Tacit vs. overt collusion firm asymmetries and numbers:what's the evidence?


It is conventional wisdom that collusion is more likely the fewer firms there are in a market and the more symmetric they are. This is often theoretically justified in terms of a repeated non-cooperative game. Although that model fits more easily with tacit than overt collusion, the impression sometimes given is that ‘one model fits all’. Moreover, the empirical literature offers few stylized facts on the most simple of questions—how few are few and how symmetric is symmetric? This paper attempts to fill this gap while also exploring the interface of tacit and overt collusion, albeit in an indirect way. First, it identifies the empirical model of tacit collusion that the European Commission appears to have employed in coordinated effects merger cases—apparently only fairly symmetric duopolies fit the bill. Second, it shows that, intriguingly, the same story emerges from the quite different experimental literature on tacit collusion. This offers a stark contrast with the findings for a sample of prosecuted cartels; on average, these involve six members (often more) and size asymmetries among members are often considerable. The indirect nature of this ‘evidence’ cautions against definitive conclusions; nevertheless, the contrast offers little comfort for those who believe that the same model does, more or less, fit all.

Divisions: College of Business and Social Sciences > Aston Business School > Economics, Finance & Entrepreneurship
College of Business and Social Sciences > Aston Business School
Uncontrolled Keywords: collusion,non-cooperative game,tacit,overt,indirect,European Commission,symmetric
Publication ISSN: 1554-6853
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2024 08:06
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2013 11:27
Full Text Link: https://www.com ... s-the-evidence/
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PURE Output Type: Article
Published Date: 2008-11-01
Authors: Davies, Stephen
Olczak, Matthew (ORCID Profile 0000-0001-6808-3832)



Version: Published Version

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