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Stephens, Marc F.; Gordienko, Vladimir and Doran, Nick (2018). Reduced Crosstalk, Polarization Insensitive Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier (PI FOPA) for WDM Applications. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2018. 2018-03-11 - 2018-03-15.
Ellis, Andrew D.; Tan, Mingming; Iqbal, Md Asif; Al-Khateeb, Mohammad Ahmad Zaki; Gordienko, Vladimir; Saavedra Mondaca, Gabriel; Fabbri, Simon; Stephens, Marc F.C.; McCarthy, Mary E.; Perentos, Andreas; Phillips, Ian David; Lavery, Domaniç; Liga, Gabriele; Maher, Robert; Harper, Paul; Doran, Nick; Turitsyn, Sergei K.; Sygletos, Stylianos and Bayvel, Polina (2016). 4 Tb/s transmission reach enhancement using 10 × 400 Gb/s super-channels and polarization insensitive dual band optical phase conjugation. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34 (8), pp. 1717-1723.
Redyuk, Alexey; Stephens, Marc F.C. and Doran, Nick (2016). Characterisation of cascaded Raman-assisted fibre optical parametric amplifiers using WDM QPSK signals. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2016. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Giacoumidis, Elias; Le, Son T.; Aldaya, Ivan; Wei, Jinlong; McCarthy, Mary; Doran, Nick and Eggleton, Benjamin (2016). Experimental comparison of artificial neural network and volterra based nonlinear equalization for CO-OFDM. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2016. OSA Technical Digest . Optical Society of America.
Le, Son Thai; McCarthy, Mary E.; Suibhne, Naoise Mac; Al-Khateeb, Mohammad A.Z.; Giacoumidis, Elias; Doran, Nick; Ellis, Andrew D. and Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2015). Demonstration of phase-conjugated subcarrier coding for fiber nonlinearity compensation in CO-OFDM transmission. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33 (11), pp. 2206-2212.
Ruffini, Marco; Wosinska, Lena; Achouche, Mohand; Chen, Jiajia; Doran, Nick; Farjady, Farsheed; Montalvo, Julio; Ossieur, Peter; O'Sullivan, Barry; Parsons, Nick; Pfeiffer, Thomas; Qiu, Xing-Zhi; Raack, Christian; Rohde, Harald; Schiano, Marco; Townsend, Paul; Wessäly, Roland; Yin, Xin and Payne, David B. (2014). DISCUS : an end-to-end solution for ubiquitous broadband optical access. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52 (2), S24-S32.
Ellis, Andrew and Doran, Nick (2013). Are few-mode fibres a practical solution to the capacity crunch? IN: 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2013. IEEE conference publications . IEEE.
Olubodun, Olugbenga and Doran, Nick (2011). Characterization of asymmetric filtered 40 Gb/s RZ-DPSK system-strong filtering considerations. Optics communications, 284 (22), pp. 5259-5262.
Govan, Donald S. and Doran, Nick (2007). An RZ DPSK receiver design with significantly improved dispersion tolerance. Optics express, 15 (25), pp. 16916-16921.
Harper, Paul; Alleston, S.B.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1999). 40 Gbit/s dispersion managed soliton transmission over 1160 km in standard fibre with 75 km span length. Electronics letters, 35 (24), pp. 2128-2130.
Harper, Paul; Alleston, S.B.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1999). 40Gb/s dispersion managed soliton transmission over 1160km in standard fibre with a 75 km span length. Electronics letters, 35 (24), pp. 2128-2130.
Alleston, S.B.; Harper, Paul; Govan, D.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1999). Experimental investigation of soliton transmission over high strength dispersion managed transmission lines. IN: Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 1999). UNSPECIFIED.
Harper, Paul; Alleston, S B; Penketh, I S; Govan, D S; Bennion, I; Ellis, Andrew and Doran, Nick (1999). 40 Gb/s Nonlinear RZ Pulse Propagation Over 900km with a 75KM Standard Fibre Span Using Dispersion Compensation:Optimisation of the Launch Position. IN: Proceedings of 25th European Conference on Optical Communications. TU A3 Paper 5, 1 . UNSPECIFIED.
