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Allsop, Thomas D.P., Neal, Ronald, Mou, Chengbo, Kalli, Kyriacos, Saied, Sayah, Rehman, Saeed, Webb, David J., Culverhouse, P.F., Sullivan, John L. and Bennion, Ian (2012). Formation and characterization of ultra-sensitive surface plasmon resonance sensor based upon a nano-scale corrugated multi-layered coated D-shaped optical fiber. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 48 (3), pp. 394-405.
Ciupina, Victor, Morjan, Ion G., Alexandrescu, Rodica, Dumitrache, Florian V., Prodan, Gabriel, Lungu, Cristian, Vladoiu, Rodica, Mustata, Ion, Zarovschi, Vasile, Sullivan, John, Saied, Sayah, Vasile, Eugeniu, Oancea-Stanescu, Iuliana, Prodan, Madalina, Manole, Dorina, Mandes, Aurelia, Dinca, Virginia and Contulov, Mirela (2010). Synthesis and characterization of some carbon based nanostructures. IN: Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices VII. Dobisz, Elizabeth A. and Eldada, Louay A. (eds) SPIE Proceedings . USA: SPIE.
Allsop, Thomas D.P., Neal, Ron, Mou, Chengbo, Brown, Peter, Saied, Sayah O., Rehman, Saeed, Kalli, Kyriacos, Webb, David J., Sullivan, John L., Mapps, Des J. and Bennion, Ian (2009). Exploitation of multilayer coatings for infrared surface plasmon resonance fiber sensors. Applied Optics, 48 (2), pp. 276-286.