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Battisti, Giuliana and Iona, Alfonsina (2009). The UK productivity gap in the service sector: do management practices matter? International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 58 (8), pp. 727-747.
Iona, Alfonsina; Leonida, Leone and Sobbrio, Giuseppe (2008). ‘O convergence, where art thou?’ Regional growth and industrialization in Italy. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 13 (3), pp. 366-387.
Battisti, Giuliana and Iona, Alfonsina The intra-firm diffusion of complementary innovations: Evidence from the adoption of management practices by British establishments. Research policy, 38 (8), pp. 1326-1339.
Iona, Alfonsina On the adoption decision and the intensity of use of complementary innovations: The intra firm diffusion of management practices across UK establishments. Working Paper. Aston University, Birmingham.