Simultaneous refractive index and temperature measurement using a cascaded long-period grating device


We present a compact scheme for simultaneous temperature and surrounding refractive index (SRI) measurement using two long period gratings (LPGs) of different periods inscribed side-by-side in a single piece of a double-cladding fibre. One of the LPGs is sensitive to both SRI and temperature changes whilst the second is SRI-insensitive but shows spectral shift with temperature changes. In addition, we show that a resonance peak of the SRI-insensitive LPG can be designed to appear in the EDFA wavelength region with potential use for gain flattening applications.

Additional Information: 1st IEEE International Conference on Sensors, Kissimmee, FL (US).
Uncontrolled Keywords: simultaneous temperature, surrounding refractive index(SRI), long period gratings(LPGs), double-cladding fibre, EDFA wavelength
ISBN: 0780374541
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2024 12:21
Date Deposited: 16 Dec 2011 13:51
Published Date: 2002-06-12
Authors: Gwandu, Bashir A.L.
Shu, Xuewen
Allsop, Thomas D.P.
Zhang, Wei
Zhang, Lin
Webb, David


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