Ryan, D.M. and Doran, Nick (1999). 10 Gbit/s OTDM to 4 x 2.5 Gbit/s WDM Optical Interface. IN: 14th Quantum Electronics Conference. Manchester, 1999-09-06 - 1999-09-09. (Unpublished)
Penketh, I S; Harper, Paul; Alleston, S B; Bennion, I and Doran, Nick (1999). 10Gbit/s dispersion managed soliton transmission over 16,500km in standard fibre by reduction of soliton interactions. Optics letters, 24 (12), pp. 802-804.
Penketh, I S; Harper, Paul; Alleston, S B; Bennion, I and Doran, Nick (1999). 10Gbit/s dispersion managed soliton transmission over 16,500km in standard fibre by reduction of soliton interactions. Optics Letters, 24 (12), pp. 802-804.
Alleston, S.B.; Harper, Paul; Penketh, Ian S.; Doran, Nick; Bennion, Ian and Ellis, Andrew (1999). 40 Gbit/s soliton transmission over dispersion managed standard fibre links. IN: Colloquium on high speed and long distance transmission. Digest 99/022 . IEE.
Alleston, S.B.; Harper, Paul; Penketh, Ian S.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1999). 1220km propagation of 40Gbit/s single channel RZ data over dispersion managed standard (non-dispersion shifted) fibre. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 1999, and the International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber Communication. OFC/IOOC '99. Technical Digest. IEEE.
Alleston, S.B.; Harper, Paul; Penketh, Ian S.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1999). 1220km propagation of 40Gbit/s single channel RZ data over dispersion managed standard (non-dispersion shifted) fibre. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 1999, and the International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber Communication. OFC/IOOC '99. Technical Digest. IEEE.
Harper, Paul; Penketh, I S; Alleston, S B; Govan, D S; Bennion, I and Doran, Nick (1999). Propagation of 4ps, 10Gbit/s dispersion managed solitons over 200Mm using saturable absorption. IN: IEE Colloquium on Optical Solitons (Ref. No. 1999/016). London, 1999-02-04. (Unpublished)
Harper, Paul; Penketh, I S; Alleston, S B; Govan, D S; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1999). Propagation of 4ps, 10Gbit/s dispersion managed solitons over 200Mm using saturable absorption. IN: IEE Colloquium on Optical Solitons (Ref. No. 1999/016). 1999-02-04. (Unpublished)
Alleston, S.; Penketh, I.; Harper, Paul; Niculae, A.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1999). 16,000 km, 10 Gbits-1 soliton transmission over standard fibre by reduction of interactions through optimum amplifier positioning. IN: Optical fiber communication conference, 1999, and the international conference on integrated optics and optical fiber communication. OFC/IOOC '99. IEEE.
Doran, Nick (1998). Dispersion managed solitons for high speed and WDM long distance transmission. IN: Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications. Faulkner, D. W. and Harmer, A. L. (eds) United States: IOS.
Phillips, Ian; Gloag, A.; Moodie, D.G.; Doran, Nick; Bennion, Ian and Ellis, Andrew (1998). Simultaneous demultiplexing and clock recovery using a single electroabsorption modulator in a novel bi-directional configuration. Optics communications, 150 (1-6), pp. 101-105.
Phillips, Ian; Gloag, A.; Moodie, D.G.; Doran, Nick; Bennion, Ian and Ellis, Andrew (1998). Simultaneous demultiplexing and clock recovery using a single electroabsorption modulator in a novel bi-directional configuration. Optics Communications, 150 (1-6), pp. 101-105.
Doran, Nick (1998). Dispersion-managed solitons: a new paradigm for high data rate. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, 1998 (OFC '98). Menyuk, C. R. (ed.) Technical Digest . IEEE.
Doran, Nick (1998). Dispersion-managed solitons: a new paradigm for high data rate. IN: Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, 1998 (OFC '98). Menyuk, C. R. (ed.) Technical Digest . IEEE.
Phillips, Ian; Gloag, A.; Moodie, D.G.; Doran, Nick; Bennion, Ian and Ellis, Andrew (1998). Drop and insert multiplexing with simultaneous clock recovery using an electroabsorption modulator. IEEE photonics technology letters, 10 (2), pp. 291-293.
Alleston, S.B.; Phillips, Ian; Gloag, A. and Doran, Nick (1998). All optical regenerative memory systems. IN: Mini Symposium on Ultrafast Photonic Processing and Networks. 1998-01-01 - 1998-01-01. (Unpublished)
Govan, D S; Smith, N J; Knox, F M and Doran, Nick (1997). Stable propagation of solitons with increased energy through the combined action of dispersion management and periodic saturable absorption. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 14 (11), pp. 2960-2966.
