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Coulthard, Malcolm (2011). Making a difference:critical linguistic analysis in a legal context. Pragmatics and Society, 2 (2), pp. 171-186.
Coulthard, Malcolm (2005). The linguist as expert witness. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 1 (1), pp. 39-58.
Coulthard, Malcolm Author identification, idiolect and linguistic uniqueness. Applied Linguistics, 25 (4), pp. 431-447.
Book Section
Coulthard, Malcolm (2010). Forensic linguistics : the application of language description in legal contexts. IN: Linguistique légale et demande sociale. Langage et Société . Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.
Coulthard, Malcolm and Johnson, Alison (2010). Concluding remarks:future directions in forensic linguistics. IN: The Routledge handbook of forensic linguistics. Coulthard, Malcom and Johnson, Alison (eds) Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics . Routledge.
Coulthard, Malcolm (2008). By their words shall ye know them: on linguistic identity. IN: Identity trouble: critical discourse and contested identities. Caldas-Coulthard, Carmen Rosa and Iedema, Rick (eds) London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Coulthard, Malcolm (2007). In my opinion. IN: Proceedings of the Second European IAFL Conference on Forensic Linguistics/Language and the Law. Turell, T.; Spassova, M. and Cicres, J. (eds) Series Activities . Barcelona: IULA, University of Pompeu Fabra.
Coulthard, Malcolm (2005). Some cultural and linguistic problems in writing academically in English at university level. IN: A interculturalidade no ensino de inglês. Tomitch, Lêda M.B.; Abrahão, Maria V.H.; Daghlian, Carlos and Ristoff, Divo I. (eds) Advanced Research in English Series . Florianópolis (BR): Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
Coulthard, Malcolm; Grant, Tim and Kredens, Krzysztof Forensic linguistics. IN: The SAGE handbook of sociolinguistics. Wodak, Ruth; Johnstone, Barbara and Kerswill, Paul (eds) London (UK): SAGE.
Coulthard, Malcolm On plagiarism, patchwriting and the problems of overseas students in British universities. IN: Perspectivas interdisciplinares de la lingüística aplicada. Carrió Pastor, María Luisa (ed.) Valencia (ES): Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Coulthard, Malcolm; Johnson, Alison; Kredens, Krzysztof and David, Woolls Plagiarism:four forensic linguists’ responses to suspected plagiarism. IN: The Routledge handbook of forensic linguistics. Coulthard, Malcolm and Johnson, Alison (eds) Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics . Abingdon (UK): Routledge.
Coulthard, Malcolm Text and authorship:on forensic applications of linguistics. IN: Structures et discours. Auchlin, A.; Burger, M. and Filliettaz, L. (eds) Nota bene.
Coulthard, Malcolm What did they actually say? A forensic linguist’s evaluation of police evidence. IN: Dialogue analysis 2000. Bondi, Marina and Stati, Sorin (eds) Beiträge zur Dialogforshung . Tübingen (DE): Walter De Gruyter.
Coulthard, Malcolm Whose voice is it? Invented and concealed dialogue in written records of verbal evidence produced by the police. IN: Language in the legal process. Cotterill, Janet (ed.) Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan.
Coulthard, Malcolm and Johnson, Alison An introduction to forensic linguistics:language in evidence. Routledge.