Castro’s legacy:Cuban doctors still go abroad, but it’s no longer driven by international solidarity

Divisions: ?? 41297900Jl ??
College of Business and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences & Humanities
College of Business and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences & Humanities > Centre for Language Research at Aston (CLaRA)
College of Business and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences & Humanities > Centre for Critical Inquiry into Society and Culture (CCISC)
Additional Information: Creative Commons — Attribution/No derivatives license.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cuba,US-Cuban relationship,solidarity,healthcare,Fidel Castro
Last Modified: 02 Sep 2024 07:02
Date Deposited: 19 Dec 2016 14:45
Full Text Link: https://theconv ... olidarity-65181
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PURE Output Type: ["eprint_fieldname_pure_output_type_othercontribution/blog_post" not defined]
Published Date: 2016-11-30
Accepted Date: 2016-11-01
Authors: Panichelli, Stephanie (ORCID Profile 0000-0001-9237-0946)


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