Phillips, Ian; Gloag, A.; Kean, P.N.; Doran, Nick; Bennion, Ian and Ellis, Andrew (1997). Simultaneous demultiplexing, data regeneration, and clock recovery with a single semiconductor optical amplifier-based nonlinear-optical loop mirror. Optics letters, 22 (17), pp. 1326-1328.
Gray, John W.D.; Gloag, A. and Doran, Nick (1997). Actively mode-locked erbium fibre laser using a semiconductor amplifier in a loop mirror. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'97), Technical Digest. Baltimore, Maryland, 1997-05-18 - 1997-05-23. (Unpublished)
Forysiak, W; Smith, N J; Doran, Nick and Bennion, Ian (1997). Role of dispersion management in future soliton transmission systems. IN: Suboptic '97. 1997-05-01 - 1997-05-01. (Unpublished)
Phillips, Ian; Kean, P.N.; Doran, Nick; Bennion, Ian; Pattison, David A. and Ellis, Andrew (1997). Simultaneous clock recovery and data regeneration using a nonlinear optical loop mirror as an all-optical mixer. IN: Conference on Optical Fiber Communication. OFC 97. Willner, A.E. and Menyuk, C.R. (eds) System Technologies . Washington DC, USA: IEEE.
Phillips, Ian; Kean, P.N.; Doran, Nick; Bennion, Ian; Pattison, David A. and Ellis, Andrew (1997). Simultaneous clock recovery and data regeneration using a nonlinear optical loop mirror as an all-optical mixer. IN: Conference on Optical Fiber Communication. OFC 97. Willner, A.E. and Menyuk, C.R. (eds) System Technologies . Washington DC, USA: IEEE.
Doran, Nick and Bennion, Ian (1996). Optical networks to span the globe. Physics world, 9 (11), pp. 35-40.
Knox, Finlay M.; Harper, Paul; Kean, P.N.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1996). Soliton transmission at 10 Gbit/s over 2022 km of standard fibre with dispersion compensation. IN: Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC'96). IEEE.
Gray, John W.D.; Pattison, David A.; Kean, P.N.; Doran, Nick and Bennion, Ian (1996). Synchronized mode-locked erbium fibre lasers with intracavity dispersion control using chirped in-fibre Bragg gratings. Journal of modern optics, 43 (5), pp. 1009-1015.
Gray, John W.D.; Pattison, David A.; Kean, P.N.; Doran, Nick and Bennion, Ian (1996). Synchronized mode-locked erbium fibre lasers with intracavity dispersion control using chirped in-fibre Bragg gratings. Journal of Modern Optics, 43 (5), pp. 1009-1015.
Smith, N J and Doran, Nick (1996). Modulational instabilities in fibres with periodic dispersion. Optics letters, 21 (8), pp. 570-572.
Smith, N J and Doran, Nick (1996). Modulational instabilities in fibres with periodic dispersion. Optics Letters, 21 (8), pp. 570-572.
Paré, C.; Villeneuve, A.; Belanger, P.A. and Doran, Nick (1996). Compensating for dispersion and nonlinear Kerr effect without phase conjugation. Optics letters, 21 (7), pp. 459-461.
Doran, Nick; Forysiak, W; Knox, F M; Smith, N J and Bennion, I (1996). Optimising transmission capacity: long distance and terrestrial applications. Philosophical transactions A, 354 (1708), pp. 679-694.
Pattison, D; Kean, P.N.; Gray, John W.D.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1995). Actively modelocked dual-wavelength fibre laser with ultra-low inter-pulse-stream timing jitter. IEEE photonics technology letters, 7 (12), pp. 1415-1417.
Pattison, D; Kean, P.N.; Gray, John W.D.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1995). Actively modelocked dual-wavelength fibre laser with ultra-low inter-pulse-stream timing jitter. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 7 (12), pp. 1415-1417.
Knox, Finlay M.; Harper, Paul; Kean, P.N.; Doran, Nick and Bennion, Ian (1995). Low jitter, long distance pulse transmission near net fibre dispersion zero wavelength. Electronics letters, 31 (17), pp. 1467-1468.
