jian and Ellis, Andrew D. (2013). Designs of coherent optical fast OFDM and performance comparison to conventional OFDM. IN: Signal Processing in Photonic Communications. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Walsh, Anthony J.; Shams, Haymen; Mountjoy, James; Fagan, Anthony; Zhao, Jian; Barry, Liam P. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2013). Demonstrating doubly-differential quadrature phase shift keying in the optical domain. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25 (11), pp. 1054-1057.
Rafique, Danish; Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. (2013). Intra-channel nonlinearity compensation for PM-16QAM traffic co-propagating with 28Gbaud m-ary QAM neighbours. Optics Express, 21 (4), pp. 4174-4182.
Walsh, Anthony J.; Huynh, Tam N.; Mountjoy, James; Fagan, Anthony; Ellis, Andrew D. and Barry, Liam P. (2013). Employing DDBPSK in optical burst switched systems to enhance throughput. IN: 39th European Conference and exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2013). IET conference publications . Red Hook, NY (US): IET.
Sleiffer, V.A.J.M.; Jung, Y.; Veljanovski, V.; van Uden, R.G.H.; Kuschnerov, M.; Chen, H.; Inan, B.; Grüner-Nielsen, Lars; Sun, Y.; Richardson, David J.; Alam, S.U.; Poletti, F.; Sahu, J.K.; Dhar, A.; Koonen, A.M.J.; Corbett, B.; Winfield, R.; Ellis, Andrew D. and de Waardt, H. (2012). 73.7 Tb/s (96 x 3 x 256-Gb/s) mode-division-multiplexed DP-16QAM transmission with inline MM-EDFA. Optics express, 20 (26), B428-B438.
Adhikari, Susmita; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ellis, Andrew D.; Inan, Beril; Jansen, Sander L. and Rosenkranz, Werner (2012). Enhanced self-coherent OFDM by the use of injection locked laser. IN: National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, NFOEC 2012. OSA technical digest . Optical Society of America.
Sygletos, Stylianos; Frascella, Paola; Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. (2012). Multi-wavelength regeneration of differentially phase-encoded signals using phase sensitive amplification. IN: 2012 International Conference on Photonics in Switching, PS 2012. IEEE.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. (2012). Nonlinearity compensation via spectral inversion and digital back-propagation:a practical approach. IN: Optical fiber communication conference. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Ellis, Andrew D. and Suibhne, Naoise M. (2012). The MODE-GAP project. IN: Frontiers in Optics Conference. Rochester, NY, 2012-10-14 - 2012-10-18.
Ellis, Andrew D. and MacSuibhne, Naoise (2012). The MODE-GAP project. IN: Frontiers in Optics Conference. 2012-10-14 - 2012-10-18.
Sooudi, Ehsan; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ellis, Andrew D.; Huyet, Guillaume; McInerney, John G.; Lelarge, François; Merghem, Kamel; Rosales, Ricardo; Martinez, Anthony; Ramdane, Abderrahim and Hegarty, Stephen P. (2012). Optical frequency comb generation using dual-mode injection-locking of quantum-dash mode-locked lasers : properties and applications. IEEE journal of quantum electronics, 48 (10), pp. 1327-1338.
O’Dowd, John A.; Shi, Kai; Walsh, Anthony J.; Bessler, Vivian M.; Smyth, Frank; Huynh, Tam N.; Barry, Liam P. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2012). Time resolved bit error rate analysis of a fast switching tunable laser for use in optically switched networks. Journal of optical communications and networking, 4 (9), A77-A81.
Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2012). Channel estimation and compensation in chromatic dispersion limited optical fast OFDM systems. IN: 8th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP). IEEE.
Sygletos, Stylianos; Frascella, Paola; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2012). Multi-wavelength regeneration of phase encoded signals based on phase sensitive amplifiers. IN: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). IEEE conference publications . IEEE.
Adhikari, Susmita; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ellis, Andrew D.; Inan, Beril; Jansen, Sander L. and Rosenkranz, Werner (2012). Stabilization of self-coherent OFDM with injection locked laser. IN: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2012. IEEE conference publications . IEEE.
