All-optical signal regeneration by temporal slicing of nonlinearly flattened optical waveform


A novel all-optical time domain regeneration technique using nonlinear pulse broadening and flattening in normal dispersion fiber and subsequent temporal slicing by an amplitude modulator (or a device performing a similar function) is proposed. Substantial suppression of the timing jitter of jitter-degraded optical signals is demonstrated using the proposed approach.

Uncontrolled Keywords: all-optical signal regeneration, nonlinear temporal pulse broadening and flattening, optical temporal gating/slicing
Publication ISSN: 1041-1135
Last Modified: 23 Oct 2019 12:41
Date Deposited: 14 Jan 2013 14:39
Published Date: 2005-06
Authors: Boscolo, Sonia
Turitsyn, Sergei K.


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