Framing the EU’s policy towards the neighbourhood:the strategic approach of the Seventh European Parliament (2009–2014)


The Lisbon treaty afforded the European Parliament (EP) increased powers in foreign policy. These have included new legislative competences in the area of international agreements or the European Union’s (EU) relations with third party states. This article analyses the way the last mandate of the EP, which was the first to benefit from the changes introduced by the Lisbon treaty, framed EU foreign policy. More specifically, it explores the way in which the EP strategically framed the EU’s approach towards the neighbourhood countries. The focus on the neighbourhood is justified by the fact that it is the most salient area of the EU’s foreign policy. The article shows that the EP pushed for the EU to have a stronger presence in the neighbourhood. The EP also strategically aimed that it should have a more central role in shaping the EU’s approach towards the neighbourhood.

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Divisions: College of Business and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences & Humanities
Additional Information: This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Cambridge Review of International Affairs on 3/11/16, available online:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Political Science and International Relations
Publication ISSN: 1474-449X
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024 08:00
Date Deposited: 29 Nov 2016 09:35
Full Text Link:
Related URLs: http://www.scop ... tnerID=8YFLogxK (Scopus URL)
http://www.tand ... 71.2016.1233937 (Publisher URL)
PURE Output Type: Article
Published Date: 2017
Published Online Date: 2016-11-03
Accepted Date: 2016-11-03
Authors: Nitoiu, Cristian (ORCID Profile 0000-0001-7260-7248)



Version: Accepted Version

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