Adhikari, Susmita; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ellis, Andrew D.; Inan, Beril; Jansen, Sander L. and Rosenkranz, Werner (2012). Stabilization of self-coherent OFDM with injection locked laser. IN: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. IEEE conference publications . IEEE.
Olsson, Samuel L.; Corcoran, Bill; Lundström, Carl; Tipsuwannakul, Ekawit; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ellis, Andrew D.; Tong, Zhi; Karlsson, Magnus and Andrekson, Peter (2012). Optical injection-locking-based pump recovery for phase-sensitively amplified links. IN: Optical fiber communication conference. Optical Society of America.
Walsh, Anthony J.; O'Dowd, John A.; Bessler, Vivian M.; Shi, Kai; Smyth, Frank; Dailey, James M.; Kelleher, Bryan; Barry, Liam P. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2012). Characterization of time-resolved laser differential phase using 3D complementary cumulative distribution functions. Optics Letters, 37 (10), pp. 1769-1771.
Giacoumidis, Elias; Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Zhao, Jian A.; Tang, J.M.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Tomkos, Ioannis (2012). Experimental and theoretical investigations of intensity-modulation and direct-detection optical fast-OFDM over MMF-links. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24 (1), pp. 52-54.
Ellis, Andrew D. (2012). Current capacity limits and activities within the EU project MODE-GAP to overcome them. IN: Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series, 2012 IEEE. IEEE.
Mac Suibhne, Naoise; Watts, Regan; Sygletos, Stylianos; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; Grüner-Nielsen, Lars and Ellis, Andrew D. (2012). Nonlinear soliton propagation in a few mode optical fibre. IN: 17th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 2012. Conference Publications . IEEE.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Impact of longitudinal power budget in coherent transmission systems employing digital back-propagation. Optics express, 19 (26), B40-B46.
Rafique, Danish; Mussolin, Marco; Mårtensson, Jonas; Forzati, Marco; Fischer, Johannes K.; Molle, Lutz; Nölle, Markus; Schubert, Colja and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Polarization multiplexed 16QAM transmission employing modified digital back-propagation. Optics express, 19 (26), B805-B810.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Various nonlinearity mitigation techniques employing optical and electronic approaches. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23 (23), pp. 1838-1840.
Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Offset-QAM based coherent WDM for spectral efficiency enhancement. Optics Express, 19 (15), pp. 14617-14631.
Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Demonstration of 10 Gbit/s transmission over 900 km SMF with <400 ns adaptation time using full-field EDC. Electronics letters, 47 (12), pp. 711-713.
Weerasuriya, Ruwan; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; Manning, Robert J.; Phelan, Richard; O'Carroll, John; Kelly, Brian; O'Gorman, James and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Comparison of frequency symmetric signal generation from a BPSK input using fiber and semiconductor-based nonlinear elements. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23 (10), pp. 651-653.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Nonlinear penalties in long-haul optical networks employing dynamic transponders. Optics Express, 19 (10), pp. 9044-9049.
Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Sygletos, Stylianos; Rafique, Danish; O'Dowd, John A.; Weerasuriya, Ruwan and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Novel synchronous DPSK optical regenerator based on a feed-forward based carrier extraction scheme. Optics Express, 19 (10), pp. 9445-9452.
Zhao, Jian A.; Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Rafique, Danish; Gunning, Paul and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Symbol synchronization exploiting the symmetric property in optical fast OFDM. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23 (9), pp. 594-596.
Rafique, Danish; Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. (2011). Digital back-propagation for spectrally efficient WDM 112 Gbit/s PM m-ary QAM transmission. Optics Express, 19 (6), pp. 5219-5224.
Bonk, R.; Vorreau, Philipp; Hillerkuss, David; Freude, Wolfgang; Zarris, George; Simeonidou, Dimitra; Parmigiani, Francesca; Petropoulos, Periklis; Weerasuriya, R.; Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Ellis, Andrew D.; Klonidis, D.; Tomkos, Ioannis and Leuthold, Juerg (2011). An all-optical grooming switch for interconnecting access and metro ring networks. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 3 (3), pp. 206-214.
