Acumen : an open-source testbed for cyber-physical systems research


Developing Cyber-Physical Systems requires methods and tools to support simulation and verification of hybrid (both continuous and discrete) models. The Acumen modeling and simulation language is an open source testbed for exploring the design space of what rigorousbut- practical next-generation tools can deliver to developers of Cyber- Physical Systems. Like verification tools, a design goal for Acumen is to provide rigorous results. Like simulation tools, it aims to be intuitive, practical, and scalable. However, it is far from evident whether these two goals can be achieved simultaneously. This paper explains the primary design goals for Acumen, the core challenges that must be addressed in order to achieve these goals, the “agile research method” taken by the project, the steps taken to realize these goals, the key lessons learned, and the emerging language design.

Publication DOI:
Divisions: ?? 50811700Jl ??
Additional Information: The final publication is available at Springer via
Event Title: 2nd International Summit on Internet of Things
Event Type: Other
Event Dates: 2015-10-27 - 2015-10-29
Uncontrolled Keywords: cyber-physical systems,hybrid systems,modeling,open source software,simulation,testbed,CPS,Computer Networks and Communications
ISBN: 978-3-319-47062-7, 978-3-319-47063-4
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2024 07:21
Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2016 16:25
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Related URLs: http://www.scop ... tnerID=8YFLogxK (Scopus URL)
PURE Output Type: Conference contribution
Published Date: 2016-11-18
Accepted Date: 2016-04-01
Authors: Taha, Walid
Duracz, Adam
Zeng, Yingfu
Atkinson, Kevin
Bartha, Ferenc A.
Brauner, Paul
Duracz, Jan
Xu, Fei
Cartwright, Robert
Konečný, Michal (ORCID Profile 0000-0003-2374-9017)
Moggi, Eugenio
Masood, Jawad
Andreasson, Pererik
Inoue, Jun
Sant’Anna, Anita
Philippsen, Roland
Chapoutot, Alexandre
O’Malley, Marcia
Ames, Aaron
Gaspes, Veronica
Hvatum, Lise
Mehta, Shyam
Eriksson, Henrik
Grante, Christian



Version: Accepted Version

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