Knox, Finlay M.; Harper, Paul; Kean, P.N.; Doran, Nick and Bennion, Ian (1995). Low jitter, long distance pulse transmission near net fibre dispersion zero wavelength. Electronics letters, 31 (17), pp. 1467-1468.
Pattison, David A.; Kean, P.N.; Forysiak, W.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1995). Soliton switching using cascaded nonlinear-optical loop mirrors. Optics express, 20 (1), pp. 19-21.
Smith, N J and Doran, Nick (1995). Evaluating the Capacity of Phase Modulator-Controlled Long-Haul Soliton Transmission. Optical Fiber Technology, 1 (3), pp. 218-235.
Smith, N J and Doran, Nick (1995). Evaluating the capacity of long haul soliton transmission. Optical fiber technology, 1 (3), pp. 218-235.
Smith, N J and Doran, Nick (1995). Picosecond soliton transmission using concatenated nonlinear optical loop mirror intensity filters. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 12 (6), pp. 1117-1125.
Smith, N J and Doran, Nick (1995). Picosecond soliton transmission using concatenated nonlinear optical loop-mirror intensity filters. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 12 (6), pp. 1117-1125.
Pattison, David A.; Kean, P.N.; Forysiak, W.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1995). Bandpass switching in a nonlinear optical loop mirror. Optics letters, 20 (4), pp. 362-364.
Doran, Nick (1995). Review of 'Solitons in Optical Communications' by A. Hasegawa and Y. Kodama. International journal of optoelectronics, 10 (1), pp. 59-60.
Kean, P.N.; Gray, John W.D.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1994). Dispersion-modified actively mode-locked erbium fibre laser using a chirped fibre grating. Electronics letters, 30 (25), pp. 2133-2135.
Kean, P.N.; Gray, John W.D.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1994). Dispersion-modified actively mode-locked erbium fibre laser using a chirped fibre grating. Electronics letters, 30 (25), pp. 2133-2135.
Smith, N J and Doran, Nick (1994). Picosecond soliton control using nonlinear optical loop mirrors. IN: IEE Colloquium on Optical Solitons: Principles and Applications. Technical Digest . London, UK: IEE.
Smith, N J and Doran, Nick (1994). Picosecond soliton control using nonlinear optical loop mirrors. IN: IEE Colloquium on Optical Solitons: Principles and Applications. Technical Digest . London, UK: IEE.
Smith, N J and Doran, Nick (1994). Picosecond soliton propagation using nonlinear optical loop mirrors as intensity filters. Electronics letters, 30 (13), pp. 1084-1085.
Doran, Nick (1994). All-optical control and future opportunities for ultra high speed transmission on optical fibres. IN: 12th Annual Conference on European Fibre Optic Communications and Networks. Heidelberg, 1994-06-21 - 1994-06-24. (Submitted)
Doran, Nick (1994). Lasers and amplifiers with doped fibres for telecommunications (present and future). Optics express ,
Doran, Nick (1994). Lasers and amplifiers with doped fibres for telecommunications (present and future). Optics Express ,
Kean, P.N.; Pattison, David A.; Forysiak, W.; Bennion, Ian and Doran, Nick (1994). Bandpass switching based on a nonlinear optical loop mirror and an in-fibre grating reflector. IN: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, 1994 (CLEO Europe '94) Technical Digest. Amsterdam (NL), 1994-08-28 - 1994-09-02.
Nayar, B K; Finlayson, N and Doran, Nick (1993). Concatenated all-optical loop mirror switches. Journal of modern optics, 40 (12), pp. 2327-2332.
Doran, Nick (1992). Solitons: permanent waves. IEE review, 38 (9), pp. 291-294.
Doran, Nick (1992). Review of 'Optoelectronics and Lightwave Technology' by J E Midwinter & Y L Guo (Wiley, 300pp). IEE review , p. 317.
Doran, Nick (1992). Nonlinear fibre devices and soliton communications. IN: Guided wave nonlinear optics. Ostrowsky, D B; Reinisch, R; Ostrowsky, Daniel B. and Reinisch, Raymond (eds) NATO advanced science institutes series - applied sciences ; NATO ASI series. Series E, Applied sciences ;, 214 . NL: Kluwer.
Doran, Nick (1992). Solitons the key to global cheap-talk. Physics world , p. 25.