Slavik, Radan; Parmigiani, Francesca; Kakande, Joseph; Lundström, Carl; Sjödin, Martin; Andrekson, Peter A.; Weerasuriya, Ruwan; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ellis, Andrew D.; Grüner-Nielsen, Lars; Jakobsen, Dan; Herstrøm, Søren; Phelan, Richard; O'Gorman, James; Bogris, Adonis; Syvridis, Dimitris; Dasgupta, Sonali; Petropoulos, Periklis and Richardson, David J. (2010). All-optical phase and amplitude regenerator for next-generation telecommunications systems. Nature Photonics, 4 (10), pp. 690-695.
Mishra, Arvind K.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Barry, Liam P. (2010). Time-resolved Q-factor measurement and its application in performance analysis of 42.6 Gbit/s packets generated by SGDBR lasers. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 28 (8), pp. 1144-1151.
Ellis, Andrew D.; Zhao, Jian A. and Cotter, David (2010). Approaching the non-linear Shannon limit. Journal of lightwave technology, 28 (4), pp. 423-433.
Ellis, Andrew D.; Zhao, Jian A. and Cotter, David (2010). Approaching the non-linear Shannon limit. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 28 (4), pp. 423-433.
Chow, C.W.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Parmigiani, F. (2009). Time-division-multiplexing using pulse position locking for 100 Gb/s applications. Optics Express, 17 (8), pp. 6562-6567.
Zhao, Jian A.; McCarthy, Mary E.; Gunning, Paul and Ellis, Andrew D. (2009). Mitigation of pattern sensitivity in full-field electronic dispersion compensation. IEEE photonics technology letters, 21 (1), pp. 48-50.
Maher, Robert; Anandarajah, Prince M.; Ellis, Andrew D.; Reid, Douglas and Barry, Liam P. (2008). Optimization of a 42.7 Gb/s wavelength tunable RZ transmitter using a linear spectrogram technique. Optics Express, 16 (15), pp. 11281-11288.
Chow, C.W.; Talli, G.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Townsend, P.D. (2008). Rayleigh noise mitigation in DWDM LR-PONs using carrier suppressed subcarrier-amplitude modulated phase shift keying. Optics Express, 16 (3), pp. 1860-1866.
Cuenot, Benjamin and Ellis, Andrew D. (2007). WDM signal regeneration using a single all-optical device. Optics express, 15 (18), pp. 11492-11499.
Healy, Tadhg; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Bull, Jeff D. (2007). Multi-wavelength source using low drive-voltage amplitude modulators for optical communications. Optics express, 15 (6), pp. 2981-2986.
Ellis, Andrew D. and Garcia Gunning, Fatima C. (2005). Spectral density enhancement using coherent WDM. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17 (2), pp. 504-506.
Zhang, Tingting; Sánchez, Christian; Phillips, Ian D; Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. 200-Gb/s Polarization Multiplexed Doubly Differential QPSK Signal Transmission over 80-km SSMF Using Tandem SSB without Optical Amplification. IN: 43rd European Conference on Optical Communication. 2017-09-17 - 2017-09-21.
Sleiffer, V.A.J.M.; Jung, Y.; Veljanovski, V.; van Uden, R.G.H.; Kuschnerov, M.; Chen, H.; Inan, B.; Grüner-Nielsen, Lars; Sun, Y.; Richardson, David J.; Alam, S.U.; Poletti, F.; Sahu, J.K.; Dhar, A.; Koonen, A.M.J.; Corbett, B.; Winfield, R.; Ellis, Andrew D. and de Waardt, H. 73.7 Tb/s (96 x 3 x 256-Gb/s) mode-divisionmultiplexed DP-16QAM transmission with inline MM-EDFA. Optics Express, 20 (26), B428-B438.
Ferreira, Filipe; MacSuibhne, Naoise; Sánchez, Christian; Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. Advantages of strong mode coupling for suppression of nonlinear distortion in few-mode fibers. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2016. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Sygletos, Stylianos; Fabbri, Simon; Sorokina, Mariia and Ellis, Andrew D. All-optical add-drop multiplexing of OFDM signals. IN: Signal Processing in Photonic Communications 2015. OSA technical digest . Optical Society of America.
Zhang, Tingting; Sánchez, Christian; Sygletos, Stylianos; Phillips, Ian D and Ellis, Andrew D. Amplifier-free 200-Gb/s tandem SSB doubly differential QPSK signal transmission over 80-km SSMF with simplified receiver-side DSP. Optics Express, 26 (7), pp. 8418-8430.
