Soliton switching using cascaded nonlinear-optical loop mirrors


We demonstrate multiple-peaked switching in a nonlinear-optical loop mirror and present an experimental investigation of device cascading in the soliton regime based on a sequence of two independent nonlinear-optical loop mirrors. Cascading leads to an enhanced switching response with sharper switching edges, flattened peaks, and increased interpeak extinction ratios. We observe that pulses emerging from the cascade retain the sech2 temporal profile of a soliton with minimal degradation in the spectral characteristics.

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Divisions: College of Engineering & Physical Sciences > Aston Institute of Photonics Technology (AIPT)
College of Engineering & Physical Sciences
Additional Information: This paper was published in [Journal Name] and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law.
Uncontrolled Keywords: multiple-peaked switching,nonlinear-optical loop mirror,device cascading in the soliton regime,nonlinear-optical loop mirrors,increased interpeak extinction ratios,sech2 temporal profile.
Publication ISSN: 1094-4087
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2025 08:04
Date Deposited: 13 Dec 2011 10:51
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Related URLs: http://www.opti ... ?URI=ol-20-1-19 (Publisher URL)
http://www.scop ... tnerID=8YFLogxK (Scopus URL)
PURE Output Type: Article
Published Date: 1995-08
Authors: Pattison, D.A.
Forysiak, W. (ORCID Profile 0000-0001-5411-1193)
Kean, P.N.
Bennion, I.
Doran, N.J. (ORCID Profile 0000-0001-8309-8805)


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