Industrial networks of the future:a critical commentary on research and practice


Academia has followed the interest by companies in establishing industrial networks by studying aspects such as social interaction and contractual relationships. But what patterns underlie the emergence of industrial networks and what support should research provide for practitioners? Firstly, it seems that manufacturing is becoming a commodity rather than a unique capability, which accounts especially for low-technology approaches in downstream parts of the network, for example in assembly operations. Secondly, the increased tendency to specialize forces other parts of industrial networks to introduce advanced manufacturing technologies for niche markets. Thirdly, the capital market for investments in capacity and the trade in manufacturing as a commodity dominates resource allocation to a larger extent. Fourthly, there will be a continuous move toward more loosely connected entities forming manufacturing networks. More traditional concepts, like keiretsu and chaibol networks, do not sufficiently support this transition. Research should address these fundamental challenges to prepare for the industrial networks of 2020 and beyond.

Divisions: College of Business and Social Sciences > Aston Business School > Operations & Information Management
Event Title: 12th International EurOMA Conference Diamond Congress Ltds
Event Type: Other
Event Dates: 2005-06-19 - 2005-06-22
Uncontrolled Keywords: international manufacturing,networks,competitiveness
ISBN: 9632184556
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2025 09:11
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2014 15:09
PURE Output Type: Conference contribution
Published Date: 2005
Authors: Bennett, David (ORCID Profile 0000-0003-1480-8652)
Dekkers, Rob



Version: Accepted Version

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