Al-Khateeb, Mohammad; Iqbal, Md Asif; Tan, Mingming; Ali, Abdallah; McCarthy, Mary E.; Harper, Paul and Ellis, Andrew D. Analysis of the nonlinear Kerr effects in optical transmission systems that deploy optical phase conjugation. Optics Express, 26 (3),
Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. Channel estimation and compensation in chromatic dispersion limited optical fast OFDM systems. IN: 8th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP). IEEE.
Zhao, Jian A.; McCarthy, Mary E.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Gunning, Paul Chromatic dispersion compensation using full-field maximum-likelihood sequence estimation. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 28 (7), pp. 1023-1031.
Giacoumidis, Elias; Mhatli, Sofien; Nguyen, Tu; Le, Son T.; Aldaya, Ivan; McCarthy, Mary E.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Eggleton, Benjamin J. Comparison of DSP-based nonlinear equalizers for intra-channel nonlinearity compensation in coherent optical OFDM. Optics Letters, 41 (11), pp. 2509-2512.
Rafique, Danish; Mussolin, Marco; Forzati, Marco; Mårtensson, Jonas; Chugtai, Mohsan N. and Ellis, Andrew D. Compensation of intra-channel nonlinear fibre impairments using simplified digital back-propagation algorithm. Optics Express, 19 (10), pp. 9453-9460.
Rafique, Danish; Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. Compensation of nonlinear fibre impairments in coherent systems employing spectrally efficient modulation formats. IEICE Transactions on Communications, E94-B (7), pp. 1815-1822.
Frascella, Paola; Sygletos, Stylianos; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; Weerasuriya, Ruwan; Grüner-Nielsen, Lars; Phelan, Richard; O'Gorman, James and Ellis, Andrew D. DPSK signal regeneration with a dual-pump nondegenerate phase-sensitive amplifier. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23 (8), pp. 516-518.
Le, Son T.; McCarthy, Mary; Suibhne, Naoise Mac; Haigh, Paul A.; Giacoumidis, Elias; Doran, Nick; Ellis, Andrew D. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. Decision-directed-free blind phase noise estimation for COOFDM. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2015. OSA technical digest (online) . Optical Society of America.
Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. Demonstration of 10 Gbit/s transmission over 900 km SMF with <400 ns adaptation time using full-field EDC. Electronics letters, 47 (12), pp. 711-713.
Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Ellis, Andrew D.; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C. and Peters, F.H. Demonstration of CoWDM using DPSK modulator array with injection-locked lasers. Electronics letters, 46 (2), pp. 150-152.
Walsh, Anthony J. and Ellis, Andrew D. Differential polarization decoding for robust coherent optical packet switched networks. IN: 2015 20th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC). IEEE.
Du, Liang B.; Rafique, Danish; Napoli, Antonio; Spinnler, Bernhard; Ellis, Andrew D.; Kuschnerov, Maxim and Lowery, Arthur J. Digital fiber nonlinearity compensation:toward 1-Tb/s transport. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 31 (2), pp. 46-56.
Saavedra Mondaca, Gabriel; Tan, Mingming; Elson, Daniel J.; Galdino, Lidia; Semrau, Daniel; Iqbal, Md Asif; Phillips, Ian D; Harper, Paul; MacSuibhne, Naoise; Ellis, Andrew D.; Lavery, Domaniç; Thomsen, Benn C.; Killey, Robert I. and Bayvel, Polina Experimental Analysis of Nonlinear Impairments in Fibre Optic Transmission Systems up to 7.3 THz. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (21),
Fabbri, Simon J.; Sygletos, Stylianos; Perentos, Andreas; Pincemin, Erwan; Sugden, Kate and Ellis, Andrew D. Experimental demonstration of an all-optical interferometric drop, add, and extract multiplexer for OFDM super-channel. IN: Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM) 2015. IEEE.
Giacoumidis, Elias; Ibrahim, Selwan; Zhao, Jian; Tang, Jianming; Tomkos, Ioannis and Ellis, Andrew D. Experimental demonstration of cost-Effective intensity-modulation and direct-detection optical fast-OFDM over 40km SMF transmission. IN: National fiber optic engineers conference. OSA technical digest . Optical Society of America.
