Biophotonics approach for the study of leukocyte activation


Leukocytes are the main cells of immune system, but also contribute to other systems and participate in pathogenesis of different diseases. In particular, leukocytes are involved in the progression of diabetic retinopathy due to their hyperactivation in diabetes. However, a connection between diabetes and the dysfunction of leukocytes is poorly understood. For a more complete picture, studies of the leukocytes activation under the influence of various substances are necessary. Arachidonic acid (AA) and its metabolites are the strongest activating factors of leukocytes. However, the studies involving AA are complicated because it is water-insoluble. Here we describe the method to study activation using photolabile analogs of AA.

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Divisions: College of Engineering & Physical Sciences > Aston Institute of Photonics Technology (AIPT)
Funding Information: This work was supported by the Grant of President of Russian Federation for state support of young scientists (Grant agreement 075-15-2019-1034 (МК-1715.2018.2)).
Additional Information: Copyright 2020 SPIE. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.
Event Title: 7th International Symposium on Optics and Biophotonics: Optical and Nano-Technologies for Biology and Medicine, SFM 2019
Event Type: Other
Event Dates: 2019-09-23 - 2019-09-27
Uncontrolled Keywords: Arachidonic acid,Biophotonics,Caged arachidonic acid,Dysfunction of leukocytes,Intracellular calcium,Jurkat cell,Photolabile analogs,Single cell optical control,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials,Biomaterials,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging
ISBN: 9781510637184
Last Modified: 16 Sep 2024 08:28
Date Deposited: 18 May 2020 07:20
Full Text Link:
Related URLs: http://www.scop ... tnerID=8YFLogxK (Scopus URL)
https://www.spi ... 12.2560325.full (Publisher URL)
PURE Output Type: Conference contribution
Published Date: 2020-04-09
Accepted Date: 2019-01-01
Authors: Chernova, Daria N.
Sokolovski, Sergei G. (ORCID Profile 0000-0001-7445-7204)
Vorobev, Alexey Yu
Moskalensky, Alexander E.



Version: Published Version

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