Increasing biomass resource availability through supply chain analysis


Increased inclusion of biomass in energy strategies all over the world means that greater mobilisation of biomass resources will be required to meet demand. Strategies of many EU countries assume the future use of non-EU sourced biomass. An increasing number of studies call for the UK to consider alternative options, principally to better utilise indigenous resources. This research identifies the indigenous biomass resources that demonstrate the greatest promise for the UK bioenergy sector and evaluates the extent that different supply chain drivers influence resource availability. The analysis finds that the UK's resources with greatest primary bioenergy potential are household wastes (>115 TWh by 2050), energy crops (>100 TWh by 2050) and agricultural residues (>80 TWh by 2050). The availability of biomass waste resources was found to demonstrate great promise for the bioenergy sector, although are highly susceptible to influences, most notably by the focus of adopted waste management strategies. Biomass residue resources were found to be the resource category least susceptible to influence, with relatively high near-term availability that is forecast to increase – therefore representing a potentially robust resource for the bioenergy sector. The near-term availability of UK energy crops was found to be much less significant compared to other resource categories. Energy crops represent long-term potential for the bioenergy sector, although achieving higher limits of availability will be dependent on the successful management of key influencing drivers. The research highlights that the availability of indigenous resources is largely influenced by a few key drivers, this contradicting areas of consensus of current UK bioenergy policy.

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Divisions: College of Engineering & Physical Sciences
College of Engineering & Physical Sciences > Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI)
Additional Information: © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Publication ISSN: 1873-2909
Last Modified: 16 Sep 2024 07:28
Date Deposited: 19 Feb 2019 15:30
Full Text Link: http://www.scop ... tnerID=MN8TOARS
Related URLs: https://www.sci ... 3730?via%3Dihub (Publisher URL)
PURE Output Type: Article
Published Date: 2014-11-01
Authors: Welfle, A.
Gilbert, P.
Thornley, P. (ORCID Profile 0000-0003-0783-2179)



Version: Published Version

License: Creative Commons Attribution

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