Le, Son T.; Kanesan, Thavamaran; McCarthy, Mary.; Giakoumidis, Elias; Phillips, Ian; Stephens, Marc F.; Tan, Mingming; Doran, Nick J.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. Experimental demonstration of data-dependent pilot-aided phase noise estimation for CO-OFDM. IN: Optical Fiber Communication conference 2014. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Ferreira, Filipe M.; MacSuibhne, Naoise; Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. Few-mode fibre group-delays with intermediate coupling. IN: European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. IEEE.
Giacoumidis, Elias; Le, Son T.; Ghanbarisabagh, Mohammad; McCarthy, Mary; Aldaya, Ivan; Mhatli, Sofien; Jarajreh, Mutsam A.; Haigh, Paul A.; Doran, Nick J.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Eggleton, Benjamin J. Fiber nonlinearity-induced penalty reduction in CO-OFDM by ANN-based nonlinear equalization. Optics Letters, 40 (21), pp. 5113-5116.
Zarris, George; Hugues-Salas, Emilio; Gonzalez, Norberto A.; Weerasuriya, Ruwan; Parmigiani, Francesca; Hillerkuss, David; Vorreau, Philipp; Spyropoulou, Maria; Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Ellis, Andrew D.; Morais, Rui; Monteiro, Paulo; Petropoulos, Periklis; Richardson, David J.; Tomkos, Ioannis; Leuthold, Juerg and Simeonidou, Dimitra Field experiments with a grooming switch for OTDM meshed networking. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 28 (4), pp. 316-327.
McCarthy, Mary E.; Zhao, Jian A.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Gunning, Paul Full-field electronic dispersion compensation of a 10 Gbit/s OOK signal over 4 x 124 km field-installed single-mode fibre. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27 (23), pp. 5327-5335.
Latkowski, Sylwester; Ibrahim, Selwan; Shi, Kai; Zhou, Rui; Ellis, Andrew D.; Maher, Robert; Barry, Liam and Anandarajah, Prince Gain switched multi-carrier transmitter and pilot tone based receiver for long reach access networks. IN: Optical fiber communication conference. OSA technical digest . Optical Society of America.
Frascella, Paola; Antony, Cleitus; Fabbri, Simon J.; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; Gunning, Paul; McAuliffe, William; Cassidy, Derek and Ellis, Andrew D. Impact of Raman amplification on a 2 Tb/s coherent WDM system. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23 (14), pp. 959-961.
Gutiérrez, Fernando A.; Perry, Philip; Smyth, Frank; Ellis, Andrew D. and Barry, Liam P. Impact of band rejection in multichannel broadband subcarrier multiplexing. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 7 (4), pp. 248-252.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. Impact of longitudinal power budget in coherent transmission systems employing digital back-propagation. Optics Express, 19 (26), B40-B46.
Rafique, Danish; Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. Impact of power allocation strategies in long-haul few-mode fiber transmission systems. Optics Express, 21 (9), pp. 10801-10809.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. Impact of signal-ASE four-wave mixing on the effectiveness of digital back-propagation in 112 Gb/s PM-QPSK systems. Optics Express, 19 (4), pp. 3449-3454.
Olsson, Samuel L.I.; Corcoran, Bill; Lundström, Carl; Tipsuwannakul, Ekawit; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ellis, Andrew D.; Tong, Zhi; Karlsson, Magnus and Andrekson, Peter A. Injection locking-based pump recovery for phase-sensitive amplified links. Optics Express, 21 (12), pp. 14512-14529.
Rutowska, Monika S.; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; Kivlehan, Francine; Moore, Eric; Brennan, Des; Galvin, Paul and Ellis, Andrew D. Integration of a 3D hydrogel matrix within a hollow core photonic crystal fibre for DNA probe immobilization. Measurement Science and Technology, 21 (9),
Giacoumidis, Elias; Mhatli, Sofien; Wei, Jinlong; Le, Son T.; Aldaya, Ivan; Stephens, Marc F.C.; McCarthy, Mary E.; Ellis, Andrew D.; Doran, Nick J. and Eggleton, Benjamin Intra and inter-channel nonlinearity compensation in WDM coherent optical OFDM using artificial neural network based nonlinear equalization. IN: 2017 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC 2017), proceedings. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Zhao, Jian A. and Ellis, Andrew D. MAP detection for impairment compensation in coherent WDM systems. Optics Express, 17 (16), pp. 13395-13401.
