Ultra-long raman laser with a feedback based on the Rayleigh scattering


This paper reports the Rayleigh scattering effects in ultra-long Raman fibre laser. It has been found that in a long fibre cavity (-100 km) the distributed feedback due to Rayleigh back scattering at propagation of light between fibre Bragg grating reflectors may be comparable with the lumped feedback provided by the FBG itself. As a result, Raman lasing in the fibre span limited by lumped (FBG) reflector at one side only appears possible due to significant reflection from the RS-based "random" distributed mirror at the other side. Thus, it concludes that a distributed Rayleigh scattering "random" mirror can form a cavity together with a single FBG spliced to the opposite cavity end.

Additional Information: CLEO 2009, Munich (DE), 14-19 June 2009.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bragg gratings, Raman lasers, Rayleigh scattering, distributed Bragg reflector lasers, distributed feedback lasers, fibre lasers, high-speed optical techniques, laser beams, laser cavity resonators, laser feedback, laser mirrors, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
ISBN: 9781424440795
Last Modified: 23 Oct 2019 11:06
Date Deposited: 25 Aug 2010 10:39
Published Date: 2009
Authors: Babin, S.A.
El-Taher, Atalla
Harper, Paul
Churkin, D.V.
Kablukov, S.I.
Podivilov, E.V.
Turitsyn, Sergei K.


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