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Callaghan, Eleanor; Holland, Carol and Kessler, Klaus (2017). Age-related changes in the ability to switch between temporal and spatial attention. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience ,
Myachykov, Andriy; Scheepers, Chirstoph; Fischer, Martin H. and Kessler, Klaus (2014). TEST:a tropic, embodied, and situated theory of cognition. Topics in Cognitive Science, 6 (3), pp. 442-460.
Hamilton, Antonia F.C.; Kessler, Klaus and Creem-Regehr, Sarah H. (2014). Perspective taking:building a neurocognitive framework for integrating the "social" and the "spatial". Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8 ,
Pezzulo, Giovanni; Iodice, Pierpaolo; Ferraina, Stefano and Kessler, Klaus (2013). Shared action spaces:a basis function framework for social re-calibration of sensorimotor representations supporting joint action. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7 (Novemb),
Kessler, Klaus and Garrod, Simon (2013). Editorial:cortex discussion forum on "The meaning of mirror neurons". Cortex, 49 (10), pp. 2603-2606.
Kessler, Klaus; Harkin, Ben; Pajak, Katarzyna M. and Jones, Barry (2013). A working memory bias for alcohol-related stimuli depends on drinking score. Psychology of Addictive Behaviours, 27 (1), pp. 23-31.
Harkin, Ben; Miellet, Sebastien and Kessler, Klaus (2012). What checkers actually check:an eye tracking study of inhibitory control and working memory. PLoS ONE, 7 (9),
Harkin, Ben and Kessler, Klaus (2012). Deficient inhibition of return in subclinical OCD only when attention is directed to the threatening aspects of a stimulus. Depression and Anxiety, 29 (9), pp. 807-815.
Brunyé, Tad T.; Ditman, Tali; Giles, Grace E.; Mahoney, Caroline R.; Kessler, Klaus and Taylor, Holly A. (2012). Gender and autistic personality traits predict perspective-taking ability in typical adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 52 (1), pp. 84-88.
Kessler, Klaus and Muckli, Lars (2011). Reading others’ minds by measuring their brains:fascinating and challenging for science, but ready for use in court? Cortex, 47 (10), pp. 1240-1242.
Harkin, Ben and Kessler, Klaus (2011). How checking as a cognitive style influences working memory performance. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25 (2), pp. 219-228.
Kessler, Klaus and Thomson, Lindsey A. (2010). The embodied nature of spatial perspective taking:embodied transformation versus sensorimotor interference. Cognition, 114 (1), pp. 72-88.
Biermann-Ruben, Katja; Jonas, Melanie; Kessler, Klaus; Siebner, Hartwig Roman; Bäumer, Tobias; Schnitzler, Alfons and Münchau, Alexander (2008). Observing repetitive finger movements modulates response times of auditorily cued finger movements. Brain and Cognition, 68 (1), pp. 107-113.
Hommel, Bernhard; Kessler, Klaus; Schmitz, Frank; Gross, Joachim; Akyürek, Elkan; Shapiro, Kimron and Schnitzler, Alfons (2006). How the brain blinks:towards a neurocognitive model of the attentional blink. Psychological Research, 70 (6), pp. 425-435.
Gross, Joachim; Schmitz, Frank; Schnitzler, Irmtraud; Kessler, Klaus; Shapiro, Kimron; Hommel, Bernhard and Schnitzler, Alfons (2006). Anticipatory control of long-range phase synchronization. European Journal of Neuroscience, 24 (7), pp. 2057-2060.
Kessler, Klaus; Gross, Joachim; Schmitz, Frank and Schnitzler, Alfons (2006). Cortical dynamics and synchronization related to multiple target consolidation under rapid-serial-visual-presentation conditions. Journal of Physiology - Paris, 99 (1), pp. 21-28.
Kessler, Klaus; Schmitz, Frank; Gross, Joachim; Hommel, Bernhard; Shapiro, Kimron and Schnitzler, Alfons (2005). Cortical mechanisms of attention in time:neural correlates of the Lag-1-sparing phenomenon. European Journal of Neuroscience, 21 (9), pp. 2563-2574.
Gross, Joachim; Schmitz, Frank; Schnitzler, Irmtraud; Kessler, Klaus; Shapiro, Kimron; Hommel, Bernhard and Schnitzler, Alfons (2004). Modulation of long-range neural synchrony reflects temporal limitations of visual attention in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101 (35), pp. 13050-13055.
Kessler, Klaus and Tipper, Steven P. (2004). Retrieval of implicit inhibitory processes:the impact of visual field, object-identity, and memory dynamics. Visual Cognition, 11 (8), pp. 965-995.
Fenske, Mark J.; Kessler, Klaus; Raymond, Jane E. and Tipper, Steven P. (2003). Attentional inhibition determines emotional responses to unfamiliar faces. Journal of Vision, 3 (9), p. 325.
Tipper, Steven P.; Grison, Sarah and Kessler, Klaus (2003). Long-term inhibition of return of attention. Psychological Science, 14 (1), pp. 19-25.