Al-Khateeb, Mohammad; McCarthy, Mary; Costa, Christian S. and Ellis, Andrew D. Mid-link optical phase conjugation in lumped optical transmission systems. IN: Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2016. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Zhao, Jian A.; McCarthy, Mary E.; Gunning, Paul and Ellis, Andrew D. Mitigation of pattern sensitivity in full-field electronic dispersion compensation. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 21 (1), pp. 48-50.
Sygletos, Stylianos; Frascella, Paola; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C. and Ellis, Andrew D. Multi-wavelength regeneration of phase encoded signals based on phase sensitive amplifiers. IN: 14th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). IEEE conference publications . IEEE.
Healy, Tadhg; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Bull, Jeff D. Multi-wavelength source using low drive-voltage amplitude modulators for optical communications. Optics Express, 15 (6), pp. 2981-2986.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. Nonlinear and ROADM induced penalties in 28 Gbaud dynamic optical mesh networks employing electronic signal processing. Optics Express, 19 (18), pp. 16739-16748.
Ferreira, Filipe M.; Costa, Christian S.; Mac Suibhne, Naoise; Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. Nonlinear distortion in mode delay compensated few-mode fibre spans with intermediate coupling. IN: ECOC 2016 Düsseldorf : 42nd European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communications. Berlin (DE): VDE.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. Nonlinear penalties in dynamic optical networks employing autonomous transponders. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23 (17), pp. 1213-1215.
MacSuibhne, Naoise; Watts, Regan; Sygletos, Stylianos; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; Grüner-Nielsen, Lars and Ellis, Andrew D. Nonlinear soliton propagation in a few mode optical fibre. IN: 17th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 2012. Conference Publications . IEEE.
Rafique, Danish and Ellis, Andrew D. Nonlinearity compensation in multi-rate 28 Gbaud WDM systems employing optical and digital techniques under diverse link configurations. Optics Express, 19 (18), pp. 16919-16926.
Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Sygletos, Stylianos; Weerasuriya, Ruwan and Ellis, Andrew D. Novel real-time homodyne coherent receiver using a feed-forward based carrier extraction scheme for phase modulated signals. Optics Express, 19 (9), pp. 8320-8326.
MacSuibhne, Naoise and Ellis, Andrew D. Optical communications : past, present and future trends. IN: IONS KOALA. Auckland University, 2015-11-23 - 2016-02-27.
Sooudi, Ehsan; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ellis, Andrew D.; Huyet, Guillaume; McInerney, John G.; Lelarge, François; Merghem, Kamel; Rosales, Ricardo; Martinez, Anthony; Ramdane, Abderrahim and Hegarty, Stephen P. Optical frequency comb generation using dual-mode injection-locking of quantum-dash mode-locked lasers:properties and applications. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 48 (10), pp. 1327-1338.
Ellis, Andrew D.; Cotter, David; Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Weerasuriya, Ruwan; Chow, C.W.; Leuthold, Juerg; Freude, Wolfgang; Sygletos, Stylianos; Vorreau, Philipp; Bonk, R.; Hillerkuss, David; Tomkos, Ioannis; Tzanakaki, A.; Kouloumentas, C.; Richardson, David J.; Petropoulos, Periklis; Parmigiani, Francesca; Zarris, George and Simeonidou, Dimitra Optical interconnection of core and metro networks. Journal of Optical Networking, 7 (11), pp. 928-935.
Bravi, E.; Ellis, Andrew D.; Mishra, Arvind K. and Cotter, D. Optical packet transmission in 42.6 Gbit/s wavelength-division-multiplexed clockwork-routed networks. Journal of Optical Networking, 7 (4), pp. 266-276.
Sorokina, Mariia; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ellis, Andrew D. and Turitsyn, Sergei Optimal packing for cascaded regenerative transmission based on phase sensitive amplifiers. Optics Express, 21 (25), pp. 31201-31211.
