Sunscreen sales, socio-economic factors, and melanoma incidence in Northern Europe:a population-based ecological study


In this ecological study, we drew upon recently published melanoma prevalence data, and compared them with historical market data and published socio-economic data to test for an association between historical sunscreen sales (1997-1999) and recent melanoma incidences (2008 and 2012) in 24 countries in Northern Europe. We also explored associations between current melanoma incidences and historical data on the following socio-demographic indicators: income, urbanization, and population aging. Melanoma incidences were higher in high-income countries where sales of sunscreen were also higher. Our results show that, at the population level, income was significantly associated with melanoma incidences, β = 0.0003, t(19) = 3.104, p < .006, and that increased sunscreen sales has not prevented higher income populations from being at higher risk of melanoma.

Publication DOI:
Divisions: College of Business and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences & Humanities
College of Business and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences & Humanities > Sociology and Policy
College of Business and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences & Humanities > Centre for Critical Inquiry into Society and Culture (CCISC)
Additional Information: Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License ( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (
Uncontrolled Keywords: public health,health communication,melanoma,disposable income,sunscreen
Publication ISSN: 2158-2440
Last Modified: 16 Sep 2024 07:23
Date Deposited: 27 Apr 2017 09:00
PURE Output Type: Article
Published Date: 2014-12-18
Published Online Date: 2014-11-18
Authors: Williams, Simon N.
Dienes, Kimberly A.



Version: Published Version

License: Creative Commons Attribution

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