The French overseas territories today


From French colonies (or protectorates) to French Overseas Territories or Overseas Départements in 1946, these French overseas entities have progressively evolved, by different speeds and degrees. If the initial changes suggested by the United Nations (UN) were mostly justified on political and ideological grounds (the right to independence, self-determination and sovereignty), the current changes, encouraged by France this time, appear mainly as an attempt to alleviate economic dependency. This paper considers what is really at stake in the current statutory evolution of the French Overseas territories.

Divisions: ?? 29721300Jl ??
College of Business and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences & Humanities
Aston University (General)
Additional Information: The Institute of Commonwealth Studies
ISBN: 978-0-9569546-0-2, 0-9569546-0-X
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2025 08:30
Date Deposited: 19 Jun 2012 10:29
PURE Output Type: Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Published Date: 2012-06
Authors: Mrgudovic, Nathalie (ORCID Profile 0000-0002-8518-195X)



Version: Published Version

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