Gutiérrez, Fernando A.; Perry, Philip; Smyth, Frank; Ellis, Andrew D. and Barry, Liam P. Optimum bias point in broadband subcarrier multiplexing with optical IQ modulators. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33 (1), pp. 258-266.
Frascella, Paola; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Gunning, Paul and Ellis, Andrew D. PMD tolerance of 288 Gbit/s Coherent WDM and transmission over unrepeatered 124 km of field-installed single mode optical fiber. Optics Express, 18 (13), pp. 13908-13914.
Ellis, Andrew D. and Sygletos, Stylianos Phase sensitive signal processing using semiconductor optical amplifiers. IN: Optical Fiber Communication conference 2013. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Anandarajah, Prince M.; Shi, Kai; O'Carroll, John; Kaszubowska, Aleksandra; Phelan, Richard; Barry, Liam P.; Ellis, Andrew D.; Perry, Philip; Reid, Douglas; Kelly, Brian and O'Gorman, James Phase shift keyed systems based on a gain switched laser transmitter. Optics Express, 17 (15), pp. 12668-12677.
Sooudi, Ehsan; Sygletos, Stylianos; Frascella, Paola; Ellis, Andrew D.; Huyet, Guillaume; McInerney, John G.; Lelarge, François; Merghem, Kamel; Rosales, Ricardo; Martinez, Anthony; Ramdane, Abderrahim and Hegarty, Stephen P. Phase synchronization of a two-channel phase-sensitive amplifier based on optical injection-locking of InP quantum-dash mode-locked lasers. IN: Optical fiber communication conference. OSA technical digest . Optical Society of America.
Sygletos, Stylianos; Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Weerasuriya, Ruwan; Phelan, Richard; Grüner-Nielsen, Lars; Bogris, Adonis; Syvridis, Dimitris; O'Gorman, James and Ellis, Andrew D. Phase synchronization scheme for a practical phase sensitive amplifier of ASK-NRZ signals. Optics Express, 19 (13), pp. 12384-12391.
Rafique, Danish; Mussolin, Marco; Mårtensson, Jonas; Forzati, Marco; Fischer, Johannes K.; Molle, Lutz; Nölle, Markus; Schubert, Colja and Ellis, Andrew D. Polarization multiplexed 16QAM transmission employing modified digital back-propagation. Optics Express, 19 (26), B805-B810.
Ellis, Andrew D.; McCarthy, Mary E.; Sorokina, Mariia A.; Mac Suibhne, Naoise; Turitsyn, Sergei K. and Sygletos, Stylianos Potential solutions to overcome the capacity crunch. IN: European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015. Optical Society of America.
Parmigiani, Francesca; Provost, Lionel; Petropoulos, Periklis; Richardson, David J.; Freude, Wolfgang; Leuthold, Juerg; Ellis, Andrew D. and Tomkos, Ioannis Progress in multichannel all-optical regeneration based on fiber technology. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 18 (2), pp. 689-700.
Walsh, Anthony J.; Mountjoy, James; Fagan, Anthony; Browning, Colm; Ellis, Andrew D. and Barry, Liam P. Reduced OSNR penalty for frequency drift tolerant coherent packet switched systems using doubly differential decoding. IN: Optical Fiber Communication conference 2014. OSA technical digest . Optical Society of America.
Walsh, Anthony J.; Mountjoy, James; Fagan, Anthony; Browning, Colm; Ellis, Andrew D. and Barry, Liam P. Reduced waiting times using a fast switching dual-polarization DDQPSK receiver in a packet switched network. IN: European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. IEEE.
Giacoumidis, Elias; Mhatli, Sofien; Stephens, Marc F.C.; Tsokanos, Athanasios; Wei, Jinlong; McCarthy, Mary E.; Doran, Nick J. and Ellis, Andrew D. Reduction of Nonlinear Intersubcarrier Intermixing in Coherent Optical OFDM by a Fast Newton-Based Support Vector Machine Nonlinear Equalizer. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (12), pp. 2391-2397.
Sooudi, Ehsan; Ellis, Andrew D. and Manning, Robert J. Self-starting optical–electrical–optical homodyne clock recovery for phase-modulated signals. Optics Letters, 42 (17), pp. 3486-3489.