Fenske, Mark J.; Raymond, Jane E.; Kessler, Klaus; Westoby, Nikki and Tipper, Steven P. Attentional inhibition has social-emotional consequences for unfamiliar faces. Psychological Science, 16 (10), pp. 753-758.
Kessler, Klaus; Gordon, Lucy; Cessford, Kari and Lages, Martin Characteristics of motor resonance predict the pattern of flash-lag effects for biological motion. PLoS ONE, 5 (1),
Bögels, Sara; Barr, Dale J.; Garrod, Simon and Kessler, Klaus Conversational interaction in the scanner:mentalizing during language processing as revealed by MEG. Cerebral Cortex, 25 (9), pp. 3219-3234.
Kessler, Klaus and Braithwaite, Jason J. Deliberate and spontaneous sensations of disembodiment:capacity or flaw? Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, In pre ,
Kessler, Klaus and Kiefer, Markus Disturbing visual working memory:electrophysiological evidence for a role of the prefrontal cortex in recovery from interference. Cerebral Cortex, 15 (7), pp. 1075-1087.
Braithwaite, Jason J.; James, Kelly; Dewe, Hayley; Medford, Nick; Takahashi, Chie and Kessler, Klaus Fractionating the unitary notion of dissociation:disembodied but not embodied dissociative experiences are associated with exocentric perspective-taking. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7 ,
Harkin, Ben and Kessler, Klaus How checking breeds doubt:reduced performance in a simple working memory task. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47 (6), pp. 504-512.
Harkin, Ben; Rutherford, Hannah and Kessler, Klaus Impaired executive functioning in subclinical compulsive checking with ecologically valid stimuli in a working memory task. Frontiers in Psychology, 2 ,
Grison, Sarah; Paul, Matthew A.; Kessler, Klaus and Tipper, Steven P. Inhibition of object identity in inhibition of return:implications for encoding and retrieving inhibitory processes. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 12 (3), pp. 553-558.
Kessler, Klaus; Biermann-Ruben, Katja; Jonas, Melanie; Roman Siebner, Hartwig R.; Bäumer, Tobias; Münchau, Alexander and Schnitzler, Alfons Investigating the human mirror neuron system by means of cortical synchronization during the imitation of biological movements. Neuroimage, 33 (1), pp. 227-238.
Kessler, Klaus and Miellet, Sebastien Perceiving conspecifics as integrated body-gestalts is an embodied process. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142 (3), pp. 774-790.
Wang, Hongfang; Callaghan, Eleanor; Gooding-Williams, Gerard; McAllister, Craig and Kessler, Klaus Rhythm makes the world go round:an MEG-TMS study on the role of right TPJ theta oscillations in embodied perspective taking. Cortex, 75 , pp. 68-81.
Biermann-Ruben, Katja; Kessler, Klaus; Jonas, Melanie; Siebner, Hartwig R.; Bäumer, Tobias; Münchau, Alexander and Schnitzler, Alfons Right hemisphere contributions to imitation tasks. European Journal of Neuroscience, 27 (7), pp. 1843-1855.
Kessler, Klaus and Wang, Hongfang Spatial perspective taking is an embodied process, but not for everyone in the same way:differences predicted by sex and social skills score. Spatial cognition and computation, 12 (2-3), pp. 133-158.
Gooding-Williams, Gerard; Wang, Hongfang and Kessler, Klaus THETA-rhythm makes the world go round:dissociative effects of TMS theta versus alpha entrainment of right pTPJ on embodied perspective transformations. Brain Topography, in pre ,
Kessler, Klaus; Schmitz, Frank; Gross, Joachim; Hommel, Bernhard; Shapiro, Kimron and Schnitzler, Alfons Target consolidation under high temporal processing demands as revealed by MEG. Neuroimage, 26 (4), pp. 1030-1041.
Kessler, Klaus; Cao, Liyu; O'Shea, Kieran J. and Wang, Hongfang A cross-culture, cross-gender comparison of perspective taking mechanisms. Proceeding of the Royal Society: Series B, 281 (1785),
Seymour, Robert A.; Rippon, Gina and Kessler, Klaus The detection of phase amplitude coupling during sensory processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11 (SEP),
Harkin, Ben and Kessler, Klaus The role of working memory in compulsive checking and OCD:a systematic classification of 58 experimental findings. Clinical Psychology Review, 31 (6), pp. 1004-1021.
Kessler, Klaus and Rutherford, Hannah The two forms of visuo-spatial perspective taking are differently embodied and subserve different spatial prepositions. Frontiers in Psychology, 1 ,
Book Section
Grison, Sarah; Kessler, Klaus; Paul, Matthew A.; Jordan, Heather and Tipper, Steven P. Object-and location-based inhibition in goal-directed action:inhibition of return reveals behavioral and anatomical associations and intereactions with memory processes. IN: Attention in action. Humphreys, Glyn W. and Riddoch, M. Jane (eds) Advances in behavioural brain science . Hove (UK): Psychology Press.
Duwe, Ingo; Kessler, Klaus and Strohner, Hans Resolving ambiguous descriptions through visual information. IN: Spatial language. Coventry, Kenny R. and Olivier, Patrick (eds) Springer.