Ferreira, Filipe M.; Costa, Christian S.; Sygletos, Stylianos and Ellis, Andrew D. Semi-analytical modelling of linear mode coupling in few-mode fibers. Journal of Lightwave Technology ,
Cartledge, John C.; Ellis, Andrew D.; Shiner, Andrew; El-Rahman, A.I.A.; McCarthy, Mary; Reimer, Michael; Borowiec, Andrzej and Kashi, Aazar Signal processing techniques for reducing the impact of fiber nonlinearities on system performance. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2016. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
O’Dowd, John A.; Shi, Kai; Walsh, Anthony J.; Bessler, Vivian M.; Smyth, Frank; Huynh, Tam N.; Barry, Liam P. and Ellis, Andrew D. Time resolved bit error rate analysis of a fast switching tunable laser for use in optically switched networks. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 4 (9), A77-A81.
Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Zhao, Jian A.; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; Frascella, Paola; Peters, F.H. and Ellis, Andrew D. Towards a practical implementation of coherent WDM:analytical, numerical, and experimental studies. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2 (5), pp. 833-847.
Frascella, Paola; MacSuibhne, Naoise; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Gunning, Paul and Ellis, Andrew D. Unrepeatered field transmission of 2 Tbit/s multi-banded coherent WDM over 124 km of installed SMF. Optics Express, 18 (24), pp. 24745-24752.
Giacoumidis, Elias; Aldaya, Ivan; Jarajreh, Mutsam A.; Tsokanos, Athanasios; Le, Son T.; Farjady, Farsheed; Jaouën, Yves; Ellis, Andrew D. and Doran, Nick J. Volterra-based reconfigurable nonlinear equalizer for coherent OFDM. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26 (14), pp. 1383-1386.
Cuenot, Benjamin and Ellis, Andrew D. WDM signal regeneration using a single all-optical device. Optics Express, 15 (18), pp. 11492-11499.
Mac Suibhne, Naoise; Li, Zhihong; Baeuerle, Benedikt; Zhao, Jian; Wooler, John; Alam, Shaif-ul; Poletti, Francesco; Petrovich, Marco; Heidt, Alexander; Wheeler, Natalie; Baddela, Naveen; Fokoua, Eric R.N.; Giles, Ian; Giles, Dean; Phelan, Richard; O'Carroll, John; Kelly, Brian; Murphy, Dominic; Corbett, Brian; Ellis, Andrew D.; Richardson, David J. and Garcia Gunning, Fatima WDM transmission at 2μm over low-loss hollow core photonic bandgap fiber. IN: Optical Fiber Communication conference 2013. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
MacSuibhne, Naoise; Ferreira, Filipe M.; McCarthy, Mary E.; Mishra, Arvind and Ellis, Andrew D. The effect of high optical power on modern fibre at 1.5 μm. IN: 2016 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). Ferrari, M.; Dorosz, D. and Marciniak, M. (eds) IEEE.
Zhang, Tingting; Sanchez, Christian; Sygletos, Stylianos; Sadeghioon, Lida; McCarthy, Mary E. and Ellis, Andrew D. A high-sensitivity coherent receiver without frequency recovery enabled by doubly differential QPSK. IN: CLEO: Science and Innovations 2017. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Ellis, Andrew D. and Sygletos, Stylianos The potential for networks with capacities exceeding the nonlinear-Shannon limit. IN: Photonic networks and devices 2015. OSA technical digest . Optical Society of America.
Sygletos, Stylianos; Frascella, Paola; Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Grüner-Nielsen, Lars; Phelan, Richard; O'Gorman, James and Ellis, Andrew D. A practical phase sensitive amplification scheme for two channel phase regeneration. Optics Express, 19 (26), pp. 938-945.
Sooudi, Ehsan; Garcia Gunning, Fatima C.; O'Gorman, James; Sygletos, Stylianos; Ibrahim, Selwan K.; Ellis, Andrew D. and Manning, Robert J. A unidirectional scheme for high-fidelity optical-carrier dissemination using phase-modulation, homodyne coherent-detection, and frequency entrainment. IN: CLEO: science and innovations 2014. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.